
May 29, 2003
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The nasty little kids are doing trick or treating allready. Its the 29TH FFS

I hate the little bastards. Its exstorsion. With ugly masks. And often squeaky voices.

I sound like an old man haveing a good old rant. But In fact I have good reason. They have scratched our car before right round it because we didnt answer the door.

Personaly I dont think parrents should allow their children to do it. Its just plain annoying and like I said before stealing with a ugly face :(

Well thats my opinion anyway. What I want to know is what YOU people think of this trick or treating lark?
sit on your porch with a shawtgun
It's holiday's like Holloween that make me appreciate living in the ghetto.
just scare em back, sit outside with a paintball gun and shoot thier feet when they come near ( i remember the time we played paintball on halloween, ahhh... bliss)
When they come to the door walk out with a thong on and say "i have some suckers for you" and they will run trust me...
Heheh nice replies.


I dont own a shotgun :(
I dont own a paintball gun :(
I most certainly dont own a thong and I dont particulaly want to go out and buy one :(


There must be something I can do......
i put up a sign:

"Thank you for stopping by now f uck off."

it works.
If you hear the doorbell ring then look out of one of your windows (preferably second floor, but just so they can't see you), and if they start to damage your property or anything bad, throw eggs or something at them.

But I really hate it when they do stuff like scratching your car.
Leave a jack-o-lantern on your porch with a dildo in it's mouth. I bet you the kid's moms won't let them trick-or-treat at your house.
get a garage? or just sit on rocking chair outside holding two big kitchen knives and wearing the scream mask, i know someone who did that, noone went near him the whole night.
Ive never done trick or treating...not even when I was a kid...NEVER
Heheh, I DO have kitchen knives. :P

And no I never went trick or treating either. I didnt see the appeal to be honest. I was never that obessed with sweets/money or scaring people.
But whatever makes them happy


not really...........
I'd setup a camcorder or cctv and watch. If I saw kids doing any damage to my property I'd ****ing grab them, pull them inside the house and call the police, using the recorded footage as evidence.
Do this...when they come to ring the door bell throw a dummy out of your window and yell "i cant take it anymore" as its flying through the air. XD
and this f***ing halloween is begining to be popular here in france :(
right now my older sister take care for candies and stuff but when she'll move to her house i'll scare the shit out of them so they will make nighmares and NEVER come again MOUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
lmao @ mchammer haha that would be funny

anyone put on a letherface mask, got the chainsaw and waited for the kids, chasing them off your property.. that can be fun

or get a group of friends together and dress up as zombies with really realistic makeup, then just wait in the darkest places to slowly appear moaning braaaaaains.. have one eating half of a cat (fake of course) but the kids don't know that ;) have one begin to crawl out of the ground from a specially dug pit disguised to look like normal grass. That freaks them out, especially if their stood right infront of it heh
nice idea Mchammer!!

Now, where do I get a lifesize dummy....

No I aint goin there! :P
Get some red eye-lenses and a kitchen knife. That'll do the job:)
Have all your family take a dump in a big bag a few times, then on halloween, pour the shit all over your frontyard. If that doesn't keep the kids away, I don't know what will. Make sure you keep it wet/fluid. It's a winner.
good old trick or trating i did it twice when i was 9 and 10, come on, FREE SWEETS!!!
Heheh, I am glad I started this thread. Nice responces. I just went to the loo though so thats out....

Yeah I dont have red contacts...


Oh and yes free sweets but they seem to want money now!!!!


I feel so cruel..

Maybe because the time they got our car we had actually given them some stuff!
Oh come on, Trick or Treating can be fun, I did it with my two sisters last year (who are 23 and 25..), we came to the one door and the guy was on the phone, he said "My friend wants to know why I'm not being friendly to the trick or treaters.. well, they're all in their 20s, and one has a pack of Camel Lights in her candy bag"

he still gave us candy, but it was great fun :) I also had a zombie mask on, and I'd growl at little kids and they'd run off screaming
money??? i wouldn't give the little greedy ass pricks one cent!
A tick tack will do and if they complain, tell them to f*** off, this ain't no charity!!!

Dig a pitfall trap in the path leading up to your house or pretend to be a dead person (all bloody and everything) and pretand to be just waking up, and homble around like youve had your haed bashed in, ask for help like a real victim.

