Nothing is true; everything is permitted.



Any other Chaoists here?

Practitioners of other systems, or curious non-practitioners welcome as well. Just a general thread for discussing magick.

"To cast aside, not save, I come. Inexorably towards myself; to smash the law, to make havoc of the charlatans, the quacks, the swankers and brawling salvationists with their word-tawdry phantasmagoria; to disillusion and awaken every fear of your natural, rapacious selves." - Spare
Do you know that attempting to insult a Chaos magician isn't very wise? Your lucky I'm a mild mannered guy.

"Others believe in prayer . . . . have not all yet learnt, that to ask is to be denied? Let it be the root of your Gospel. Oh, ye who are living other peoples lives! Unless desire is subconscious, it is not fulfilled, no, not in this life. Then verily sleep is better than prayer." - Spare
/me tries to contain his laughter

Bring it on, magical trevor!

As I said, it is not my nature to endeavour to cause harm, especially to those whose insults are borne of ignorance of the truth. If you want proof in the form of horrendous facial tumors and visitings from various nasties evoked to cause you displeasure, head over to a place like Those kiddies would be happy to oblige you.
...Which is probably a better place for discussing such subjects as this topic... with your other satanic-worshipper-wannabe chums.

So, in short... bugger off. If you can't see 'no discussion of satanic worship' in the forum rules, its because nobody expected crazy idiots like you to come here.

Go away.
Ok lets calm down.

Sol frankly I can't see what you were expecting when you posted this and LePobz, just try to not be so harsh with your reaction.
Chaos magick has nothing to do with the entity Satan. This is just a general thread for people to discuss magick. If you don't know anything about magick, lepobz, it might benefit you more to inquire of me than to attempt to insult me.
Well sorry, but like you said... I just don't see what he was thinking trying to start topics on this subject here... let alone link to websites of that shit. Kids visit here for gods sake.

Sol_Invictus said:
Chaos magick has nothing to do with the entity Satan.

That's very debatable ...
Well, to be honest I didn't have a clue what a "Chaoist" was, I just assumed it was something like that "Ki" bloke we had a while back. I doubt you'll find any here though :p
Do you pull rabbits out of hats?

Chaotic rabbits, mind.
I expect there are more than a couple practitioners lurking around these forums. Maybe some of lepobz's comments will draw a few of them out.

Anyway, as far as I know, "general discussion" is the appropriate place to post off-topic material. A veritable multitude of subjects are discussed here, why not magick as well?
hehehe i saw thef fil godzilla vs mecagodzilla on tv ( chan 4) at 4 in the rming the effects were outa this world!

Sol_Invictus said:
I expect there are more than a couple practitioners lurking around these forums. Maybe some of lepobz's comments will draw a few of them out.

Ooooh Sol i'm scared.

Something is telling me you were the fat kid in your class that got bullied a lot at school.

Well, shit happens. Trying to scare people on forums by making them think you're some sort of dark art magician is not the way forward. To be honest you're making yourself look like an idiot.

So be my guest, do your worst. I'll post here tomorrow to let you all know just how credible Sol is. Or his chums.

This can be yet another wank off thread where serious and interesting discussions are destroyed in favour of childish banter, although I hope you will get all the inane bantering out of your systems by the end of the first page. Why not make this a productive thread?
Meh, I'm not going to feel the need to bash anyone, and this maybe a bit of a broad question but just out of curiousity Sol, what can you do? Just give me a few examples.
Sol, you're in the completely wrong area of the Internet... Don't expect people to believe in all you say :)
So what's it all about?

Chaos magick specifically? Chaos is somewhat hard to define, as it's name suggests. The subject of this thread, Nothing is true; everything is permitted, is something of a slogan for Chaos magick, and it describes it well. Chaos magick is a formless, systemless "form" of magick. in it, there are no rules or regulations, no belief systems one must accept, no paradigm. In it, there are no truths, therefore whatever you do or believe is your own truth. Here are ways some of the masters have described it:

"...if you want a one-line definition with which most Chaoists would probably not disagree, then I offer the following. Chaoists usually accept the meta-belief that belief is a tool for achieving effects; it is not an end in itself." - Peter Carroll

"Chaos is not in itself, a system or philosophy. It is rather an attitude that one applies to one's magic and philosophy. It is the basis for all magic, as it is the primal creative force. A Chaos Magician learns a variety of magical techniques, usually as many as s/he can gain access to, but sees beyond the systems and dogmas to the physics behind the magical force and uses whatever methods are appealing to him/herself." - Mark Chao

"Chaos Magick is in essence shamanism devoid of culture." - The Heretic Heathen

"Rather than trying to recover and maintain a tradition that links back to the past (and former glories), Chaos Magick is an approach that enables the individual to use anything that s/he thinks is suitable as a temporary belief or symbol system. What matters is the results you get, not the 'authenticity' of the system used. So Chaos Magic then, is not a system - it utilises systems and encourages adherents to devise their own, giving magic a truly Postmodernist flavour." - Phil Hine
From a neutral point of view you're thread title doesnt indicate that it's a discussion of magic / magick.

And the initial post ... perhaps you should have told us something of your belief to let people respond to that rather than <thread for discussion of non specified topic>

Sidenote : Everybody loves Magical Trevor. The tricks that he does are ever so clever.
Adding a 'k' to the word magic doesn't make it any less wacky, IMO.

Ki, on the other hand, has been proven scientificishly and is the most powerfilled force in the universe. KI BANDOLIER allows me to actually project my shoulderblades through dimensional space, and actually slice a pear into equal thirds.
Meh, I'm not going to feel the need to bash anyone, and this maybe a bit of a broad question but just out of curiousity Sol, what can you do? Just give me a few examples.

A fair question. Chaos magick is a results oriented magick. With it, most anything is possible. In my personal experience, I have manifested all manner of physical pleasure. Sex, wealth, the usual. If you want a specific example, last week I created a servitor with the purpose of alerting me when I am being lied to. Although I havn't had much time to utilize him yet, he has worked wonders. It's interesting watching people try to get away with lieing to you, then catching them in the lie in the end.

BTW, a Servitor is just an entity manifest by your will. It is akin to partitioning, or breaking off a part of your own consciousness/energy and "programming" this new seperate "thought form" to do your will. Each Servitor is created for a specific purpose, and when it's purpose, or pre-determined life span, is fulfilled, it is re-assimilated.

Sol, you're in the completely wrong area of the Internet...

I don't believe so. At times I wish to discuss more advanced topics with other practitioners, and at times I want to bring new knowledge of magick to the unaware. I don't believe information has a "wrong place", especially in places where that information is rarely available.

but I get the point your trying to make, and I agree that this particular endeavour might prove to be somewhat unapreciated. :LOL:

Hot Soup, your right abou tthe thread title. It was made to get the attention of other practitioners, and ignight the curiosity of non-practitioners at the same time. Now I see very little people here will be able to recognize the relationship the thread title has with the practice of Chaos magick. live and learn.
Adding a 'k' to the word magic doesn't make it any less wacky, IMO.

Adding a k seperates some types of magick from other types of magic. There is magick and there is magic. We say magick so that everyone is on the same page and knows what we are talking about. That is the significance of the k.
So if nothing is true and everything permitted...

Sorry, I just hate that stupid 'deep' statement with a fiery passion.

To be fair.. I'm having trouble believing that you can conjure what you will..
well. I have a friend who believes in KI not chaos magic(magick) i've tried doing some KI ball experiments with his help but never found anything.

I on the other hand believe that practicly everything has a scientific explanation. so me and my friend have been discussion for hours and I seemed to find an explanation for most things.

