
for those not knowing where this all started:
click on the "E3 2005 GameSpot Live Stage Demo"

if you don't feel like watching the video, I have written down what they say.

from the video interview:
GS interviewer: "I wanna ask you about the PC demo release in June"
Ben smith: "yeah you guys are going to have an exclusive period on the demo you have to go to gamecenter to get it and we are releasing that demo in mid June"

AmishSlayer said:
That's most probably been edited/copied from the UT2k3 demo pictures, some of which were absolutely hilarious.
Is it for gamespot complete subscribers or gamespot basic?
Cool, so I can get my copy of the demo tonight instead of waiting till Friday

bit-torrent is my friend....
tonight? hows that? will it be released tonight on gamespt? me is confused politics I can understand but the complexities of game release schedules just makes my brain hurt :)
lol stern ^-^

I just wanna it now and I still think EA is the Devil
CptStern said:
tonight? hows that? will it be released tonight on gamespt? me is confused politics I can understand but the complexities of game release schedules just makes my brain hurt :)
In some chat or something some guy from EA said that gamecenter (gamespots download site) will be releasing it tonight, I'll get a link in a sec but it sounds like a rumor to me.
Would the boards be this quiet if it was?

i telling you all.. the world is a big con.

before long well be paying 10p to view any site..have taxes and have insurance. :/
MilkMan12 said:
Yes cause we would be playing instead of posting
No, everybody would be going mental while downloading it.

* considers working out how to use torrent*
KoreBolteR said:

i telling you all.. the world is a big con.

before long well be paying 10p to view any site..have taxes and have insurance. :/
who pays for stuff anymore?
Theres a file called "battlefield 2 (demo).rar" on an torrent site.

321.07MB is too big for me to waste time on checking if its real.
PickledGecko said:
Theres a file called "battlefield 2 (demo).rar" on an torrent site.

321.07MB is too big for me to waste time on checking if its real.
it's CS, supposedly
It's bs.
It's not said that it'll be subscriber only on the site at all.
And I doubt they'd suddenly say "Oh, One more thing guys...gotta be a subscriber to nab the demo."
Another rumor that the demo is coming out at 6pm est.

Quoting this straight from the totalbf2 forums where I found this.

A rumor on

"Denne fredag har mange gamere med action i blodet set frem til. her vil Electronic Arts sendere deres længe ventede Battlefield 2 demo på gaden og FPS-gamere kan derpå danne sig de første indtryk af hvad der er i vente, når spillet kommer i butikkerne sidst i denne måned. Dog har EA's udmeldinger skabt lidt forvirring. Det lader til, at GameSpot har fået forhandlet sig frem til en eksklusivperiode på ét døgn, hvor andre ikke må hoste demoen. Vi og mange andre er traditionelt imod den slags aftaler, og ville under normale omstædigheder boykotte Battlefield 2 demoen. Electronic Arts siger dog selv, at de ikke forventer at nogen vil overholde embargoen. En lidt spøjs udmelding, som de må se at få talt grundigt med GameSpot om. Vi afventer begivenhederne og vil naturligvis forsøge at kunne hoste demoen allerede på fredag."


Kilden er blevet bekræftet af Boomtown


Skrevet: 08 Jun 2005 15:22 Emne: Re: BF 2 Demo


update: Jeg har så fået det bekræftiget. Det er sandt at gamespot har den 24 timer før alle ekslusivt
[email protected]
Channel manager og overadmin BF \______

Sidst rettet af @VIKINGdom den 08 Jun 2005 15:43, rettet 1 gang


If you are the lucky owner of "gamespot complete account" you will be able to download bf2 demo by 24:01 (GMT+1, Denmark)

The demo will be out tonight for gamespot customers, and for everybody on friday - SO IT IS SAID

"Many gamers have waited for this friday with action in their blood and looking forward to. On this date EA will out their demo on the streets and the FPS-gamers will be able to create their first impressions of what will expect them, when the game will be in stores late this month. EA's announcements have though created a little confusion. It seams, that gamespot has negotiated itself to an exclusive period on one day (24hrs), where other [gaming sites] will not be able to legitimatelly host the demo. We and many others are traditionally against such deals, and woul boycott the demo under normal conditions. EA says, that they dont expect anyone to accept the embargo. A little weird announcement, which they should talk thoroughly with gamspot about. We will await the events and naturally we will try to be able to host the demo already friday.'

If you want the demo 24 hours before everyone else, but dont have an account, you will be able to buy one for [7 dollars] a month

---> The source has been confirmed by Boomtown <---"


"update: i have had it confirmed. It is true that gamespot will have the demo 24 hrs before everybody else exclusively.

[email protected]

and please remember DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER

pls excuse my bad translation... naturally i was in a hurry

$10 says rumors like this keep appearing until Friday :P
omg makes me sad gamespot is a stupid site anyway.....if they would have done the with fileplanet it would have been accepteable (sp?)
Don't really care anyways, Friday's only 2 days away.
Lemonking said:
omg makes me sad gamespot is a stupid site anyway.....if they would have done the with fileplanet it would have been accepteable (sp?)

Why does it make you sad? If anything you'll be getting it early foo'!
ahahhaahahaahahhaha lol I showed my dad that dictionary(sp?) site he that is pretty funny
Lemonking said:
ahahhaahahaahahhaha lol I showed my dad that dictionary(sp?) site he that is pretty funny

You a crazy foo'! Sucka!

Why on earth did your dad call you a foo' again? :p But seriously, I'm hoping when get back from me exam tommorow it'll be out.
JiMmEh said:
You a crazy foo'! Sucka!

Why on earth did your dad call you a foo' again? :p But seriously, I'm hoping when get back from me exam tommorow it'll be out.

Same here.

Offtopic: You have GCSE Histroy? Or French?
French. Not really fussed about that. You have English today? Thought that was pretty easy :)
This was just posted on

Demo Update
Thu 9 Jun 2005, 2:18 AM | Rico | 72 Comments
It seems mass hysteria has broken out across a number of sites, forums and our IRC channel, with rumours coming from all directions that the demo could be released tonight. A fake demo is known to be circulating on the torrent system, so be wary of that as it is not Battlefield 2 related at all. The demo is 100% not out, and there has been no official announcement regarding it.

In a video interview with EA's Scott Evans at E3, it was said that the demo would be released exclusively via Gamespot (most likely a 1 day exclusive). A news post on Boomtown (Danish) mentions that this will occur tonight in less than 2 hours, however, this seems highly unlikely and cannot be confirmed. Other sources claim a Friday the 10th release, so keep an eye out in the coming days.

We are well aware of the confusion circulating and will keep you updated with information as and when we get it.

I love hysteria. Ain't it cool?!
Bah! I doubt it'll come out tonight. Waiting 2 more days isn't that difficult.
While it would be sweet to get it early since Im a GS complete member I still have my doubts that it is even coming out fri. my money is on sometime next week.

nterviewer: [...] I want to ask you about the BF2 demo release, in June, with GameCenter

Scott Evans: Yeah, you guys are gonna have an exclusive period on the demo where you have to go to GameCenter to get it, and we're releasing that demo in mid-June.


Update: We have learned from various sources that the GameCenter exclusive will be available to everyone to download. It is that they are requesting no one mirror the download for a their exclusive period, basically meaning you do not have to be a subscriber.