Not happy with the punish system

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Well, getting back on topic... I think the best TK system is a 1:1 damage return on the tker. I know this has been done in other games, and I think it worked well. If you killed a teammate then you recieve all the damage back, which would kill you. It may not stop the dedicated teamkillers, but it would stop the casual ones. Another system that I saw was actually on a Day of Defeat server, where if you didnt forgive the teamkiller, then you could have him killed, or you could have him killed, and then killed again when he respawned. It was two options so if he tks you a lot, you get him out for 2 rounds, and you can of course forgive him if he did it by accident.
AmishSlayer said:
You're TOTALLY right. That moustache shouldn't be seen as a nazi moustache. Only one famous man throughout history has worn it and has been recognised for it...we shouldn't jump to ANY conclusions.

You go have fun killing teammates! I just might join you so I too can get banned from server after server and spend my waking hours trying to get attention too!!! Sounds like FUN! I'm sick of people calling tk'ers lame. Like you said, we're just trying to make our own fun while taking away from everyone else's fun! It's the coolest and most awesome thing to do these days!

Voila, he understands. Now, I know hitler wore glasses to. Damn you glasses wearing people, you nazi's !!!
GoJan said:
Voila, he understands. Now, I know hitler wore glasses to. Damn you glasses wearing people, you nazi's !!!

Hitler was indeed very famous for wearing glasses.
Krynn72 said:
Well, getting back on topic... I think the best TK system is a 1:1 damage return on the tker. I know this has been done in other games, and I think it worked well. If you killed a teammate then you recieve all the damage back, which would kill you. It may not stop the dedicated teamkillers, but it would stop the casual ones. Another system that I saw was actually on a Day of Defeat server, where if you didnt forgive the teamkiller, then you could have him killed, or you could have him killed, and then killed again when he respawned. It was two options so if he tks you a lot, you get him out for 2 rounds, and you can of course forgive him if he did it by accident.
That still doesn't solve accidental friendly fire, like morons running into arty strike from their commander. Or one guy in the middle of three tanks, and I get punished for killing him and 5 enemies.
TheSomeone said:
Hitler was indeed very famous for wearing glasses.

I'm pretty sure he was the first guy to ever to wear glasses. That's the main reason he's so famous.
AmishSlayer said:
I'm pretty sure he was the first guy to ever to wear glasses. That's the main reason he's so famous.
That is where his magic powers lie, the menacing monocle.
On a serious note: I'm beggining to think this guy is actually so stupid he drew his avatar and wrote his sig without making them sound like Hitler on purpose. He ACCIDENTLY reffered the most infamous man in history. He just drew a push-broom mustache and black hair and eyebrows, and then put pseudo-german in his sig because he thought it was cool, and he had aboslutely NO idea it would resemble hitler the least bit.

Clue points for him.
AmishSlayer said:
I'm pretty sure he was the first guy to ever to wear glasses. That's the main reason he's so famous.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't the first to have that kinda moustache.
GoJans not a Nazi, hes a 12 year old!

A ****ing retarded 12 year old noob, everybodys favourite kind of person!

Nice one with screwing up the thread, ****ing loser.
Shodan said:
GoJans not a Nazi, hes a 12 year old!

A ****ing retarded 12 year old noob, everybodys favourite kind of person!

Nice one with screwing up the thread, ****ing loser.

First of all: im not 12 years old
second: No need to use harsh language
third and last: What's a noob? I don't speak monkey leet speak.
Foxtrot said:
That still doesn't solve accidental friendly fire, like morons running into arty strike from their commander. Or one guy in the middle of three tanks, and I get punished for killing him and 5 enemies.

Fox, you can't solve noobness. No matter what the system they come up with, you'll always have the suicidal to deal with.

And Gojan just stfu and skip this thread.
GoJan said:
Oh I just love this leet speak, is there a dictionary for internet talk?

Pretending not to know leet-speak doesn't make you cool because you're not nerdy enough for it, it makes you really, really stupid. Stupid enough that you have 100 post in a forum and don't know what noob means.

And if you think teamkilling on an online game or pretending you don't know what noob means (when you actually previously used it) isn't nerdy, then you are seriously disilusioned.
This guy should be banned on the following offences:

References to Nazi Germany in his avatar and in his sig.
And I don't know about this forum, but at the one I used to mod we had a rule: "Don't be a general dumbass."
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