No LoTR Mod?

if you changed everything in a LoTR mod that was copywrited, it wouldn't be LoTR anymore.
Character names, Locations, and other things are all copywrited, not just the title.
besides, it just wouldnt be the same without the names, locations, etc.
The changes you would have to make would be retarded. Like I couldnt get used to Frodo as Fredo, Sam as Stan, Rivendell as Riverdale, The Shire as The Shore, etc. Im probably the person wanting a LOTR mod the most, but it aint gonna happen.
LOTR sucks anyway. Make a mod from battle royal if u want a good coypright mod. Holy shit thats actually would be a good mod LOL 32 school pupils spawning with different weapons, lol. Ownage. I am gunna stick to my doom3/res style mod.
shut up Ichi... LoTR is the best books ever writen! grrr :)

and if you should have any im not being sarcastic..i really love the whole middle earth rules.
Originally posted by Bass
besides, it just wouldnt be the same without the names, locations, etc.
The changes you would have to make would be retarded. Like I couldnt get used to Frodo as Fredo, Sam as Stan, Rivendell as Riverdale, The Shire as The Shore, etc. Im probably the person wanting a LOTR mod the most, but it aint gonna happen.

Fredo: "Come on Grandulf, lets go through the caverns of Mornia!"
Stan: "I dont want to, I want to go home to the Shore!"
Gummy, Son of Groin: "YES! Lets visit my friends in Mornia! What do you say Legoland? Its gonna be fun lads!"
Legoland: "I hate the dark... I want to go home to Riverdale..."
Grandulf: "What do you say, Argon?"
Argon: "I dont know, I got lost an hour ago. Have we passed that rock before?"

Uhm... I think... No...
lmfao, u have obviasly not ready any philip k dick and arthur C clarke then. Keep reading your shitty little childrens storys LOL.
You'll never get permission to do Blade Runner stuff - EA have that one locked up tighter than StarMonkey's briefs.
Originally posted by IchI
lmfao, u have obviasly not ready any philip k dick and arthur C clarke then. Keep reading your shitty little childrens storys LOL.

Tolkiens LOTR is far from a childrens book, and obviously you have never so much as read a chapter. You have your own opinions and thats great, no need to be a prick though.
The Hobbit? yes, Childeren's book..albeit, a mature child's book (what with a huge war, and the slaughting of a giant Orc)

The Lord of the Rings? I suppose they could be childeren's books...if Childeren all of a sudden take great delight killing on a massive scale.
When they figure out how they can get away with implimenting AK47s and M16s into the tolkien story, there will be 100 LOTR mods.
I have never met a child who would be able to read he Lord of the Rings. The language used is very complex at points (although it's nothing compared to The Silmarillion), and the scale of it is very difficult for children to grasp. I do believe if the story was just about Frodo and Sam they would be able to get most of it. But most children don't even fully get the movies (hell, most adults I have met had no clue what the f*uck was going on with Rohan and the Ents). And the movies were not as complex as the books were, not even close.

On topic: I would love to see someone do a LOTR mod. Although I think it would be very difficult to pull off.
Ive always been into stories set in the future.....not in the past.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
Ive always been into stories set in the future.....not in the past.
Ah, but is LOTR the past... Or the future? ;)

I can actually think of a rather good way to use modern weaponry in LOTR. Sure, it wouldnt exactly make sense from LOTR point of view, but from mine, hehe. The problem is that it takes some modelling skills... Alot to be exact. And in MP it wouldnt work, but in a SP story it would. The idea is simply: You go back (or forward in time) and simply shadow them all the way. You got modern weapons, and your tasks is for instance to take care of some Nazguls or delay orcs and such... Infiltrating Isengard with only an OICW and looking like a walking bush could be nice :)
And of course, the main character has to be a female with big breasts. Otherwise it wouldnt be fun :p
wow ok, everyone is acting pussy..

they wouldnt ****in sue you straight off the bat, if they went gay and said ur violating copy right, they would warn you first, then you just do the damn thing from there
Originally posted by IchI
lmfao, u have obviasly not ready any philip k dick and arthur C clarke then. Keep reading your shitty little childrens storys LOL.

A Man in the High Castle-style mod with the Germans vs. the Japs. would be kick-ass! But that's only wishful thinking....

Really, I don't see a point in doing a LOTR mod because the copyright laws will stop you dead in your tracks once New Line Cinema (or whoever owns the stuff) finds out. Then, if you decide to change names and concepts slightly, it will be an enormous hassle due to the size of the LOTR universe and you would be better off just making up your own game.

Even if you get the copyrights and make the game it would still be stupid because there's already that Middle-Earth MMORPG somebody mentioned before, made by professionals who are paid to make it and work on it on more intensively than most mod makers. But anyway, that's just my opinion.
Originally posted by IchI
lmfao, u have obviasly not ready any philip k dick and arthur C clarke then. Keep reading your shitty little childrens storys LOL.

I guess that's why college classes quite often study LOTR for it's highly advanced writing techniques, and very deep and complex themes hidden beneath it's cover of good vs. evil. Of course, by looking at your writing abilities, I assume that "literary techniques" and "themes" are not something you woudl understand, or even give 2 cents anyways...
Originally posted by JackelPDW
I guess that's why college classes quite often study LOTR for it's highly advanced writing techniques, and very deep and complex themes hidden beneath it's cover of good vs. evil. Of course, by looking at your writing abilities, I assume that "literary techniques" and "themes" are not something you woudl understand, or even give 2 cents anyways...

Thank you, couldnt have put it better myself. So many people who have not read LOTR call it a kiddie epic. Many full grown adults have trouble reading the novel, and its themes are hardly kid oriented, as it deals strongly with the theme of good vs. evil.
Originally posted by P Meister Flex
peter jackson is a pretty cool guy though, don't know about the tolkien heirs tho

Well seeing as how the Tolkien estate was adamantly against the Jackson movies, something tells me theyd also frown upon a mod.