noob questions

well if you want him dead flopped on the floor use prop_ragdoll . and change the world model
i want him alive and ready to fight me, also i accidently deleted the entity window on the right side panel how do i get that back???
look under the npc entities....youll find all the good and bad guys.
some more questions, how do i choose what guns to start off with and how do i make things like wood planks or just brushes breakable? thanks in advance.
You can make a game_player_equip, specify the guns in it, and fire it with a logic_auto, or you can just place a lot of weapon entities on the spawn point, assuming HL2SP. If it's multiplayer, game_player_equip is the only way.

If a model is breakable, its health is programmed into the model, and it will automatically be breakable if you use it on a prop_physics or prop_dynamic entity. If you want to override its health, use a prop_physics_override entity and modify the last property, "Health." For a breakable brush, tie the brush to a func_breakable entity.

If you deleted the entity window, go to View --> Screen Elements and get it back.
thanks and two more questions, in game it wont let me sprint or change weapons, all game interface is gone why is this? also why is the rooms and walls and basicly everything so bright how do i darken it a bit?
You need to give yourself an item_suit.

If it's bright, you probably have a problem preventing RAD (the lighting program) from finishing properly, resulting in the entire map being as bright as possible so that you notice there's a problem. Check your compile log for ***leaked*** and ensure that you've actually placed lights in the map.