No one cares about Jack Thompson

Jul 17, 2003
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I have never even heard of him, anywhere, at all, in print, radio, cable news, local news, other forums, news portals, etc etc, besides this forum.

Please guys, stop showering attention.

It's like a forum troll, literally. They post a stupid topic, but everybody replies, even people who reply saying "reported" thus they have garnered the necessary attention they want.

Why are you guys so obsessed with him?
Because he is against everything we believe in, therefore he must be stopped!

Oh, and because we're bored :laugh:
I don't care about Thompson's war against games or his motives, but I love this quote:

PickledGecko said:
Personally I think he’s just an ambulance chaser who sees the game industry as a so far unexploited cash cow.

RakuraiTenjin said:
I have never even heard of him, anywhere, at all, in print, radio, cable news, local news, other forums, news portals, etc etc, besides this forum.

hilary clinton sure has, so has Howard Stern, Joe Liebermen, 2Livecrew, Rockstar games, Penny Arcade, EA games, Ice-T, Janet Reno, Doug Lowenstein, the Supreme Court of Florida, and a big percentage of knee-jerk reactionary, religious, family oriented, right wing groups bent on curbing the gaming industry
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Because he is against everything we believe in, therefore he must be stopped!

Oh, and because we're bored :laugh:
That's what Rakurai is saying... you're not stopping him by giving him attention by making threads.

He would've been forgotten about by now if the Jack Thompson "craze" hadn't been started on messageboards.
Hey, I'm not starting any thread on him, just participating every now and then in one.

And I agree that to an extend you have to ignore people like him, eventually most of them will give up. But every now and then these modern day Don Quichotes will find their henchmen and actually can be able to hurt the industry.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I have never even heard of him, anywhere, at all, in print, radio, cable news, local news, other forums, news portals, etc etc, besides this forum.

Please guys, stop showering attention.

It's like a forum troll, literally. They post a stupid topic, but everybody replies, even people who reply saying "reported" thus they have garnered the necessary attention they want.

Why are you guys so obsessed with him?
Sorry that you've been under a rock that past few months...
If you don't want to read it, then do just that, dont. It's fairly imporant news to the rest of us.
We are a gaming forum, I myself doesn't get too fired up about the guy. But, duh he DOES have something to do with the gaming community, in a negative way.
WhiteZero said:
Sorry that you've been under a rock that past few months...
If you don't want to read it, then do just that, dont. It's fairly imporant news to the rest of us.
It's more of a rant at ubergeeks -obsessed- with it (in real life). My friend brought it up and good god it's true.

In any class involving computers. "HEY COME READ THIS THING ABOUT JACK THOMPSON"

It's like.. no ;/

RakuraiTenjin said:
It's more of a rant at ubergeeks -obsessed- with it (in real life). My friend brought it up and good god it's true.

In any class involving computers. "HEY COME READ THIS THING ABOUT JACK THOMPSON"

It's like.. no ;/

Yah man, it's a big deal to any gamer. This guy was/is trying to destroy our passtime.
It dosent take an "ubergeek" to care about this.
Expect to keep hearing about it till he's put down... which will hopefully be soon.

Just ignore it if you don't want to hear about it... but it is going to be a hot topic for awhile.
StardogChampion said:
That's what Rakurai is saying... you're not stopping him by giving him attention by making threads.

He would've been forgotten about by now if the Jack Thompson "craze" hadn't been started on messageboards.

he doesnt read message boards, he doesnt care what we say or do. He initiates every single response from the gaming community. We're responding to his attacks, we're not perpetuating them.
CptStern said:
hilary clinton sure has, so has Howard Stern, Joe Liebermen, 2Livecrew, Rockstar games, Penny Arcade, EA games, Ice-T, Janet Reno, Doug Lowenstein, the Supreme Court of Florida, and a big percentage of knee-jerk reactionary, religious, family oriented, right wing groups bent on curbing the gaming industry

damn thats a long list...does this guy have a life? geeze.
Well... we can't say for sure that he dosent have people that report to him about forum posts about him... but thats doubtfull.
WhiteZero said:
Well... we can't say for sure that he dosent have people that report to him about forum posts about him... but thats doubtfull.
LOL that reminds me.. this game designer. God I can't remember his name. He owns some company though, and he wanted to buy the rights to the Freespace series. Anyway, big drama over it. But if anyone posts something bad about him in a forum (like.. even an EZ Board) you'll see him registered there in like a week posting a 5 page long rant about how he'll have them sued and stuff. He's a riot, but an idiot.

