Scary/creepy stories thread

I think ghosts really like my thighs, because when I wake up I sometimes have scratches or red marks on them. :3
Sleep paralysis is the scariest shit I've ever experienced. I was chained to my bed. Well, not really chained, but i tried to move and some kind of force stopped me. I was sweating vigorously and could barely breath. At the end of my bed, it seemed like sets of eyes would emerge over the bed frame, then go back down.
2 nights ago I just lay my head down to go asleep and I kept hearing a creaking in the room of my last for about a minute then went away. it was really scary but i tried to go to a happy place in my head and it went away.
2 nights ago I just lay my head down to go asleep and I kept hearing a creaking in the room of my last for about a minute then went away. it was really scary but i tried to go to a happy place in my head and it went away.

It was that old lady in your pic watching you.

I remember me and my friends were once chilling at another friend's mom's house, whilst she was out on a date with her boyfriend. It was four of us I think, plus his two little brothers.

He had a two story house, and we were all just chilling downstairs playing video games on his gigantic flatscreen TV. Seeing as how his mom could only afford a townhouse, we were all 5 of us squished together on a two man couch. I got up after getting a massive erection from all the hot man action, and went to the kitchen to get a cup of water, my semen vesicle still raging. Another followed and grabbed a bag of chips.

No for reals though, I got some water, my friend got noms, and we heard a faint pitter patter of footsteps comming from upstairs. We kinda jumped, and then he went "Probably the cats (my friend has like, 12 cats). I figured it was either that, or his little brother Francis playing upstairs. I rejoined my compatriots in idiocy on the couch, only to hear the footsteps maybe 15 minutes later. I thought nothing of it, decided to go upstairs to see what Francis was up to.

Reached for the door handle, and gave it a good tug, only to have it ripped violently from my hand as the door slammed shut again. I gave it another shot, grabbed the doorhandle, pulled at it, got the door maybe halfway open with no resistance, and then somebody inside grabbed the handle and closed it.

My friend yelled "STOP SLAMMING THE DOOR GOD DAMMIT!", and I retorted "**** you, Francis keeps slamming the door shut every time I try to open it!!!" There was a slight pause and I hear my friend go "uh... Are you ok?". His little brother, Francis, followed with "**** YOU I'M NOT DOING SHIT!!!" I was pretty puzzled by now, and walked back downstairs, only to see Francis squeezed up in the couch space I had left behind.

"LOLWUT? Must be George, ******"

"Naw man, George is at my dad's house right now..."

We heard those footsteps again, but this time everybody kinda looked up at the ceiling in acknowledgment.

"**** you man, that ain't funny, I know he's up there..."

"Are you ok Taylor? He's with my dad, they went to the Gym earlier today. I know for a fact that he's there right now"

"Well then who the **** is holding the door shut upstairs? I know there's no lock, and every time I get the door halfway open, somebody grabs the handle and shuts it"

Everybody on the couch had this shocked look on their face, like your cliched look of "disbelief", and just stared at me blankly.


Somebody else chimed in "Dammit Taylor, you better not be joking, you're scaring the shit out of me right now. You ok?"

"Yeah man i'm fine, take a look for yourself..."

And thus we all piled up the stairs, one by one since they were skinny as ****, up into the common upstairs area. To the left was the toilet, behind us was his sisters room (she was also at his dads), to the right the stairs, and infront of us that closed door. The floorspace upstairs was pretty minimal, so there were maybe three of us standing infront of the door, and three more in the stairwell. If anything went down, we were all pretty much ****ed as far as an escape route goes. I pictured A bunch of kids slamming into each other in the hallway and falling down the stairs while screaming like little girls.


I think at this point, one of my friends realized this, and uttered "**** this i'm going to wait by the front door. Tell me when this is over."

I was standing right infront of the door to his little brother's room, expected to show everybody what was up. There was a fat ass lump in my throat, like your mother just took a shit in it or something. I sacked up, grabbed the door handle, gave it a good twist, and opened the door just a hair. No resistance.

My friend goes "**** you I knew you were just ****ing with me, right?"

All the tension in my body kinda left as I thought the danger was over, and started opening the door nonchalantly, while turning around and saying to him "Naw man, I was 100% serious. Not joking AT A---"

I was just about to get the door open enough to see what was inside, when the handle was ripped from my loose grip, and the door slammed shut. Everybody jumped back. We heard the kid waiting by the front door scream just as we heard it click open.




"Oh man, are you SURE George is with your dad?"

"I'm positive man!!!"

I tried the door one more time. Same thing, got it about half way open and BAM! Slammed shut again.

