"Non-mechanical reproduction simulation"


Feb 15, 2006
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So I was digging through the GCF files checking out the dialogue of the female announcer and if it provided any information on how the Combine Overwatch operate, when I stumbled across one radio sound where the dispatch lady says:

"Rank leader - Reminder: 100 sterilized credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation"

So what is this? If a Metro Cop "sterilizes" 100 citizens (or however many it takes to get 100 credits), then he gets to have sex with something that isn't a robot?

It's in source sounds.gcf/hl2/sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice/reminder100credits.gcf if you want to listen to it yourself.
Hmm. Odd. Who the hell would want to have sex with a robot?
Because they are not aloud to do it with other people? And the metrocops maybe do that for entertainment.
"Rank leader [brain donor]- Reminder: 100 sterilized credits [10? beatings] qualifies [awards] non-mechanical [biological] reproduction [sex] simulation [masturbation]"
_Z_Ryuken said:
"Rank leader [brain donor]- Reminder: 100 sterilized credits [10? beatings] qualifies [awards] non-mechanical [biological] reproduction [sex] simulation [masturbation]"

Perhaps something connected to their brains and make them feel they are making love.
Yes as i was playing through the game I noticed this over the radio and it caught me off guard
This has been discussed to death and Valve has been asked to death about it. Yes, it seems combine are rewarded with sex.
haha, if they dont get 100 they have to fill their beating quota :)
Rubbish, hes secretly in love with alyx. Thanks to photoshop his bedroom wall probobly looks like its covered with screenshots from garrys mod with the naked alyx skin.
Barney is a scumbag, and I for one hope he turns into a zombie
I would imagine a 'non-mechanical reproduction simulation' to be taken as a literal 'simulation'... as in a virtual simulation of some sort.
"Non-mechanical reproduction simulation" = sex. Non-mechanical because the Combine get to have sex with an actual human being. Simulation because it isn't actual "reproduction" - no children can be born. Hence, sex without the possibility of impregnation = "reproduction simulation".

Knowing the Combine, there's also just one possible way how they would provide such sex to the soldiers...
Solver said:
"Non-mechanical reproduction simulation" = sex. Non-mechanical because the Combine get to have sex with an actual human being. Simulation because it isn't actual "reproduction" - no children can be born. Hence, sex without the possibility of impregnation = "reproduction simulation".

Knowing the Combine, there's also just one possible way how they would provide such sex to the soldiers...

Your are right. Combine does offer overwatch soldiers sex as a reward. Yet, this all goes against what Breen said. Breen said that our enemy is instinct, and if we wish to grow, we mush defeat it. As well as Breen emphasised so much on how Combine helped us expunge our basic instinct, the impulse of reproduction. On the other side, the Combine offers soldiers the pleasure of instinct, as a prize. This action shows that it acknowledges the important role of our reproductive instinct. This disproves the un-necessity of reproduction in our life. This implies the theory and institution of Combine are totally inconsistent. Therefore, combine sucks.
I always imagined it as some kind of very disturbed matrix-ish device hooked up into their brains or spine making them feel sexual gratification.

would be pleasurable to experience but from an external point of view it's totally sick and morbid.

or do they get one night with the intergalactic combine hoes?
I would say a captive who refused to cooperate with them.
ktimekiller said:
I would say a captive who refused to cooperate with them.

Surely even the Combine don't make rape an institution? D:
ktimekiller said:
Why not? they have done other horrible things
Right. Genocide, enslavement and torture isn't beyond them. Even though I don't think that's what's referred to in the PA announcements, I certainly think the combine would do it.
CrazyHarij said:
I always imagined it as some kind of very disturbed matrix-ish device hooked up into their brains or spine making them feel sexual gratification.

would be pleasurable to experience but from an external point of view it's totally sick and morbid.

or do they get one night with the intergalactic combine hoes?

That gives a whole new meaning to this device: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Half-Life_2_Combine_mcdevise.png
AJ Rimmer said:
What IS that, where in the game is it and how do they know it's a memory-replacement thingy?

Most likely guess, I suppose.

Could be just a virtual Combine brothel.
AJ Rimmer said:
What IS that, where in the game is it and how do they know it's a memory-replacement thingy?

Is that thing has been cut out from the game?
bbson_john said:
Your are right. Combine does offer overwatch soldiers sex as a reward. Yet, this all goes against what Breen said. Breen said that our enemy is instinct, and if we wish to grow, we mush defeat it. As well as Breen emphasised so much on how Combine helped us expunge our basic instinct, the impulse of reproduction. On the other side, the Combine offers soldiers the pleasure of instinct, as a prize. This action shows that it acknowledges the important role of our reproductive instinct. This disproves the un-necessity of reproduction in our life. This implies the theory and institution of Combine are totally inconsistent. Therefore, combine sucks.

They're the Combine. And Breen is Breen. You can't trust what they say. Breen also says that the Combine are taking care of the humanity, while instead they are wiping it out.

Then again, Breen isn't even actually being inconsistent! When he says "we", he means humans. As in, instinct is the enemy of humans. Those Combine soldiers, well, it's arguable if they're humans anymore. Lobotomized, with mechanical brain implants, no personality, no independent thinking and blind loyalty to the Combine... they're less human than machine.

You're right, the Combine sucks.
Solver said:
Breen also says that the Combine are taking care of the humanity, while instead they are wiping it out.

From philosophical point of view those two things are the same.