I wish I could remember his name.. when it comes to me I'll post it. Maybe he'll register here.

I'll just be glad Jack Thompson isn't like that... lol.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I have never even heard of him, anywhere, at all, in print, radio, cable news, local news, other forums, news portals, etc etc, besides this forum.

Your issue. I have heard of him in game-related and mainstream media. He is known to a variety of well-known people and he has appeared on the likes of CNN and 60 Minutes.

He is going to appear, of course, on a game-related board.
Dr. Freeman said:
damn thats a long list...does this guy have a life? geeze.

that is his life ..he's a right wing extremist, he goes to church and believes in moral issues ..he eats this stuff for breakfast every day.
WhiteZero said:
Well... we can't say for sure that he dosent have people that report to him about forum posts about him... but thats doubtfull.

I'm sure he does, I'm sure he even reads some of the gaming industry news ...but to say that our forum or others like ours spur him on is just giving us far too much credit
Does anyone reckon he actually plays games, or just reads about the game-in-questions content?
Cormeh said:
Does anyone reckon he actually plays games, or just reads about the game-in-questions content?
No way in heck he actually plays them for more than a few minutes at a time.
Derek Smart.. that was his name.

Smart is arguably better known for his online presence and self-commentary than he is for the games that he makes, due in large part to participation in a number of high-profile public discussions on the internet and Usenet. Characterized by high levels of controversy, rhetoric and personal attack, these flame wars have been recorded and immortalized in numerous annals of internet and gaming culture.

Smart is devoted to and protective of his work, and is likely to find and participate in discussions of his games on the Internet. In the past, heated discussions have led supporters and detractors of Smart's work to join online communities they were not previously involved in for the express purpose of engaging in combative argument. These sudden increases in population and posting can elicit anything from amusement to hostility, depending on the community involved.

Imagine if Thompson were like this.
To me, Jack is mostly good now for his ridiculously uneducated and insane views on pretty much everything, but videogames in particular. His logic is so seriously flawed to the point of completely destroying any credibility he might have accrued in his previous days as a real lawyer.

He is to be watched, though, because his attacks against videogames are extremely vicious and not at all founded in the reality with which you and I are so familiar.

That said, this alone isn't the problem that we need to worry about. The bigger problem is when he is portrayed on TV and the radio and in papers as an "Expert" on videogames and our youth and people all over the nation who don't know him from Adam accept his tripe as accurate information, oftentimes without getting any sort of intelligent conflicting viewpoint(s). If you listen to this guy and don't use your head at all (like most who happily and mindlessly imbibe 90% of what is said in the media), then you will start to think completely differently about these issues and thinking his way (I would argue) isn't thinking at all.
CptStern said:
he doesnt read message boards, he doesnt care what we say or do. He initiates every single response from the gaming community. We're responding to his attacks, we're not perpetuating them.
I'm not saying he reads this forum, or any forums at all, nor am I saying that they "spur him on."

I'm just saying that us talking about him at this very moment gives him recognition that he doesn't deserve.

I didn't have a clue about him until I read threads on here. All these threads just raise his profile.
I can't believe how people can say "just ignore him". The very people that we don't want listening to him are the people who don't play games, they are not us and will not hear these cries of "just ignore him". Ignoring people like him is what allows those morons to say what they want, you have to fight them in order to put a stop to this idiocy.

The only way your going to get the average idiotic gamer to actually think of doing something is to piss them off. And guess what? The best way to piss them off is to talk about stuff like this in places like internet forums.
StardogChampion said:
I'm not saying he reads this forum, or any forums at all, nor am I saying that they "spur him on."

I'm just saying that us talking about him at this very moment gives him recognition that he doesn't deserve.

I didn't have a clue about him until I read threads on here. All these threads just raise his profile.

well I was referring more to rakurai's first post and your argeement with it ..sure the gaming industry spurs him on ..and had it just been a battle of words I'd agree ..but he already has hurt the gaming industry by putting us in the public eye and attacking certain games directly ..rockstar lost upwards of 40 million because of his efforts ..he's not someone we can afford to ignore
If we ignore him, he'll screw up the internet.
because obviously the best way to stop threads about him is to make more threads.