Not 1 single PS3 has been manufactured yet

In production, the 360 failure rate was off the charts. I really can't see Sony pulling this one off and it's pretty obvious they're just creating a demand.
I might buy a PS3 after the price drops, I just want to get Resident Evil 5 and the new Final Fantasy amongst other things.
PS3 is still expected to have the most marketshare out of all the consoles, so I wouldn't say Sony has failed, but anything can happen. If the system continues to sell well post launch then Sony is pretty safe, but if sales don't meet expectations, Sony is in for a world of hurt.
Microsoft failed in launching well, and this console costs like 200$ more. :|

3. I don't "masterbate". In fact, I've never heard of "masterbation."
Masterbeer? D: