No HL3?

little.rebel said:
So dont be so feeble, learn what the situation is like and stop misinterpreting everything people say. Also stop jumping to the wrong assumptions about things.

I'm not sure if you were referring to my original post or not, but anyway I don't think anyone knows what the "situation is like" except Valve. I wasn't misinterpreting what he said, and if I was I'm sure I wasn't the only one it was a pretty vague statement. What Gabe said almost confirms my thoughts, instead of an HL3 there will be episodic releases. It does make sense considering the direction they are going with Steam. So, unless you have direct confirmation from Valve that an HL3 is being worked on, or they have plans to work on it aside from the episodic releases, don't say I have "jumped to the wrong assumption". And also, it's been rumored that Valve is working on an entirely new game, so it would be logical for them to end the HL series with the episodic content.
The Mullinator said:
As long as Valve stays around (and I can't see why they wouldn't) there will be a Half-Life 3.
This is fairly likely, but they seem pretty smitten with the idea of episodic release at the moment, and I can't blame them - it's a fairly trail-blazing idea (them and Sin, that is), and one that could very likely catch on.
Point is, I'm not sure they'll do another full-blown HL game (ie: HL3) for quite a while. Probably until they want to really change the direction of the story and put some kind of finale to the overall plot.

gweedodogg69 said:
Doug is a gaylord.
I love this insult. Does it mean he has a cape and sceptre and stuff? What qualifications or lineage does one need to become a lord of the gays?
Valve still exists, and yep, as long as Valve is alive, there will be a project "Half-life 3" but I heard somebody says, "Why not call it Full-life?"
Oh god that would be the worst possible name for a half-life sequel.
Yeah, I would better stick to the orginal name "Half-life 3"

Anyway here is a info taken from Half life 2's mini FAQ

"Half-Life 3 is planned, so expect another cliffhanger ending. "

Hope this is true, I also hope they would make Half life 3 with the Source engine.
Half-Life can't end now... nothing has damned well happened. If Aftermath was the last it had to offer, it would be a monsterously premature ending. Too many questions are unanswered, not to mention the fact that Aftermath will apparently introduce new questions of its own. Half-Life has barely begun, why would they just end it now?!
you havent played aftermath yet. that will probably end it. and i'm sure they'll leave some things open, so people can wonder.
magpie said:
you havent played aftermath yet. that will probably end it. and i'm sure they'll leave some things open, so people can wonder.
It's concerned with escaping from City 17, something Valve have confirmed again and again. At 2/3rds the length of HL2, it is incapable of doing anything more than that. I think we can say for certain that Aftermath won't round off the Half-Life 2 story. I cannot imagine anything more anticlimatic for a game series than ending it with an expansion pack.
kupoartist said:
It's concerned with escaping from City 17, something Valve have confirmed again and again. At 2/3rds the length of HL2, it is incapable of doing anything more than that. I think we can say for certain that Aftermath won't round off the Half-Life 2 story. I cannot imagine anything more anticlimatic for a game series than ending it with an expansion pack.

most series' are ended that way. and although escape is a main thing, you don't know what else is going to happen.
Valve did say that Aftermath will be merely the first episode of many. So although the HL storyline might end with one of HL2's episodes, Aftermath won't be it.
magpie said:
most series' are ended that way.
Give me named examples... and guarantee to me that the series are even actually finished... and prove that the series embarked on some kind of continuity in the first place, because I happen to think that you pulled this little "fact" out of thin air.
alright, calm down. well, all the command and conquer games. warcraft. oh actually i suppose warcraft had WoW, but the oldschool warcraft strategy games ended with frozen throne.

anyway, many end with expansions, and it looks as though half life will to.

but i hadn't heared that, aftermath won't be the last add on? that rocks!
magpie said:
alright, calm down. well, all the command and conquer games. warcraft. oh actually i suppose warcraft had WoW, but the oldschool warcraft strategy games ended with frozen throne.

anyway, many end with expansions, and it looks as though half life will to
Two examples. Two series that will almost certainly have later incarnations down the line. Two series that between each game are only loosely related. Comes up far too short of your original claim. The Half-Life storyline is an entirely different beast than these games, than most games indeed.
he gave you named examples you didn't clarify you wanted a list of every game ended in a expansion most games do end with expansions packs especially boneyard, westwood, and blizzard games

i.e. Total Annihilation, Starcraft, Warcraft, each installment of Command and Conquer ended on a expansion to it those are a few strategy games that are almost certainly over. Diablo and Diablo II ended on expansions as well.

