normal map


Nov 25, 2004
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hi i'm really confused about how to make a normal map. i am nearly finished with a model im working on. when its all finished do i need to then duplicated it and work even more on the other model making it really really detailed. then what do i do. also should i use zbrush to do this? i have it on a disc.
You can make a high poly model version with any 3D modeling package you like or Zbrush (works good especially for organic models). Then you can use a program that can generate a normal map from a model. You can use the free ORB software or Max 7 (but I think you don't like Max very much) so it's up to you. You can also do it in XSI but I have no idea how to do it in XSI.
you can also paint a normal map. you paint a grayscale (bump map) then convert it to a normal map (for photoshop u can use nvidia's dds plugin). also, since normal maps use the low poly model's projections, you can't use straight extrusions on ur model, or paint with a solid brush or it'll look terrible heh. for a much more detailed (too detailed imo, couldn't read the whole thing heh) description of the high poly method:
oh thanks guys. also whats so good about zbrush how can it be easyer to do this on that?
zbrush just has painting tools implemented right in it, and you can paint on the model itself without exporting uv's & such. i know people boast about it's 'awesome' ability to smooth models too for some reason, but what program doesn't do that -_- easier to get details exactly where u want them in zbrush tho.
oh ok i have a deeppaint 3d anyway lol. btw can anyone explain to me what a normal map actualy is coz im really confused. is it the same as a bumpmap?
its not painting on models its painting models....zbrush offers advanced paint based micro triangular geometric deformations (thats right i like zee big wordz)
which is good news for organic modelers and owners of graphic tablets :D
w/e same thing -_- painting deformations on model... but u can still paint ON them too for skinning.
If you're interested I have a video tutorial on normal mapping using Maya which you can find here.
lol mindless I thought you were mean to everyone but I can see im the only one who you dont answer my questions and complain about noobs cloging the forums. :p

Because I asked the exsact same question and I didnt get help lol
well thanks for the help guys judas explained it in great detail on msn :). stieffers thanks for the link only i use xsi not maya.
Vulture117 said:
lol mindless I thought you were mean to everyone but I can see im the only one who you dont answer my questions and complain about noobs cloging the forums. :p

Because I asked the exsact same question and I didnt get help lol

i help a lot of guys around here i just dont like it when people post before looking through the forums.
Stieffers said:
If you're interested I have a video tutorial on normal mapping using Maya which you can find here.

Hey you inadvertendly helped me out considerably :D

lol mindless I thought you were mean to everyone but I can see im the only one who you dont answer my questions and complain about noobs cloging the forums.

Because I asked the exsact same question and I didnt get help lol

five people had posted before he posted and my question had already been answered by then.