"Lemme try this shit"

The kid who lived there reached for the doorhandle, and pulled the door halfway open, then let go and paused for a few seconds to see if anything would happen. You still couldn't see inside. He let go.


BAM! Door slammed shut again. We were all clearly shaken. I yelped "**** THIS SHIT!" and slammed the door open, as we all charged headstrong into the room one at a time, eyes slightly shut, fists up, like we were total toughguys or something.

There was nothing in there. Somebody retorted "Oh man, I bet those footsteps were your cats", just as a wittle baby tabby crawled into the room. We noticed he was the only cat in there, and that he had followed us upstairs to see what was up.

Turns out the only window in that room was left wide open, and since it was a particularly windy day, a bit of a formidable pressure system built up in the tiny room, which was strong enough to suck the doorhandle right out of our hands. The footsteps were from this big wooden counterwait on end of the rope that controlled the curtains to that window, which kept on bouncing against the walls from the wind.

Or at least that's what we all think...
^^^^^Love your story so much.

Oh and for you ghost lovers out there i have a book in my room Called Ghosts.
Some time ago a man heard from a news story that a local hotel had a "haunted room" that had become somewhat of a tourist attraction recently. He decided to go to the hotel and check it out. So the next day he drove there, walked up to the receptionist and asked for the key to room 12. The receptionist told him that the room was permanently locked off because of an evil spirit which occupied it, and told him that he may have a look inside through the keyhole if he wanted. He agreed to this and went up to the room. He noticed as he walked by the other rooms that most of them had electronic locks and wondered how the hell he could look inside that haunted room. However, he soon entered an older section of the hotel where the room was located and all the doors were solid oak and had old fashioned locks. He came up to the door to room 12 and peered inside through the large keyhole, seeing a traditional hotel room with a king size bed, wooden table, and crystal chandelier. He then noticed a figure of a woman standing in one of the corners facing the wall. This startled him so much that he doubled back away from the door. After a moment, he decided to look inside again, but this time he couldn't see anything except red, as though something had covered the keyhole. He was puzzled and decided to give up. He went back to the receptionist to ask her about the spirit living inside that room and she told him that it was the spirit of a woman who was murdered there over a hundred years ago by her husband, and now that woman's spirit has come back to haunt that room. She then told him that the spirit's eyes were the color of evil - pure red.
Turns out the only window in that room was left wide open, and since it was a particularly windy day, a bit of a formidable pressure system built up in the tiny room, which was strong enough to suck the doorhandle right out of our hands. The footsteps were from this big wooden counterwait on end of the rope that controlled the curtains to that window, which kept on bouncing against the walls from the wind.

Or at least that's what we all think...

TAPS agrees with your assessment.
I had a really ****ed up dream last night, and it was very odd. I woke up from this nightmare at 6:45. I slapped myself in the face several times, because in my dream, I kept thinking I was waking up. This happened around 20 times. I get up out of my bed, walk into the bathroom, turn the lights on, and fall over from dizziness. I took my temperature, and it was at 102 degrees. (Whenever I have a fever and I sleep, I have the worst dreams of my life.) So I go to walk out of the bathroom to go get some medicine, and I see someone standing by the door. I couldn't really see who it was, but I immediately went back into the bathroom and shut the door. I'm not sure, but can you hallucinate when you have a fever? Well, it was creepy as shit after having a bad dream.
it wasn't a dream.

you got raped!
I had a really ****ed up dream last night, and it was very odd. I woke up from this nightmare at 6:45. I slapped myself in the face several times, because in my dream, I kept thinking I was waking up. This happened around 20 times. I get up out of my bed, walk into the bathroom, turn the lights on, and fall over from dizziness. I took my temperature, and it was at 102 degrees. (Whenever I have a fever and I sleep, I have the worst dreams of my life.) So I go to walk out of the bathroom to go get some medicine, and I see someone standing by the door. I couldn't really see who it was, but I immediately went back into the bathroom and shut the door. I'm not sure, but can you hallucinate when you have a fever? Well, it was creepy as shit after having a bad dream.

yea, I once had a really bad fever and i envisioned my tv rise up from the stand, break into and a glowing multi-coloured ? popped out of it and floated in the room.

It was so messed up.
Just now I was collecting any glasses, plates, etc for washing up in various rooms and I got this real loud ping in my ear as I walked in to a room. I already know that I have tinnitus so I thought nothing of it but I did think that it sounded different to the normal ringing I hear.

What bothered me the most though was that the second I heard it ping I felt as if I was being watched by something in the corner of the room. It was quite possibly the strangest sensation I've ever felt before. I seriously felt as though someone was right behind me breathing down my neck kind of thing.