problem is your argument is flawed you are basing the connection between games on your opinion "only loosely related" I would call the entire strategy lineup with a backstory written to connect each part and every game having multiple authors writing novels about it a pretty strong connection between the games but in your opinion thats "only loosely related" next problem with your argument is you state "and guarantee to me that the series are even actually finished..." no one can guarantee that... theres unfinished games that the company went out of business or another company bought them out and may re open the game file in 20 years games that claim to be finished make sequels all the time you can't say the game is finished you can say the company hasn't made any for a few years and isn't announcing they are working on it... I'll use Starcraft as a example for this Blizzard made Broodwar and called it over while they focused on Warcraft and Diablo then all of a sudden 7 years later they announce they are picking up the Starcraft line again... whats your cutoff for calling a game finished? when the company announces it's done and does nothing with it for how many years? obviously it can't be less than 7.
Psychism said:
Starcraft isn't a series: it was a single game with a single expansion. Half-Life is a SERIES. Unless of course you include Starcraft Ghost. Which currently means the series will end on a full blown commercial game.
Psychism said:
Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation is a either not a series of games, or it's a game series which ended on a full-blown commerical game that had no continuity with the game that preceeded it.
Psychism said:
Saying Warcraft finished on an expansion is too precarious. It hasn't been nearly long enough to debunk the idea that the series is actually finished. I very much doubt Blizzard would finish with it. Regardless, the Warcraft series isn't a continual narrative continuity focused on the same characters.
Psychism said:
Command and Conquer
Hell will freeze over before Westwood sends this cash cow to the abattoir. Futhermore, the games have little to do with each other in the main installments anyway.
Diablo and Diablo II
As you point out by seperating the games, they don't form a continuity in the way that Half-Life does.

The games mentioned have too little, if anything to justify applying the alledged "fact" that
magpie said:
most series' are ended that way.
to Half-Life. Most series that "are ended that way" are nothing like the Half-Life series. Not least because they're predominantly strategy games. Most series are only "series" through a marketable name anyway.
problem is your argument is flawed you are basing the connection between games on your opinion "only loosely related" I would call the entire strategy lineup with a backstory written to connect each part and every game having multiple authors writing novels about it a pretty strong connection between the games but in your opinion thats "only loosely related"
They're loosely related if you're trying to argue that the cases are in anyway indicative of what can be expected of the case of the Half-Life series, which you may or may not have noticed is what this whole arguement was about while you were busy exhuming its week-old corpse. And pardon me for never counting commericialist pulp fiction backstory bullshit in my assessments of game continuity. It's a mistake I frequently make.
"and guarantee to me that the series are even actually finished..." no one can guarantee that...
err... yes. Sit down and think about it for a while. Or i'll give you a nudge in the right direction.

That's my point.

And please, please please get some punctuation in your posts. Being assaulted by a never ending succession of words is like having a rabid vagrant, totalled by meths, pouring his heart-wrenching tales of great injustice at breakneck speed. Plus, having full stops really helps me select bits to quote rather than having to do the hard work on grammar for myself.
The thing is a lot of games either tend to be 1-offs or the ones successful enough to spawn a series... have a series that keeps on going.
e.g. Doom, (Heroes of/) Might and Magic, Quake, C&C etc.

I can think of 1 example of a series that seems to have died, without an expansion - Dune. I'm sure there are a few more but the most famous series' are all still alive.
mr. G-man said:
any1 know wat year HL3 is suppose to come out?
Not even Valve know, or at least, any estimation Valve have ever given for anything has been grossly incorrect anyway. It really isn't unreasonable to expect to be siting around until 2010, a six year gap between HL1 and 2 giving that figure. For some reason, right here and now, I have the capacity to wait that out. At least Valve seem pretty good at generating additional, plot futhering content in the meantime. Lets get Aftermath (and any other expansions) out of the way before we concern ourselves with a full-blown Half-Life sequel.
Well now that the Source engine is done all Valve is doing now is possibly updating the engine with some brand new effects or getting started on concept skecthes for new monsters and maps.
kupoartist said:
Not even Valve know, or at least, any estimation Valve have ever given for anything has been grossly incorrect anyway. It really isn't unreasonable to expect to be siting around until 2010, a six year gap between HL1 and 2 giving that figure. For some reason, right here and now, I have the capacity to wait that out. At least Valve seem pretty good at generating additional, plot futhering content in the meantime. Lets get Aftermath (and any other expansions) out of the way before we concern ourselves with a full-blown Half-Life sequel.

this is true, and it makes me sad in a way; While I am willing to wait 6+ years for HL3, I am almost scarred that I won't be into computer games by then.. I mean, I played HL1 when I was ten and was addicted; im 17 now, and I waited a long time for HL2 to come(just like most of us). Even now I don't game as much as when I was 11-15.. I am seriously "scarred" I will of moved on/forgotten about gaming by the time HL3 comes out.. heck, if its like the wait for HL2, I'll be 23.. wow.

