No More Room In Hell Team Recruiting!


Sep 1, 2004
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(No More Room in Hell: A Half-Life 2 Co-operative “Zombiefication”)


Two weeks. Two weeks ago everything was okay; two weeks ago the world was working, going about their business, making their

millions and losing their billions. But that was two weeks ago. Now all hell has broken loose. The world has ended, god has

brought hath brought his fury down upon us. We don’t know what they are; we don’t know where they’ve come from. The only

thing I know is no matter who it is, no matter the race, ethnicity, or what country or continent the person is from, they

don’t stay down when they die. They come back, and they don’t go back down until you crush their skulls in. I’ve seen men

unload an entire clip of a pistol into one of these things, and it kept moving forward. I’ve seen men ripped apart by the

assailants, the dead eating the living. Some have said it’s a “zombie” apocalypse, but I don’t believe that Hollywood

bullshit. No this is something bigger, our punishment for our ways. But no matter what I think, I’ve got a shotgun and a

barricaded house, and I’m ready for whatever these “zombies” can bring. The newspapers said it was a freak accident in some

nuclear power plant, but there’s no way that could’ve caused all of this. I’ve written a few excerpts over the next couple

pages. Interesting read at least.

Freak Accident Leaves Thousands Dead

March 5th, 2006

Yesterday, a Nuclear Power Plant in Oklahoma suddenly went critical to the point of the largest meltdown in history.

Specialists will not comment on the cause or any side effects this may have on the economy of the state, but sources have

said that it could very well cause an area 40 miles in diameter around the plant to be uninhabitable for at least a few


I believed that. I really did. Boy was I a fool. It was anything but, the death toll surged as some sort of unknown force

spread out from the area. Everything was destroyed in the armies bombing of the area. Then again, we don’t even know if it

started there, or in the United States at all. Within the first week it had spread all around the world. Now this week,

everything seems to be gone. Here’s another.

Side Effects Of Plant Meltdown Larger Than First Estimated

March 7th, 2006

The plant explosion three days ago has been severely underestimated. The death toll has now reached over six-hundred

thousand and seems to be growing exponentially. The president would not comment on the problem, and the White House has now

gone into a complete lockdown. We can only speculate what this means, but it cannot be a good sign of the welfare of our


Six-Hundred Thousand dead in fewer than three days. That’s more than any war the United States has ever been involved in. It

didn’t seem right, any of it. The people knew as well. Riots broke out in Washington and all over the rest of the United

States. We were too blind with our own problems to notice the other numbers, the ones on the internet. Seven-Million dead in

Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. It wasn’t just us, it was never just us. This was a world wide

catastrophe, and by the time the media knew, it was already too late.

The Dead Walk!!!

March 14th, 2006

The article is a hurried spray of typos and rants. Pleas for the people to stay inside, to not worry. It was too damn late,

and the media knew it. The last newspaper to go out was the worst one I’ve ever seen printed. That was the last article. The

last transmission from the rest of the world. It’s been six days, just over two weeks since it all began. Pen’s dying, if

anyone finds this I’m already dead.

---------------------------------------The Game--------------------------------------

No More Room in Hell is a Co-operative Survival Horror mod for the Half-Life 2 Source Engine. Currently developed by a group

of modders strictly out to have fun and create the best survival horror mod ever created. We have high ambitions, and even

higher goals.

A realistic feel combined with a horrifying experience will be brought to the genre which has been undeniably conquered by

the Resident Evil series for so long. This mod will require an unprecedented amount of teamwork and an emphasis on

cooperation among you and your teammates to survive. We are hoping to immerse you in a new approach to the coop style with

the help of Valve's Source™ technology.

The mod will pit you and your friends against an unending horde of zombies bent on your destruction and boasts advanced

technological features such as: Fully dismemberable bodies with ragdoll physics, an injury based damage system, the ability

to barricade windows and doors with map debris or wood boards and highly dynamic environments and zombie behavior through a

selective spawning system.

