Not happy with the punish system

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Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
As the title says, i'm not very happy with the punish system. I'm not to thrilled with the community either, be it the CS community is worse but it was much easier to find a decent server in CS.

It's an awesome game, I love it. But the only decent games I can find are late at night when all the 13 year old assholes are asleep. I just got out of a game playing MEC, some kid and his friend kept teamkilling me and my gunner because we kept getting the chopper first. We both chose to punish him, thats 2 punish votes right there. We respawn and get the chopper again, same thing happens. 4 punish votes. Then the teamkiller gets the chopper and i'm the gunner.. He intentionally flew the chopper into the ground to kill us both. I explained what was going on to my team, and started a vote.. Needed 19 votes to get him out, and only 10 would vote. I was pissed because nobody seemed to care we were losing now because this teamkiller won't let me fight.

He finally got booted after about 4 more teamkills, but then his friend started pulling the same crap with me. So I spent the entire round putting up with being TK'd everytime I would spawn. He got booted, thats when I could finally play and we ironically started winning again once this happened. Now heres my other view on the punish system - when you get punished for a teamkill. I can understand some people get irritated because they got teamkilled. But I make it a habbit to apologize and explain it was an accident, yet still get punished. Most the time I get a teamkill somebody runs over one of my AT Mine's after me TELLING them not to get into the vehicle because I put mines on it for the enemy team. I also get teamkills occasionaly when im using the anti-aircraft missile stuff, sometimes the missile will miss the aircraft your aiming for and go for your teammates aircraft that might be flying beside it. So as I said none of my teamkills are intentional but I always get punished for them, even after apologizing and explaining what happened.

Like I said, I love the game. I'll buy it the first day it comes out (it comes out the 21st right?) but there are some major flaws with the punish system, I think the developers should make some changes to it. The community is also abit irritating during the day, the games at night are much better i'll admit.
Agreed. Punish needs to prevent them from playing for 3 rounds. Like hitting pedestrians in real life, no one should run over, or shoot at, friends.
I think your problem is with the default punish limit. It can supposedly by changed by the server to kick them quicker.
Andt he amount of votes required is rediculus, you even need votes from the other team to get someone kicked, and offcourse they are not going to do it, cause iti s in their advantage. My suggestion would be, hwne you want to kick someone from your owns team, you onl yneed 2/3 of the votes of your team, but if you want to kick someone on the other team you need to get 2/3 of all the people there.

Anyway I have another suggestion, now I probably haven't thought it through enough, cause if it was that good it would have been implemented, but what if, when one of your teammates hit's you, you can kill him and not be punished for it. Cause in this game and CS I often come in contact with people who just like to wound you intentionally, and when you tk them they punish you, and then do it all over again. Now I know someone might accidantly hit, you and there will be people who will them misuse their right and kill them, but you know what in most situations it would work and you would be more carefull.
The servers I've played on with actual jerk tk'ers have had a low tolerance. A tker would tk 2 or 3 times, be punished then be kicked and banned from the server.

The self-defence addition would be kinda nice for tk'ers but something tells me that won't make it in.

As for voting - I find it interesting that with the exact same system (with more strict quotas), Tribes 2 players will almost always vote out a player that's up for a kick-vote. People figure he must've done something wrong so they all kick him. There was no lack of voting. In BF2 and other game communities it's hard enough to get the vote passed that it's almost pointless. You'd have to have tons of chatter about it explaining what's going on to even come close.

I personally think the voting shouldn't need a majority, just plurality. Say only 16 people voted. If 8 or more voted to kick, the player would be kicked. This way people that are too lazy to vote or that somehow missed the vote wouldn't automatically count against the vote.
Its just kids that piss me off, the other day, there were no vehicles on the deck of the carrier, so I jumped down and got into a boat, I asked my 'Squad' to come down and jump in the boat, what do they do?

Carry on camping the damned airplanes and choppers.

It can't be any fun, flying around, crashing/getting shot down, waiting for vehicle to spawn again, repeat.

Its not as if they are transporting anyone, they just **** around or can't fly a helicopter, so everyone jumps in a Blackhawk and the said noob crashes everyone into the sea!

