No HL3?

Darkside55 said:
And Half-Life is too big to finish as a "TV series." The final game cannot be a few-hours-long mission pack, it must be EPIC. It would be foolish to do it any other way.

I bet it will
iv finally found a topic worthy of my first post:D

anyway, i reckon that the episode releases will explain most of the subplots in the storyline (such as whether or not the resonance cascade was deliberate, and what actually happened between the combine and the xenians before HL1), where as they will save the biggest question (in my opinion) for HL3, that question being "Who is the G-Man?" I dont know about anyone else, but knowing that would make sense of a few other things aswell. I think once we know who the G-Man is and what hes up to then there wont be much else left to do story-wise, so that will end it;(
We already know the cascade was not an accident. Half-Life's expansions wrapped up the subplots to the original game. The expansions to Half-Life2 need to answer new questions related specifically to HL2...

What exactly are Breen's motives?(HL2 )

What are the Combine's plans for Earth?(HL2)

How can the Earth protect itself?(HL2)

Half-Life 3 will (if made) answer the lingering questions from HL1 that still persist... the ones that drive the whole story.

What does the G-Man want?(HL3)

Who were the G-Man's employers in the first game?(HL3)

What has become of Xen?(HL3)

How far does the Combine's empire reach?

Will we ever topple the Combine?
Don't worry, IsolatioN - I'm 22 and still enjoy playing games, although I cannot play as often as I used to. It's a sad fact that later in life, you have all sorts of things taking time from playing, like work and studying. But there's always time, believe me.

I want hl3... hl2 is not enough! I can wait... I have aaalll the time in the world...