North korea pictures

Amazing photos. North Korea would be a scary place to live in. The 'everybody wears a pin' thing is creepy!
**** em. Its what I'd have imagined of 1984.

They don't even have the money to support hospitals with constant electricity (We're actually giving some, idiotic politicians), and now they've built an ICBM and its about launch.

Anti-communism ftmfw.
An even scarier two images.


Lol @ lack of dots

Lol @ big dot on exactly where I live.
Want to see something even eerier?

Asia at night, from space. North Korea is almost completely dark, it's amazing compared to South Korea right below it.


RakuraiTenjin said:

Everything you can do, I can do better!

<dances a happy little jig>

Just kidding, great minds think alike, bud.
One thing that I dislike about the poster: He seems to think that North Korean = South Korean.

I'm not freaking 160cm. I'm 180.
Isn't south korea still really crappy too? Like compared to normal countries...

Is it better or worse than mexico?

seriously, you cannot compare mexico with South Korea. We're like number 7 or something on the world economy scale.
15357 said:
seriously, you cannot compare mexico with South Korea. We're like number 7 or something on the world economy scale.
O rly?

Isn't japan really high too though? Japan sucks balls
Ikerous said:
Isn't south korea still really crappy too? Like compared to normal countries...

Is it better or worse than mexico?
South Korea is one of the most advanced nations on the face of the planet.
RakuraiTenjin said:
South Korea is one of the most advanced nations on the face of the planet.

And we owe it to General Park Jung Hee, the greatest leader ever, who came into power after we overthrew the autocracy of Syngman Rhee, who made Korea the poorest nation in the world. (Yes, even poorer than N. Korea or Sudan or something)

His rule may have been criticized for being a bit undemocratic, but we achieved immense economic growth during those 20 years or military rule. I wouldn't be here talking to you people if it wasn't for him. I'd be working in a coal mine or something, with a communist reunified peninsula.

O rly?

Isn't japan really high too though? Japan sucks balls

Yeah. We're catching up though. Japan's economy is falling. As soon as the GNP gets into power, we're gonna be number 4.
15357 said:
And we owe it to General Park Jung Hee, the greatest leader ever, who came into power after we overthrew the autocracy of Syngman Rhee, who made Korea the poorest nation in the world. (Yes, even poorer than N. Korea or Sudan or something)

His rule may have been criticized for being a bit undemocratic, but we achieved immense economic growth during those 20 years or military rule. I wouldn't be here talking to you people if it wasn't for him. I'd be working in a coal mine or something, with a communist reunified peninsula..
Yeah in that thread linked to in the post, a guy said he was stationed there in the 60's and it was horrible, but then was restationed there in the 80's and the advances made were so mindblowing that it was like an entirely different nation.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah in that thread linked to in the post, a guy said he was stationed there in the 60's and it was horrible, but then was restationed there in the 80's and the advances made were so mindblowing that it was like an entirely different nation.

Yeah. :)

We achieved enough economically to invade North Korea and win, but the US underarmed us at that time because of that reason. :(
Numbers, you know I like neo-fascism but anti-communism ftl, I don't think communism is the problem, but rather the leaders, however, seeing as the leaders claim to be communist, I guess in a way communism is the problem..
I have one question for you, if I moved to South Korea and claimed to be a Marxist-Leninist, would I get imprisoned or something?
I haven't quite grasped what your Anti-Communism laws do..
And yes, it's an awsome read, makes me appreciate my countries Socialist-Capitalism!
Gargantou said:
Numbers, you know I like neo-fascism but anti-communism ftl, I don't think communism is the problem, but rather the leaders, however, seeing as the leaders claim to be communist, I guess in a way communism is the problem..
I have one question for you, if I moved to South Korea and claimed to be a Marxist-Leninist, would I get imprisoned or something?
I haven't quite grasped what your Anti-Communism laws do..
And yes, it's an awsome read, makes me appreciate my countries Socialist-Capitalism!
Communism HAS to be authoritarian. You HAVE to force people to do it/forcefully prevent them from doing capitalist actions. Or else it's just a government that goes "lol guys do collectivism!" but companies and regular people say "Um, no, sorry."

This is why it's bad, because it strips freedoms away.
That's true Rakurai, it's what I said in a kidding fashion to my friends on UKCS while we were talking politics, "In order for communism to really work we need to develop a mind-control device!" :LOL:
These pictures have taken from the better parts of NK. You don't know how bad it can be.
Gargantou said:
Numbers, you know I like neo-fascism but anti-communism ftl, I don't think communism is the problem, but rather the leaders, however, seeing as the leaders claim to be communist, I guess in a way communism is the problem..
I have one question for you, if I moved to South Korea and claimed to be a Marxist-Leninist, would I get imprisoned or something?
I haven't quite grasped what your Anti-Communism laws do..
And yes, it's an awsome read, makes me appreciate my countries Socialist-Capitalism!

You have to actually preach communism and say things about how communism is good.

Then you get 8 months ~ 20 years.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Communism HAS to be authoritarian. You HAVE to force people to do it/forcefully prevent them from doing capitalist actions. Or else it's just a government that goes "lol guys do collectivism!" but companies and regular people say "Um, no, sorry."

This is why it's bad, because it strips freedoms away.
Not at all. The state could open rival buissness's to private owned ones. And everyone woulod go to the state buissness's becuase they would be cheaper, and better, so the pirvate companies would be destroyed by competition.
Gargantou said:
Wow, and South Korea is.. err.. a democracy?>_> xD

Yep :)

A democracy minus communism.

btw, you do know that a big part of fascism is anti-communism, right?
Solaris said:
Not at all. The state could open rival buissness's to private owned ones. And everyone woulod go to the state buissness's becuase they would be cheaper, and better, so the pirvate companies would be destroyed by competition.
WTF would be the point of doing this?

And no, it usually wouldn't be cheaper/better, ESPECIALLY in the service industry.

IE: Family I know and am friends with owns/operates a garbage disposal company. MUCH better service than any of the city's services.

They do have great taste in statues. I personally like this one.

I know thats suppose to be a paintbrush in the middle, I keep on thinking its an RPG launcher.
RakuraiTenjin said:
WTF would be the point of doing this?

And no, it usually wouldn't be cheaper/better, ESPECIALLY in the service industry.

IE: Family I know and am friends with owns/operates a garbage disposal company. MUCH better service than any of the city's services.
Then the city suck.
The point would be that services would be run for use, not profit, so they would be better for the people who use it.
war communism is the closets thing to communism ever attempted, it was so unpopular that the Bolsheviks were nearly diposed, had they not ruthlessly killed all oppositoin leaders. They had to resort to capitalism
Amazing, i find some of those pictures truelly amazing. Worlds apart, very scary.
What an awesome country.

How weirdly Orwellian is this pic:
Creepiest shit ever:
"The hotel, construction was abandoned in 1991."
Solaris said:
Then the city suck.
The point would be that services would be run for use, not profit, so they would be better for the people who use it.
Profit is made by quality of services. A strong market with competition breeds high quality products and services.