Game types include –

Extermination: In extermination game mode, the players must kill as many zombies in a certain map before the time runs out.

Once a zombie has been killed they must bring the corpse to their team’s bon fire and incinerate it in order to gain points

for their team.

Checkpoint: In Checkpoint game mode, players must make their way to checkpoints within a map until they have made their way

to all of the checkpoints. If a player dies before he reaches a check point, they must wait till their friends have reached

it before they can respawn.

Barricade: In Barricade game mode, players must try to defend a certain area for a certain amount of time from a very large

horde of the undead. Moveable furniture and other objects will help keep the area safe, as well as the ability to board up

doors and windows.

Any other questions can be direct to our forums at, or to this thread.

---------------------------------------The Team--------------------------------------

Coleman 'Cs42886' Sweeney
Position: Project Manager

Position: Concept Artist

Nick 'InZaneFlea' Eichenberg
Position: Level Designer

Position: Level Designer

Position: Level Designer

Rich 'Beckett' Douglas
Position: Music Composer

Position: Programmer

Position: Programmer

Position: 2d Level Design / PR / Website

We still have a few modelers and texturers in limbo, a few of them actually serving the US in Iraq.

Below are a bunch of screenshots of our progress so far.

Concept Art –




Models –






Levels -





Modelling - Previous experience required. Please send either pictures or links of your previous work. Player modellers must

be able to model a realistic human body effectively, and very detailed. Also, player modellers will be expected to be able

to model a zombie model as well, so knowledge of anatomy and the sort could only be a plus. You could always research it as

well. Weapon modellers must be able to take a picture, and create a 3d model from that almost perfectly. We'll be using real

life weapons in the mod, so we need them to look as real as possible. Prop modellers must be able to bring a real life

object to life inside the Source engine. Anything and everything we need. Whether it's a toaster, or some sort of grand

fountain of bloody doom™, you'll need to be able to do it.

Skinning - Previous experience required. Please send either pictures or links of your previous work. Weapon skinners must be

able to bring across a gritty, dirty feel to weapons, but not overdo it. These weapons have been through a lot. This is of

course not only limited to scratches on the metal surfaces. Player Skinners must be able to accurately skin clothing, and

the ideas of ripped clothing and blood.

Texturing - Previous experience required. Please send either pictures or links of your previous work. Texture Artists must

be able to create life-like textures for use within the levels of NMRIH. Also, knowledge of coding those textures for normal

mapping and the sort is a definite plus.

Animating - Previous experience required. Please send either pictures or links of your previous work. Animators must be able

to create smooth animations for both humans and the undead. Also, the ability to animate weapons is also of course needed.

Complex animations such as a zombie grabbing hold of a character, and/or the character fighting back against that zombie

trying to keep his flesh to himself, are just an example.

If you would like to join, please send information including your name, age, e-mail address, AIM/MSN/Yahoo ID, Previous Experience, any photos you may have, and why we should choose you over contestant B. Send these to thedayzofdarknes(at)sbcglobal(dot)com. With the subject "No More Room In Hell Application"

OR, Post on this forum, or ours at!

Have a good day…While they last!
I'm extremely happy to see you haven't died, I've been following nmrih ever since I was combat wombat.. which is almost a full year. So I wish you the best, good luck with the mod, I hope you find everyone you need to help out!
Thanks Combat, nice to see you around. Oh and...

NEW SCREENSHOTS from one of our maps! Even more coming soon.
from what the titles says, i thought there was no more room in the hell team, or something :)
All experienced pro's pleace hurry up so i can play this awsome game.
We just picked up the Modeller Maxx. We're still looking for all positions though!
I'd kill my own mother to get this game instantly! Seriously I'm not kidding, she's a pain ^^
According to the admin we are still in need of the following


Character Modelers


If you are skilled in any of these please consider joining!

Thank you
Zachstar speaks the truth. And a dedicated Texture Artist wouldn't hurt either.