This game should have an IQ test, with questions about stuff from the 80s, so kids can't play.
lmao your one extremist Shodan. Your always telling me to jump off the boat into the sea, and i do. But i think we should go play now, my xfire has been down...just back up. Someone go find a server?
Shodan said:
Its just kids that piss me off, the other day, there were no vehicles on the deck of the carrier, so I jumped down and got into a boat, I asked my 'Squad' to come down and jump in the boat, what do they do?

Carry on camping the damned airplanes and choppers.

It can't be any fun, flying around, crashing/getting shot down, waiting for vehicle to spawn again, repeat.

Its not as if they are transporting anyone, they just **** around or can't fly a helicopter, so everyone jumps in a Blackhawk and the said noob crashes everyone into the sea!

This game should have an IQ test, with questions about stuff from the 80s, so kids can't play.

Exactly. Some chumps even jump into a blackhawk and just take off without waiting for if it was a personal taxi or something.
I get kicked from servers all the time for TKing once. The thing is they're accidental and it's not often. Maybe about one or two times in an entire map. I don't mean to but when you're driving full speed and they run out infront of you from around the corner of the building I don't think it warrants a kick.
To BF2Slut: I'm thinking the ranking system will take care of TKers, there could be temporary bans after a certain amount of TKs and permanent bans after two or three temp bans. I hope EA/DICE thought of something like this to prevent noobs to go on killing sprees.
I am really pissed off right now, I have been banned from two server just today for TKing. It has all been because I am bombing enemy tanks, and some leet d00d things he is going to solo it with his knife.
I think your problems are camping around for helicopters; that's the only place asshats go. So if there are idiots on the server try playing something other than pilot; you'll enjoy it ;). I haven't run in to a single asshat this way.
No Limit said:
I think your problems are camping around for helicopters; that's the only place asshats go. So if there are idiots on the server try playing something other than pilot; you'll enjoy it ;). I haven't run in to a single asshat this way.

Well, I wasn't camping it.. just i'm a very good pilot (always get compliments on my flying from gunners) and I rack up alot of kills from it, and when a good pilot is flying - it can determine wether you win or lose.

It can go both ways, but yeah I DO hate the noobs (especially on USMC) that do nothing but camp the copters and planes, and it makes me extremely mad when some kid jumps into a blackhawk, sees about 4 people running to it, AND HE LEAVES!!!!

its frustrating.
I hope I can find a good server on the full game and stay there. Good as in there are at least 3 admins at anytime. I used to admin at an ET server, and we had at least 2-6 admins there at all time. And admins were actually treated like they were volunteer working for the community, not like their adminship was a privilege. Plus, admins were only selected after at least 8 months of loyal play.

Too bad we weren't able to maintain the servers, our money ran out and so did they :/. I felt really sad when those servers went down.
If anyone heard me getting pissed off with NOFX the other day, I think Glenn did.

He kept crashing us into the sea

Me (VOIP) "Don't ever get into a helicopter again"

Him (Typing) "Its your bad luck"

Me "No, you just suck at flying, leave the heli now."

Him, gets in heli, flys 10 feet and crashes in the sea"

Me "Goddamn mother ****ing shit bollocks!"
Gunner said:
To BF2Slut: I'm thinking the ranking system will take care of TKers, there could be temporary bans after a certain amount of TKs and permanent bans after two or three temp bans. I hope EA/DICE thought of something like this to prevent noobs to go on killing sprees.