Well, what am I saying; I'll NEVER stop playing Half Life. NEVER. :cheers: If I have children, and they have children, I will make sure all who follow in my bloodline MUST play and complete Half-Life.. ;)
Without having read the entire thread......basically HL3 will most likely be developed on an updated/enhanced version of the Source engine. So they are not creating a brand new engine from the ground up. Therefore we shouldn't be waiting for HL3 as long as we waited for HL2.
Yeah none of Blizzards games have ended... Diablo and Diablo 2 yes do have a story and one hell of a backstory to back them up. Starcraft: Brood War's secret mission is more than the cause to need for a second game, and well Wc3:TFT...not sure where there going from there. Considering D2LOD, Sc:BW, and Wc3:TFT are some of the most played games of all time even today....

Blizzard will obviously create sequels to them all but Blizzard takes there time and dosn't rush games, so patience is the key.

Same here Valve will eventually make HL3, just because it isn't announced dosn't mean it's out there yet. Hell I wouldn't announce a game until I was 60% done with it and had most of it working.
they already confirmed there will be a hl3
HL2 and a few other games is why VALVe alive. If they didn't do HL3, they might as well retire, but they aren't stupid enough just to cut it off right here.
i wonder why stupid threads that can be answered with 1 word live ages while interesting ones pass by in a few days. cant someone just close this thread now ?
and btw if you still dont know the answer , YES THERE WILL BE HL3 !!!! (except aliens invade our planet and enslave valves programmers)
Well, I don't really think that the end can be assessed as of itself as being the end because what does the end feel like? It's like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe, you say, if the universe is indeed infinite, then how - what does that mean? How far is all the way, and then if it stops, what's stopping it, and what's behind what's stopping it? So, what's the end, you know, is my question to you.
TheGMan. said:
HL2 and a few other games is why VALVe alive. If they didn't do HL3, they might as well retire, but they aren't stupid enough just to cut it off right here.

Although i love Rambo :p, i hope Half Life doesnt become such a thing with lots of sequals until it finally shrivels into a misserabel piece of bad sales..
Ofcourse the first 10 sequals will sell nicely :p, but eventually it will die out. If Valve is smart it would start to do other stuff with the "universe" ( take advantage of the name like Star Wars ), and/or create new games.
Perhaps a Half Life: ScienceDude where you live the life of a mad Scientist during the Half-Life 1 era :p
just my 2cents.
I would say it will end with Half Life 3, anyone notice the problem with Half Life 2? The story was so much like a middle chapter of some trilogy, so I would say there will be a HL3
Ofcorse they will make Half life 3. Thats just nonsense talk when you say they wont make an ending to half life. But hay... maybe there will be half life3 aftermatch or something.
Darksabre said:
I would say it will end with Half Life 3, anyone notice the problem with Half Life 2? The story was so much like a middle chapter of some trilogy, so I would say there will be a HL3

Haha... 'Luke, I am your father!'

That's what happens when you mention trilogy :/
yeah... Wait, i just thought of something... hold on guys, I know who G-man is! its so Frggin obvious now!
G-man is gordons father.
Jintor said:
Haha... 'Luke, I am your father!'

That's what happens when you mention trilogy :/

Hahaha, but there was no plot twist in Half Life 2, though Aftermath may give us hope with twists such as

- Lamarr returning with a massive army of talking melons
- Eli finding the bullsquid that takes his leg
- Alyx being Klieners daughter instead of Elis
- The G-man having more than one briefcase
- And Gordon begins to wear contact lenses
Darksabre said:
- The G-man having more than one briefcase

Doesn't he already? His briefcase in HL1 had the black mesa logo on it, whereas in HL2 it's plain black.
Rizzo89 said:
Ofcorse they will make Half life 3. Thats just nonsense talk when you say they wont make an ending to half life. But hay... maybe there will be half life3 aftermatch or something.

This has nothing to do with "not having an ending to halflife" I'm sure they will. Simply whether they will continue the hl series primarily as episodic content, or with larger content interpersed with regular episodes is the question. For now, episdoic content seems to be Valve's primary objective. But who knows what they are doing behind the scenes with hl. Although I'm sure all the resources needed for the creation of these episodes will slow down any larger installment of hl to some extent. Who knows?.
Eejit said:
Doesn't he already? His briefcase in HL1 had the black mesa logo on it, whereas in HL2 it's plain black.

But we get confirmation of this world changing theory :D
eber said:
i wonder why stupid threads that can be answered with 1 word live ages while interesting ones pass by in a few days. cant someone just close this thread now ?
and btw if you still dont know the answer , YES THERE WILL BE HL3 !!!! (except aliens invade our planet and enslave valves programmers)

Shut the hell up. Stupid people like you always ruin a threads flow, so be quiet and go back to your wannabe elitist palace that you stay at. Plus, you're not close to being funny, so don't try!
Hey, give the flaming a rest dude. It's just pointless and causes a bad atmosphere.

(There's a clear connection between coal powered power plants - FLAMING - and greenhouse gases!)
Darksabre said:
- The G-man having more than one briefcase
I'm not sure why, but that thought frightens the hell out of me.

And Half-Life is too big to finish as a "TV series." The final game cannot be a few-hours-long mission pack, it must be EPIC. It would be foolish to do it any other way.