Not a creepy flash this time

ComradeBadger said:
Awwwww :D

Kitty! :cat:
lol its so cute isn't it hehe, i left it on in another tab and couldnt stop laughing at the sounds hehe.
I had that cat link in my aim profile for a while XD
I love that thing.
dunno why but the weird back ground music for salad fingers really freaks me out
qckbeam said:
A salad fingers cute is that! :cat:

qckbeam, I will buy you a car if you use that soundboard over the tannoy at hospital and scare everyone :E

B-MAn said:
dunno why but the weird back ground music for salad fingers really freaks me out

I checked out the other work done by those used in the salad fingers vids and some of it is really good, some of it really creepy and good. All of it worth listening to.
"over the rainbow..."
never heard of salad fingers before...
so cute! soo bad my mom gave away my cat when i was at scholl a few monthd ago T_T