BS and I love taking choppers and ramming them into other people of my own team. especially the losers who take this game far to serious.
Like one time I was the gunner and missed something and the pilot was like: OMG YOU DICK , SHOOT THAT SHIT. Good thing I planted some C4 on the chopper. -> Bailed -> took detonator -> said bye to pilot -> boom
Last night I came across someone who claimed to be the first hacker... well...we all believed him becuse he could fly the helicopter through buildings and the tank was invincible to all but C4s. He also used his powers to TK his own team rather than attack the other team. Sadly, most of the opposing team were such assholes that they refused to vote him off. I just left the server because he ended up spawn camping.
I agree, I also hate the punish for teamkilling. I often fly a jet and bomb an area that is full of enemies. Of coure I can't see the rambo under the flag sign on the minimap when I go to bomb it, I get about 5 enemies and 1 team mate who decides to punish me. I can understand punishes when they are in control taking over and I bomb team mates, but not when it is an accident and minor like that. I have been banned from servers by simply flying for many rounds, it is getting pretty lame. Also...getting hit by artillery when your in a plane is lame, definately did not expect that.
GoJan said:
BS and I love taking choppers and ramming them into other people of my own team. especially the losers who take this game far to serious.
Like one time I was the gunner and missed something and the pilot was like: OMG YOU DICK , SHOOT THAT SHIT. Good thing I planted some C4 on the chopper. -> Bailed -> took detonator -> said bye to pilot -> boom
Moron. Just because you suck at that game doesn't mean you should **** around and be a smacktard.
Foxtrot said:
Moron. Just because you suck at that game doesn't mean you should **** around and be a smacktard.

Ditto, how is it taking the game seriously when you get pissed for messing up? And why should other people have to be TK'd just because you're bored, go into SP for that and leave the battle for the real men, kthxbai
GoJan said:
BS and I love taking choppers and ramming them into other people of my own team. especially the losers who take this game far to serious.
Like one time I was the gunner and missed something and the pilot was like: OMG YOU DICK , SHOOT THAT SHIT. Good thing I planted some C4 on the chopper. -> Bailed -> took detonator -> said bye to pilot -> boom

Taking the game too seriously? **** you nooblet. We're playing the game the way it's meant to be played, objectives and killing the enemy, while professional asshats like you get in our way.
It's funny this guy is probably thinking "Puh, I am SO, above these guys by ruining other people's fun."

Go ahead and think you're being funny and cool by not taking the game seriously, no one else thinks so.

If I ever see you online, don't expect to live more than 3 seconds before you get teamkilled. That's all I have to say.
TheSomeone said:
It's funny this guy is probably thinking "Puh, I am SO, above these guys by ruining other people's fun."

Go ahead and think you're being funny and cool by not taking the game seriously, no one else thinks so.

If I ever see you online, don't expect to live more than 3 seconds before you get teamkilled. That's all I have to say.

Trust me, you'll be dead before those 3 seconds are over, and calling me a nooblet with your stupid "leetspeak" is very cool yes...
I kill my own team and there is nothing you can do about it boy !
GoJan said:
Trust me, you'll be dead before those 3 seconds are over, and calling me a nooblet with your stupid "leetspeak" is very cool yes...
I kill my own team and there is nothing you can do about it boy !

We can still berate you to no end for being a bitter tool. You suck at the game...can't kill you attack your own team to get your kills. Understandable for a loser.
Exept votekick you, or let an admin ban you or if someone has the skills hack you.

Anyway i was punished avcouple of times for tking, not on purpose offcourse, but ideseved it for beeing stupid. Anyway, nothing happens as far as I can see. What does punish do, lower your points?
GoJan said:
Trust me, you'll be dead before those 3 seconds are over, and calling me a nooblet with your stupid "leetspeak" is very cool yes...
I kill my own team and there is nothing you can do about it boy !

Wow! I just realized I am such a nerd for playing the game right. You are such a rebel and a gangster for teamkilling your mates and not buying into the typical game-play. You must yell at your parents! WOW! That is so friggin cool it makes me tingle in my anus. I bet you get all the girls. Man, I sure feel like a loser right now, you sure told me.

Don't worry, once the awards / ranking system comes into play, people will be more concious of their actions.
TheSomeone said:
Wow! I just realized I am such a nerd for playing the game right. You are such a rebel and a gangster for teamkilling your mates and not buying into the typical game-play. You must yell at your parents! WOW! That is so friggin cool it makes me tingle in my anus. I bet you get all the girls. Man, I sure feel like a loser right now, you sure told me.


haha, no words for this, if you got to be that sad to say something about parents and girls that is totally of topic. dear god. And no, who cares about ranks and or awards when you teamkill?
Man, but I just can't beleive how awesomely COOL this guy is! Compared to him, we are all NERDS! He is ruining other people's fun! MAN THAT IS COOOOOL! LIKE: G-UNIT COOL! Like VANILLA ICE COOL!