As I left the room my eye caught the mirror though and I swear to god I saw someone sat on the bed watching, of course when I turned there was nothing there and as I did the pinging sound stopped completely along with that sense of being watched. Creeped me out.
Resurrection. Regardless of my disbelief in the supernatural, this still creeps me the hell out-

Anneliese Michel was born on September 21, 1952 in Leiblfing, Bavaria, Germany. Michel was raised in a strict Catholic family. A devout girl, she tried to make reparations for the sins of wayward priests and drug addicts by sleeping on a bare floor in the dead of winter.[1]
In 1968, when Anneliese was 16 and still in high school, she began to suffer from convulsions. Court findings had her experiencing her first epileptic attack in 1969.[2]
Soon, Anneliese started experiencing hallucinations while praying.[1] She also began to hear voices, which told her that she was damned.[3] By 1973 Anneliese was suffering from depression and considering suicide.[2] Her behavior became increasingly bizarre; she tore off her clothes, ate coal and spiders off the floor, and licked up her own urine.[2]

In 1975, when Anneliese Michel was 23 years old, an older woman who accompanied her on a pilgrimage concluded that Michel was suffering from demonic possession because Michel was unable to walk past a certain icon of Jesus Christ and refused to drink the water of a holy spring.[2] An exorcist in a nearby town examined Michel and believed she was suffering from demonic possession.[2] The bishop issued permission to perform the rite of exorcism according to the Rituale Romanum of 1614.[2]
After years of unsuccessful psychiatric treatments, they gave up on medical treatment and chose to rely solely on the exorcisms for healing.[2] The rites of exorcism were performed over the course of about ten months in 1976. A total of sixty-seven exorcism sessions were held, one or two each week, some lasting up to four hours.[2] At some point she began talking increasingly about dying to atone for the wayward youth of the day and the apostate priests of the modern church, and refused to eat. Though she had received treatment for epilepsy, by this time, at her own request, doctors were no longer being consulted.[2] This was because Anneliese mentioned the "demons" to the doctors, explaining that they started to give her orders.[1] The doctors seemed unable to help, and Anneliese lost hope that medicine was going to be able to cure her.[1]
On July 1, 1976, Anneliese Michel died in her sleep. The autopsy report stated that her death resulted from the malnutrition and dehydration due to almost a year of semi-starvation during which time the rites of exorcism were also performed.
ghosts will scratch you. I had a girlfriend once who kept getting scratched one day. We were driving in the car and suddenly she went "ow!" and grabbed at her neck, and by her collarbone it looked just as if someone had scratched her with their fingernail. That happened two or three times. According to her and her medium friend, it was a ghost who was in love with her or something.

That reminded me of my South African friend, who on occasion just bleeds randomly. We'd just be sitting there laughing something up and all of a sudden a trickle of blood will run down his arm.

It was actually some condition though LOL
Resurrection. Regardless of my disbelief in the supernatural, this still creeps me the hell out

Seems like a clear cut case of schizophrenia made worse by Catholics.
Scary thing happened to me today: I came home and found a thread RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD.

True story.
Scary thing happened to me today: I came home and found a thread RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD.

True story.

That reminded me of my South African friend, who on occasion just bleeds randomly. We'd just be sitting there laughing something up and all of a sudden a trickle of blood will run down his arm.

It was actually some condition though LOL
Sometimes I wake up with completely unexplained lesions on the inside of my thighs. Maybe a ghost is in love with me and following me from house to house, like in Paranormal Activity?

Or maybe I'm just going to need my key back, Danimal.
Scariest experience of my life (so far) is when I camped in a local forest, They are supposedly haunted by the ghost of a hitchhiker who go killed by a car back in the 1950's. Now there still isn't any lights in the forest; so car headlights can make you think a tree is someone standing in the woods.

Anyway when I went camping it was a really creepy night because of the Wolves in a local wildlife park had been howling all night; then at about 2am some Foxes started screaming (The scariest animal call imo). Then the next morning as I was walking home I swear I saw a figure standing next to a tree as I walked past' and when I looked back it just flew away.
Sometimes I wake up with completely unexplained lesions on the inside of my thighs. Maybe a ghost is in love with me and following me from house to house, like in Paranormal Activity?

Or maybe I'm just going to need my key back, Danimal.

Y-You were asleep when I did that?!

That's a hit to the penis' self esteem.

EDIT: The_Freeman I think a goat screaming is scarier than a fox's scream, mostly because it sounds so close to a human's. D:
Scariest thing I can remember, and this ACTUALLY happened to me and my dad.

Me and my brother and my parents were holidaying at our usual spot, Lake Brunner on New Zealands west coast.

One night, we were down fishing at the yacht club wharf, just down the road from our holiday home.

