North korea pictures

15357 said:
Yep :)

A democracy minus communism.

btw, you do know that a big part of fascism is anti-communism, right?
Indeed I do, but still, I view freedom of speech as a vital part of a democracy, if you're not allowed to state that a certain ideology is good, then that's pretty homosexual!:p
If you have anti-communism you should have anti-nazism laws as well for example imo.:p
Gargantou said:
Indeed I do, but still, I view freedom of speech as a vital part of a democracy, if you're not allowed to state that a certain ideology is good, then that's pretty homosexual!:p
If you have anti-communism you should have anti-nazism laws as well for example imo.:p
Yeah, a friend send me that yesterday. Looks like teh shit.
Laivasse said:
What an awesome country.

How weirdly Orwellian is this pic:
Creepiest shit ever:
"The hotel, construction was abandoned in 1991."

Reminds me of the ministry of truth. :p

Indeed I do, but still, I view freedom of speech as a vital part of a democracy, if you're not allowed to state that a certain ideology is good, then that's pretty homosexual!
If you have anti-communism you should have anti-nazism laws as well for example imo.

The laws are trying to insure that we do live in a secure democracy. In order to achieve freedom, liberty, and democracy, we must sacrifice a part of freedom.
That's how it all starts, one of the major politicians over here was all like "We have to keep the country secure from terrorists.. Ehhh.. Let's give SÄPO(Our 'CIA/FBI') the chance to bug anyone even if they're not suspected for anything!" Fools I tell you, luckily iirc that decision didn't go through or w/e.:D
Lol. We're like:

Let the KCIA tab everyone! (Everyone agrees)

30 years later:

Gargantou said:
That's how it all starts, one of the major politicians over here was all like "We have to keep the country secure from terrorists.. Ehhh.. Let's give SÄPO(Our 'CIA/FBI') the chance to bug anyone even if they're not suspected for anything!" Fools I tell you, luckily iirc that decision didn't go through or w/e.:D
Bodström is the next Goebbels!
I've been obsessed with North Korea for a long time. What a freaky, miserable, yet extremely interesting country. The Kim family are probably the most successful dictators in modern history, considering that they've maintained a stable government for 60 years and brainwashed their people to the point that internal dissent is almost nonexistent.

As a comparison between the two Koreas, here are two large streets in the North's capital, Pyongyang:

Compared to two large streets in the South's capital, Seoul: Street.JPG

It's spooky how different two halves of a country become once you split them up for a few decades.
Seems everyone thinks south korea is a shitty place, =/ South korea is alot more advanced than most people think, we have teh best internetzors!
ktimekiller said:
Seems everyone thinks south korea is a shitty place, =/ South korea is alot more advanced than most people think, we have teh best internetzors!


We got pushed to second place though. :(
Crazy, I wouldn't have known NK is like that if I hadn't seen those pictures.

This would make an epic Parkour playground.
haha that building reminds me of the citadel

I wonder if that means that there's a korean equivalent to gordon freeman
North Korea sucks more than I thought. And yes, watching those pictures I was also remained of City 17 ha ha
South Korea seems nice. Anywhere that has professional celebrity video game players HAS to be ;)

NK on the other hand... eh, not so much.
Thank you for posting this! There is some really interesting stuff on that web page. And I have read it all. My sister knows someone who is Koren that taught me a lot of their language so this is of interest to me.
Weeeeiiirrrd! I think the reason it has managed to be so insular so far is because the leader is the ultimate celebrity. I gather that he's revered like someone who is Jesus Christ, George W, Allah, Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise, and all your favorite celebrities wrapped into one person. It takes a lot of social energy to keep societies like this from coming apart; it's an interesting experiment.

Aren't you dying to 'show' them the rest of the world? Broadcast cable television on frequencies that they can receive, sneak full Internet access into their network, etc. It'd be like lighting a fuse...
Shodan said:
Crazy, I wouldn't have known NK is like that if I hadn't seen those pictures.

This would make an epic Parkour playground.
The unfinished hotel is the Citadel
Always fancied popping over to North Korea while I was in China, but never got round to it.

And showing them the rest of the world would indeed create a time bomb. It would cause an interesting revelation for them and the rest of the world.
Originally Posted by Adabiviak
Aren't you dying to 'show' them the rest of the world? Broadcast cable television on frequencies that they can receive, sneak full Internet access into their network, etc. It'd be like lighting a fuse...

Oh god yes... I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. The ultimate experiment in social unchaining! :D
Im wondering whats really in that building where every window had airconditioner.
Amazing place.
Beerdude26 said:
And showing them the rest of the world would indeed create a time bomb. It would cause an interesting revelation for them and the rest of the world.
Hmmm i wonder what they think the rest of the world is like
Numbers, is this one reason you originally came to The orwellian aspect of the game?
Reaktor4 said:
Amazing place.

Hmmm i wonder what they think the rest of the world is like

I've read a few things about that. Most of the refugess that end up i China, Japan, or San Francisco from NK are from in the more "developed areas" and are more "educated". They tend to know that the rest of the world is a better place (particularly Japan, SK, and the US) but know jack-shit as far as specifics go (they couldn't tell you the names of any country's capital that they go to, for instance).

People from the rural areas are basically living in the middle ages, and its been postulated that they actually don't know that there's a world outside of North Korea. They think NK IS the world. That's pretty freaky.

Learnign about countries like NK really make the rest of us appreciative of our own nations. We criticize them so much, yet we're so much better off in so many ways, and it really hits home how many of our freedoms we take for granted.
If you people have ever read a book call "1984" by George Orwell, you would know the condition of NK is exactly similar to the book.
The one in that picture does... (yes, I know that's one a small representaion of the opressed masses.
Yeah, that would suck infinitly to live there.
Originally Posted by sullview
Learnign about countries like NK really make the rest of us appreciative of our own nations. We criticize them so much, yet we're so much better off in so many ways, and it really hits home how many of our freedoms we take for granted.