noobs, dont fall for this



i just tricked some noobie cs kid, he seemed like 10 years old. my name is subnormal, just check it out. a little background, the kids name was burt sampson which obviously is like bart simpson a shitty joke i knew that so i decided to **** with him read its hilarious


Subnormal : i think its BART SIMPSON YOU IDIOT
|^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson: i spelled my name this way on purpose you moron
Subnormal : yeah right
*DEAD* |^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson : **** you subnormal
Subnormal : yeah right, you cant spell its not my fault you retarded monkey
*DEAD* Subnormal : im calling the cops, you cant even spell
Subnormal : 'burt' im calling the IPC (internet police commission) on you for harrassment saying "**** you"
Subnormal : i got your ip address and im calling the IPC
Subnormal : unless you say sorry
*DEAD* |^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson : sub, you there
Subnormal : fine you wont say sorry im calling the cops on you lets see what they say "no internet access + 50 hrs community service"
|^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson : i said sorry
Subnormal : whatever man
Subnormal : im calling them in 5 minutes
Subnormal : i hope you like to read books
*DEAD* Subnormal : thats all youll be allowed to do from now on
*DEAD* |^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson : subnormal, you aren't serious
Subnormal : ok i am leaving now to file my complaint on you dude, im gonna guess you have another 3 days to play CS

lThe Best Kniverl *SANKA* : sub ur bluff
.ToasT. : subnormal stfu

Subnormal : then no more internet for at least 1 year minimum

Subnormal : no man international threats are against IPCP

l^Cs Proz^l SpaceDog : dude stpo its not funny

*DEAD* |^Cs Proz^| Burt_Sampson : is he serious?

Subnormal : im sure itll be hilarious when his modem is confiscated. cya later pal :-D
Subnormal : bye im leaving now have fun burt
l^Cs Proz^l SpaceDog : sub stop it not funny


the whole time he was on the microphone saying "please dont" "im sorry" and "you arent serious are you!?"

i felt like god.

But I do feel sorry for him...

But he shouldn't swear at that age!!
I don't and I am 15. It's a bad habit.
People like you annoy me to no end when I'm playing games. Its especially anoying to see you trick, by your own admission, a 10 year old who doesn't know better....This also shouldn't be in this section.
Farrowlesparrow said:
People like you annoy me to no end when I'm playing games. Its especially anoying to see you trick, by your own admission, a 10 year old who doesn't know better....This also shouldn't be in this section.
Quoted for Emphasis.
Must be funny when you're there I guess. And Farrow it's not like he tricked him into giving up a CC number or anything.
Farrowlesparrow said:
People like you annoy me to no end when I'm playing games. Its especially anoying to see you trick, by your own admission, a 10 year old who doesn't know better....This also shouldn't be in this section.
See above --------------^
Farrowlesparrow said:
People like you annoy me to no end when I'm playing games. Its especially anoying to see you trick, by your own admission, a 10 year old who doesn't know better....This also shouldn't be in this section.

quoted once again, for emphasis.
No he didn't, but I have encountered people with his attitude. Although they haven't tricked me, they still get on my nerves because they don't leave you alone. Its also not funny to see him preying on someone like that. What will that person be like now? Who knows, maybe in a strange way they will get their own back by doing it to the next batch of new people.
Yeah, I agree with Farrow here....

I only ever get angry with two types of players on internet games. Cheaters and even more so tkers. And even then I sometimes try and talk them out of doing it. (I got a tker to stop tking once and he actually decided he liked playing the game better. Happy day that....)
Well okay I see your point, but you can simply mute them in CS :)
Farrow's right, the kid didnt deserve you harrassing him over the spelling a of name. Who cares what his name is
You must feel really big now Wraith, picking on a little kid, quick, there's a baby in a pram over there, go steal its dummy.

I'd love to see this backfire and your target just so happens to work for your ISP and your parents get an official warning about your behavior.
The Dark Elf said:
You must feel really big now Wraith, picking on a little kid, quick, there's a baby in a pram over there, go steal its dummy.

I'd love to see this backfire and your target just so happens to work for your ISP and your parents get an official warning about your behavior.

I'm somewhat reminded of this hilarious comic by Penny Arcade :)
The Dark Elf said:
You must feel really big now Wraith, picking on a little kid, quick, there's a baby in a pram over there, go steal its dummy.

I love brit slang :) what's a pram? I think a dummy is a pacifier ..right?
Pram = Stroller
Dummy = Pacifier

Heh, I love New Zealand, we get everyone's leftovers, slang included :)
hehe thanks

brit slang I've learned from being here:


more please
CptStern said:
hehe thanks

brit slang I've learned from being here:


more please

How about twat? hehe ;)

Oh and Beaver better than bind mouse1 kill is unbindall mouahaha! :D
Then there are assholes like wraith floating around on the internet, preying on people who dont happen to play a game for years on end, but rather are just starting out. They aim to make sure noone joins thier little clique of online gamers, gettign paler and paler in the skin, day by day. I welcome you to my personal hall of idiots.
Farrowlesparrow said:
No he didn't, but I have encountered people with his attitude. Although they haven't tricked me, they still get on my nerves because they don't leave you alone. Its also not funny to see him preying on someone like that. What will that person be like now? Who knows, maybe in a strange way they will get their own back by doing it to the next batch of new people.
It is the common CS attitude, a reason why I will never play that game again....unless it is somehow magically converted to source, then I might try it out.
CptStern said:
hehe thanks

brit slang I've learned from being here:


more please

Heh, chav is a southern term. We call them townies or scallies. Do you seriously not use pram in Canada?
Guys two wrongs don't make a right. :p

And as for Brit slang, the US and the UK have 2 very different meanings for the word fag.

Other than that for some reason my mind is totally blank to slang atm, which is odd cause I'm always using it...
farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, chav is a southern term. We call them townies or scallies. Do you seriously not use pram in Canada?

no it's stroller or baby carriage, we canadians are an unimaginative lot ...never heard of pram before

btw isnt there a BBC show called "Townies" .... is it about scallies/chavs?
I can honestly say I haven't heard of that programme...but then again I don't always know whats on the beeb nowadays.
Evil Beaver said:
"bind mouse1 kill"
End of story.

Hehe, that takes me back to my younger days prowling internet cafes :)
come on, everyone has a joke played on them when they're a "n00b", it's part of being a n00b, it's like breaking them in to the wondrous world of online gaming!

If people didn't make fun and play jokes on n00b's the internet would be a much duller place!
Farrowlesparrow said:
People like you annoy me to no end when I'm playing games. Its especially anoying to see you trick, by your own admission, a 10 year old who doesn't know better....This also shouldn't be in this section.
Quoted again for emphasis.