One of the best things about this location was the trains. There is a small train bridge you can stand on and watch the coal trains roar under you from, it's awesome, way better than seeing them in the city for some reason. There was a gap in the distant hills across the lake where you could always see the train coming, about 10 minutes before it arrived at the bridge (the bridge was just up from the yacht club).

So here we were, fishing in the lights of the yacht club when we see a bright light moving through the hills across the lake. Me and my dad headed up to the train bridge to catch it while my brother kept on fishing.

About 10 minutes later, from the top of the bridge we see down the line a bright light come around the corner. As it got nearer and nearer something didn't seem right, there was no rumble.

Thing is, the light sped under us, but there was no train, no sound. We felt the wind of it and everything. Just the light.

We headed back down to the wharf, baffled. We told my brother (he didn't believe us) and sat in silence, trying to think of an explanation. The weird thing is, 5 minutes later a real, visible train came through from the other direction.

I've heard of ghost trains, but that creeped me out big time.
Half of the creepypasta here is from /x/. But being that it's become a shithole, it's nice to read some ACTUAL stories here.
Today I was all alone, and my parents called the house phone to tell me to bring the digital camera they forgot for the party. I hung up, walked back to the bathroom to get a drink, ran the water and heard the phone ring, stopped the water, walked out, looked back at the phone nothing. walked back to get the same drink, heard the phone ring, stopped the water, still heard the ring and then looked again and no call. my mind plays tricks on me all the time like this. sirens are even worse. If i hear the local fire hall's siren late at night whether it went off or not, it will be in my head all night.
Scariest thing I can remember, and this ACTUALLY happened to me and my dad.

Me and my brother and my parents were holidaying at our usual spot, Lake Brunner on New Zealands west coast.

One night, we were down fishing at the yacht club wharf, just down the road from our holiday home.

One of the best things about this location was the trains. There is a small train bridge you can stand on and watch the coal trains roar under you from, it's awesome, way better than seeing them in the city for some reason. There was a gap in the distant hills across the lake where you could always see the train coming, about 10 minutes before it arrived at the bridge (the bridge was just up from the yacht club).

So here we were, fishing in the lights of the yacht club when we see a bright light moving through the hills across the lake. Me and my dad headed up to the train bridge to catch it while my brother kept on fishing.

About 10 minutes later, from the top of the bridge we see down the line a bright light come around the corner. As it got nearer and nearer something didn't seem right, there was no rumble.

Thing is, the light sped under us, but there was no train, no sound. We felt the wind of it and everything. Just the light.

We headed back down to the wharf, baffled. We told my brother (he didn't believe us) and sat in silence, trying to think of an explanation. The weird thing is, 5 minutes later a real, visible train came through from the other direction.

I've heard of ghost trains, but that creeped me out big time.
Maybe one of those track maintenance trucks? Might not have heard it over the wind or something.
This is a true story but fits under the category of "serves you right" more than creepy. Anyway...
There is a survival camp councilor in my town who always loved to scare the living daylights out of his campers (12 to 15 years olds or so) with this totally made up story about a MNR (government forester) employee who everyone picked on that has now gone into seclusion and comes out periodically to kill campers. It was a long story but essentially it (his killing) was to get back at the people who wronged him when they hung him out of a plane and allowed him to be hit by tree tops. The tree tops damaged his eyes and now they are a glowing yellow, so in his story he always called him "yellow eyes."

With every group he always told the story the same way and on the way back to the tents he had this yellow eyed sort of mask thing he would hide in the bushes to scare his campers.

Well this one time one of the campers freaked out and grabbed a campfire stick and went to go attack the mask (not knowing it's a mask of course). The councilor started laughing and went in to stop the camper from behind and when he did the camper wound up with the stick and accidentally got the councilor in the eye. He is now blind in that eye and believe me it is the yellowist looking thing I have ever seen, not just the whites of the eye either, just about the whole dang thing almost like a little sister from Bioshock. That to me (unlike rain on your wedding day) is ironic.
One of my scariest stories isn't all that exciting. I was out drinking one night and set off walking home at about 2am, it was a 30minute walk and I do it a lot, never seen anyone walking on that road really at that time.

Well half way through I notice this big dude is about 40m behind me walking up too, weirds me out a little so I cross the road, he crosses pretty soon afterwards. I'm like, this is weird and cross to the other side he does the same. Now I'm pretty freaked out and as soon as the road bends a little I start running all the way home.

Was probably just some drunk dude, but he was pretty big and no-ones ever walking the street at that time, never mind ****ing following people.

I should mention I went to St.Helens once too, that was pretty creepy.

What about AL's matchstick story for the newbies.
I always get creeped out when people are walking behind me on the street, it would freak me out if they changed sides with me though D: