No More Heroes - out now.

Looks awesome I've known about it for whiles now.
Edge 9/10 too. Glowing reports from everyone I know with the game - it sounds excellent :)
Been waiting for this to come out, and god damnit I didnt even know it was out. I'll probably pick it up sometime this week. Loved Killer 7 so hopefully I'll feel the same with this.
I've played it, and it's a blast to play. It's pretty funny and the nice and bloody. The only issue is the camera can sometimes be a bit odd, but otherwise it's fine. Also, I want a scooter just like the one in the game....
Any reasons for this? So far both your posts have amounted to "this game sux" D:
it's repetitive, offers no replay value. All battles are same.

you fight waves and waves of enemies before fighting the boss in every single stages.

traveling around city is dull as hell, it's more like pain in the ass to travel around the town because motorcycle is a shit and you tend to get suck between trees and gaps between buildings.

honestly, I have to say the only fun part in this game is when you fight the boss.

This game does not deserve a freakin 9 when games like Mass Effect received no more than 8.5

In the end, I was never impressed with any of Suda 51's games (BTW, who the **** names himself as 51?).
Yeah, this is a rental for me atm. If I like the art style enough, I may pick it up just to have it. I will never have time for it now if I plan on mastering Medium on Guitar Hero 3! (Cut me some slack--I just got it! :p).
I have to agree with that statement. And I trust ign more than gamespot considerin GS gave AC a 9 and fired Jeff.
**** me. I can't wait for this. Still have to wait till the end of the month! :(

I'm gonna get it regardless cause I loved Killer 7 and thought it was one of the best games of last generation.
I got it last week and I find it a lot of fun to play. Most of the fun comes from the over the top humor, which most of the time is just bizarre. There is one group of enemies who shout "my spleen!!"... after you've cut them in half or cut off their heads. Some parts are repetitive, but not mind-numbingly so, and the bosses are so unique and far-out that you want to keep going just so you can find out what the next boss is.
I dont think i would be able to stand the game pausing for a second every time I hit somebody. Thats like... intentional framerate problems. Annoying as hell.
@ Combine Hybrid:
his real name is goichi suda. goichi means 51.

@ Adrik_Senturu & Reginald:
I'm the only one in my school who can even stand Killer 7.( i loved it, btw)

@ everyone:
staticprimer basicly sumed it up. its not perfect but it is fun and worth having, though you might want to rent it to see if its right for you. the over-world has some frame rate issues, and can get rather boring, but once in the ranking match, it's beautifull. And no, Combine Hybrid, the bosses are not all the same. The contrast between Death Metal and Dr.Peace should have shown you that( unless you havent played the game, in witch case you have no place judging it).
And no, Combine Hybrid, the bosses are not all the same. The contrast between Death Metal and Dr.Peace should have shown you that( unless you havent played the game, in witch case you have no place judging it).
What? I never said boss fights are all the same.

Fighting basic thugs are basically same over and over again. It's a same routine before you fight every single bosses.

Btw, I just beat rank 2 boss. She's a cheap bitch.