Trust me, it's a classic.
Start a rumor in your neighborhood that you put syringes and Drano in your Halloween candy.
On the second thought, DO put syringes and Drano in your Halloween candy. See if the little f*ckers come back next year.
Originally posted by iamironsam
On the second thought, DO put syringes and Drano in your Halloween candy. See if the little f*ckers come back next year.
lol that would hurt. I can see it now, a kid takin a big bite only to get a sringe stabbed into his gums ouch. Oh and marksman i think im actually going to try to get a dummy and do that if i can find one. :P Anyone know how much it would cost??
dig a grave and put a realistic tombstone in your front lawn, then when they come tell them to go away, if they complain start talking about last holloween and how you couldn't control your self (mutter it so its convincing)
Or another one you could do is take the dummy and have sme strings attached above your porch, have it tucked away so noone can see it. Put abunch of strob lights all around it with a switch connected to them.
Also get some really gay music like the band Wham! (really gayy). Then when they walk up and are just about to hit the door bell, hit the switch to the strobs, turn on the music and drop the dummy (by whatever wire you or your friend is holding). Sit back and watch ass the kids scream bloody murder and run! LMAO and for extra effect have someone manipulating the dummy making it look like its break dancing or doing the robot :P.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Or another one you could do is take the dummy and have sme strings attached above your porch, have it tucked away so noone can see it. Put abunch of strob lights all around it with a switch connected to them.
Also get some really gay music like the band Wham! (really gayy). Then when they walk up and are just about to hit the door bell, hit the switch to the strobs, turn on the music and drop the dummy (by whatever wire you or your friend is holding). Sit back and watch ass the kids scream bloody murder and run! LMAO and for extra effect have someone manipulating the dummy making it look like its break dancing or doing the robot :P.

AAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >_< my tummy hurts from laughing.
Originally posted by D33
I'd setup a camcorder or cctv and watch. If I saw kids doing any damage to my property I'd ****ing grab them, pull them inside the house and call the police, using the recorded footage as evidence.


Put 9 inch nails under the welcome mat and boards (if you have wooden steps) and when you flick a switch the nails come through the board and stab through their feet so they can't move. As they scream in pain you fire dual flamethrowers at their ankles and fry them till their black and melted off the bone. You then have a gun that comes through the mail slot on your door and shoots them in the chest, once thats done you finish it off by melting their faces off with acid and dropping them into a trap door where you then eat their liver and heart.

you could be really nice and give them whatever they want and say, i was SO happy serving you please do come again and i'll give you even more of what you derserve you precious little sugarbuns you.

Originally posted by nw909

Put 9 inch nails under the welcome mat and boards (if you have wooden steps) and when you flick a switch the nails come through the board and stab through their feet so they can't move. As they scream in pain you fire dual flamethrowers at their ankles and fry them till their black and melted off the bone. You then have a gun that comes through the mail slot on your door and shoots them in the chest, once thats done you finish it off by melting their faces off with acid and dropping them into a trap door where you then eat their liver and heart.

the point is to SCARE them not KILL them ^^
i had an idea in my bed, you have to record some screaming and monsters like aliens and then play it very LOUD when kid come near your door, of course you close all the windows so they can't see what's going on inside, then if you are alone you put a lot of fake blood on you and scream and open the door and fall outside ^^
or you just put blood on your hands and open the door a little and make as if someone is pulling you back because you want to escape :p
or i thought about an alien costume made with pieces of paperboard, paint, some kind of transparent liquid that drip from the mouths and old clothes but it's difficult to explain how to do it, maybe i'll make a tutorial ^^
Oh I just remembered a trick I pulled a few years back :D

Sit somewhere inside where you can see the kids comin, when they come to the door wait till they about to come up and knock, then open it and say "TRICK OR TREAT!" before they can. I did it once and the kid actually gave me a mars bar, then walked off looking really confused ^^
Thankfully, living in Australia, Halloween is not very big over here. Though, u always get 1 or 2 kids going trick or treating, u just ask them, "arn't u in the wrong country?"
Originally posted by nw909

Put 9 inch nails under the welcome mat and boards (if you have wooden steps) and when you flick a switch the nails come through the board and stab through their feet so they can't move. As they scream in pain you fire dual flamethrowers at their ankles and fry them till their black and melted off the bone. You then have a gun that comes through the mail slot on your door and shoots them in the chest, once thats done you finish it off by melting their faces off with acid and dropping them into a trap door where you then eat their liver and heart.


I dont know why because you suggestion was the sickest...but i laughed at it so much.

Anyway, my ideas.

Wait behind the door with a chainsaw/axe and when they ring the bell...smash your way through screaming something about how they pushed you too far.

When they come to the door, come running out screaming with a friend behind you holding a knife....make sure it looks like you have been stabbed and once you are out fo the door, fall over and your friend can pretend to kill you. Then the friend calowly look around towards the children (if they havent run off already) and he can say something like "Mmmm, they are always so tender when they are young"

Give them some cianide...

I find halloween very annoying...i mean, its so American and just doesnt fit in here properly. If you dont give them the rights to your soul over here, they stab you in the back some weeks later.