Now he changed his avatar and sig to accomodate his nazi tendencies! Man this guy is awesome.
TheSomeone said:
Man, but I just can't beleive how awesomely COOL this guy is! Compared to him, we are all NERDS! He is ruining other people's fun! MAN THAT IS COOOOOL! LIKE: G-UNIT COOL! Like VANILLA ICE COOL!

Now he changed his avatar and sig to accomodate his nazi tendencies! Man this guy is awesome.

hahahahahahaha, first of all: Its not because its german its nazi (you racist) and I just changed my avatar to some guy with a litle moustache and black hair, if you make that into a nazi thing (racist)

And no I dont think I'm cool for ruining other peoples fun, I just have fun killing teammates so I'm creating my own fun. (no need for caps and hard words either)
<TheSomeone>: OMG U GUYZ
<TheSomeone>: I just talked to this guy! AND HE IS SO AWESOME
<lolercoaster>: DUD NO WAY!
<lolercoaster>: Does he hit his gf?
<TheSomeone>: DUDE! He is porlly so cool he beats her all night!
<TheSomeone>: I NOE MY BRAIN ALMOST IMPLODED!!11onoenoenoen!!!
GoJan said:
hahahahahahaha, first of all: Its not because its german its nazi (you racist)

/me tries to find an Idiot -> English translator on google

/me fails
GoJan said:
hahahahahahaha, first of all: Its not because its german its nazi (you racist) and I just changed my avatar to some guy with a litle moustache and black hair, if you make that into a nazi thing (racist)

And no I dont think I'm cool for ruining other peoples fun, I just have fun killing teammates so I'm creating my own fun. (no need for caps and hard words either)

Yes man, I just went into an online translator and put in your sig, and it totally translated it from german to english. I was like; OMGOMG THIS GUY SPEAKS GERMAN!

And yeah, I'm such a friggin racist for interpreting some guy with a nazi mustache as a nazi. Man I'm such a racist, i wish you would save me from the fires of evil hell.
And so original too! I bet you're the first of your kind. Where do you come up with your stuff? Does it just come to you? Seriously...I've never seen anybody make a nazi avatar to be cool! You're lightyears ahead of EVERYBODY. I aspire to be just like you. You're probably the coolest person alive! GOD YOU'RE JUST SO ORIGINAL AND COOL MY SPLEEN IS GOING TO EXPLODE!
TheSomeone said:
Yes man, I just went into an online translator and put in your sig, and it totally translated it from german to english. I was like; OMGOMG THIS GUY SPEAKS GERMAN!

And yeah, I'm such a friggin racist for interpreting some guy with a nazi mustache as a nazi. Man I'm such a racist, i wish you would save me from the fires of evil hell.

I dont know any german. And calling that a nazi moustache is racist. And thank you for all your compliments, this will help me continue in my "kill that teammate" frenzy :cheers:
GoJan said:
I dont know any german. And calling that a nazi moustache is racist. And thank you for all your compliments, this will help me continue in my "kill that teammate" frenzy :cheers:

yes it is very racist. I am discriminating against the race of people with push-broom mustaches. I apologize.
GoJan said:
I dont know any german. And calling that a nazi moustache is racist. And thank you for all your compliments, this will help me continue in my "kill that teammate" frenzy :cheers:

You're TOTALLY right. That moustache shouldn't be seen as a nazi moustache. Only one famous man throughout history has worn it and has been recognised for it...we shouldn't jump to ANY conclusions.

You go have fun killing teammates! I just might join you so I too can get banned from server after server and spend my waking hours trying to get attention too!!! Sounds like FUN! I'm sick of people calling tk'ers lame. Like you said, we're just trying to make our own fun while taking away from everyone else's fun! It's the coolest and most awesome thing to do these days!
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