No offence to nVidia fans...

Jul 17, 2003
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Wouldn't it be hilarious if when we all loaded up Half-Life 2 for the first time, the screen black, the ATI logo appeared with "The way it's meant to be played" ala nVidia, and a combine soldier busted through ala UT2K3/4

Or it could be completely differant ala Painkiller (With the skelton dodging the steaks). It could have the combine soldier walk past the logo, and off the screen. Then a second later, have Gordon creep from behind the logo, crowbar in hand, and fallow the unsuspecting combine off the screen. A second later you hear the combine 'hold it there' radio line (From the E3 movies) , then we simply hear the old classic crowbar hitting flesh 'ch ch ch ch ch' :LOL: :cheers:
It would be comical... yes it would be. The head crab would jump onto the top of the logo and take control of it and then as it was transforming, Gordon would come by and hack it to death with a crowbar :LOL:
:LOL: ! There are so many ones that could be done. Everyone post one! lol!
ooo a graphics card thread... controversial! :LOL:
Gordon could push the HL2 logo into an anti-mass spectrometer and then...some stuff could happen...
How about two combine soldiers standing by the logo, then Gordon walks up with the anti-grav gun, grabs the letter A, turns, and takes out a soldier. Then the same for the T and the I, except he shoots the I at the camera and the screen goes black putting you at the main menu?
Or how about they dont do that at all since its lame ?
Franky4Fingers said:
Or how about they dont do that at all since its lame ?

someone forgot his nappy-poo!
Franky, if you're going to cry and whine, please don't do it here. :)
I dont think that Ati does anything like that, only Nvidia
I think those are all awesome ideas! It would be great if they made loads of them and a random one played each time the game started (ala Worms FMVs).
I don't think they do either, it's just some funny stuff.

How about you see the logo, and it sort of lifts up and has a glow to it, and it gets bigger, and then it crashes into the screen, and you see Gordon with the manipulator.
I don't think that putting Gordon in a startup logo ad would be good, as it takes away the whole "you are gordon, gordon is serious" junk. Or you could ignore that, and attach the Logo to a rope, and have gordon (or better yet, YOU) shoot it to show off the physics!
Good point on the 'you are Gordon' thing. Perhaps Barney or a fellow scientist could fill in the spot?
This reminds me of what they do for the THX logos in front of movies. The coolest one is the custom "Terminator 2" one (with the liquid metal) while the funniest (and most popular) are "The Simpsons" THX clip.
Top Secret said:
Wouldn't it be hilarious if when we all loaded up Half-Life 2 for the first time, the screen black, the ATI logo appeared with "The way it's meant to be played" ala nVidia, and a combine soldier busted through ala UT2K3/4

Or it could be completely differant ala Painkiller (With the skelton dodging the steaks). It could have the combine soldier walk past the logo, and off the screen. Then a second later, have Gordon creep from behind the logo, crowbar in hand, and fallow the unsuspecting combine off the screen. A second later you hear the combine 'hold it there' radio line (From the E3 movies) , then we simply hear the old classic crowbar hitting flesh 'ch ch ch ch ch' :LOL: :cheers:

or it would boot up and say..... NVIDIA SUXorZ OMG!!!!!11111111onoeoneonee ITS NOT TEH WWAY ITS PLAYED R00r0fl3l3l3 gabe said s0z!!1omgomg
i just cant wait to see the crazy valve screen like the one w/ the spicket head guy. then the main menu, then i piss myself, get cleaned up, load a game, and waste 2 hours in the first room just looking around with my jaw on the floor in disbelief.
Nah I got the best one...A timeline of Half Life. It could start with a date, then Half-Life appears, then all the awards flashing by really quickly, then a blank pause (with a bassful whoosh sound) and the echoing words "welcome to the Black Mesa transit system" then just a whole lotta pics and gameplay footage of HL, and the various Mods..then the words ex: February 23, 2004 fade out and Half-Life 2 Appears...
I always thought the valve coming out of the guys head was blood....
Six Three said:
Nah I got the best one...A timeline of Half Life. It could start with a date, then Half-Life appears, then all the awards flashing by really quickly...

I don't wanna wait three years before I get to the main menu!
I would prefer a repeat of the original: the valve 'logo' and those guitar strings.
I don't care. I only watch that shitzzit once. The NVIDIA spash for the UT2K4 demo is cool.
How about a headcrab launches itself onto the logo and then As it is transforming, It grabs Barney who is trying to shot it and then a fellow scientist shows up and screams, "Oh my God, were DOOMED!" And runs off the screen and you hear a laser trip mine explode and scientist guts fly across the screen and covering the headcrab Nvidia logo. Then as Barney is about to die, he looks up at the screen and says, "Hey! Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer!"

Yes, that would be...perfect
how about gordon walks up with the grav gun and picks the ATI logo up and throws it into a toilet. and then the nVidia logo appears. heh
Who cares. I want what matters, the rest is friggen icing. I am getting all twitchy.
I kinda liked the way they introed it at E3 with the G-man as he used to be then showing him now. The that creepy voice saying "We've been very busy...."
Then have the menu come up around him.
I would make it like the Neversoft logo on the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games, where one of the important characters interacts with the logo. Only on HL2 it would have the ATi logo come up and a headcrab would jump onto the dot on top of the "i" and zombify it.
Only nVidia does that "Way Its Meant To Be Played" slogan because their so desperate for people to like them again ^_^;
nVidia only uses "the way it's ment to be played" because it sounds like the superior graphics card. One the other hand, ATI does not have one. (I think) It's just a marketing strategy. I think both graphics cards are very close in performance to one another, but I think that ATI is the slightly better card. Not only for it's buuilt in shaders but because of the HL2 performance issue on nVidia cards. (Not sure if they smoothed that issue out)
csmighty1 said:
nVidia only uses "the way it's ment to be played" because it sounds like the superior graphics card. One the other hand, ATI does not have one. (I think) It's just a marketing strategy. I think both graphics cards are very close in performance to one another, but I think that ATI is the slightly better card. Not only for it's buuilt in shaders but because of the HL2 performance issue on nVidia cards. (Not sure if they smoothed that issue out)

All of the issues with nvidia that were present when the hl2 benchmarks were released were caused by horrible drivers and have since been fixed

The whole "ati runs hl2 better then nvidia" thing was just a marketing scheme and who ever fell for it was suckered by ati
nc17 said:
All of the issues with nvidia that were present when the hl2 benchmarks were released were caused by horrible drivers and have since been fixed which card to choose? I'm building my friends computer and he's on a budget so I'm thinkin the 9800 Pro. For $280 and the XT is only marginally better, I think it's a steal. Yes?
Actually the FX cards are still substandard for DX9. The performance is now raised by the new drivers, but apparently the image quality's going to suffer because they're using 16-bit precision instead of 24-bit...