I do believe that there are greater things then sience though, Not a god, perhaps KI. but some things may be better to be left alone.
Hmmm, it all does sound rather interesting really. Whether you're telling the truth of course I'll never know but nonetheless it does sound...interesting. What gets me is if something like your describing does exist and is possible surely this would be really big? I mean I personally have never heard of such things until now (could just be me though :p).

I must admit it does sound intruiging (if not strange lol) but it's not really my cup of tea :p
Technically, the guy can say whatever he likes and still be right, considering his "nothing is true; everything is permitted" statement.
JiMmEh said:
Hmmm, it all does sound rather interesting really. Whether you're telling the truth of course I'll never know but nonetheless it does sound...interesting. What gets me is if something like your describing does exist and is possible surely this would be really big? I mean I personally have never heard of such things until now (could just be me though :p).

I must admit it does sound intruiging (if not strange lol) but it's not really my cup of tea :p

Frankly theres a lot going on all around us that we don't see because we're human...Humans have an amazing ability to see what they want. Basically if it doesn't fit with what we think should exist, then we just don't see it.
Hmm yes very true Sparrow :) You have enlightened me! (whatever the hell that means :p)
My keyboard comes with a servitor built in. It's called 'Num Lock' and it goes green whenever it detects noobs bullshitting on the internet.
I've got a question for s1d.. most people I know that believe in "higher powers" not specificly god but more like KI and chaos magick. they also believe in ghosts. they've all mentioned to be in a room togather with candles and stuff summoning a ghost that took over one of their bodies.
for me this is absolute BS until I wittness it myself, but everybody is to afraid to do it..
my question is. do you believe in ghosts, or is that non-related to chaos magick
Is it possible that "chaos magick" = quantum particles/interactions?
just discussing this with a friend... I think that believing in it is a big factor at how "strong" you are at it. my father is a docter and can agree with me. If people imagine they are sick. they will start feeling sick. and eventually maybe even become sick. so If i'd believe in chaos magick I might be able to be vonurable to it or achive doing anything with it.

just a theory but highly possible
To be fair.. I'm having trouble believing that you can conjure what you will..

Thats ok. If your interested in knowing if it's true or not, try it. If your not interested then don't. :cheers:

Magicians believe in the power of the subconscious, and magick is the attempt to utilize that power. Many are familiar with the studies that show that prayer works. Studies that prove when that when people pray for an individual, that individual is more likely to recover from illness. The more people who pray for him, the greater the likelyhood he will recover. What is most interesting about the studies is that it doesn't matter what God is prayed to. It is not the God that creates the change, it is the very act of prayer itself. This is the very essence of magick at work. The will of the subconscious producing results in the physical world.

Hmmm, it all does sound rather interesting really. Whether you're telling the truth of course I'll never know but nonetheless it does sound...interesting.

TRY IT! :bounce:

Magick is a great tool. Why don't you think it's your cup of tea? I can get you started on the right track, but it will require some dedication to learning it.

Technically, the guy can say whatever he likes and still be right, considering his "nothing is true; everything is permitted" statement.

not really. I think you have misunderstood the meaning behind the phrase. It doesn't mean I can lie and still tell the truth. It means that within the realm of my practice, I can create belief systems according to the results I wish to accomplish. It is the idea that none of the various belief systems are true, but the act of believing in them will serve to achieve the results.
Is it possible that "chaos magick" = quantum particles/interactions?

Absolutely, it's possible. Of course there is no way to know definitively why magick works, we can only experience it and draw conclusions based on those experiences. Personally, I subscribe to the popular idea that at some level we are connected with "reality", and that at some level we communicate with it directly. Magick is the attempt to bargain with it, plead with it, command it, or otherwise coax it to change according to our will.

I'm not as well read in physics, or quantum physics, as I am with the occult, but I think I know what you mean.

I've got a question for s1d.. most people I know that believe in "higher powers" not specificly god but more like KI and chaos magick. they also believe in ghosts. they've all mentioned to be in a room togather with candles and stuff summoning a ghost that took over one of their bodies.
for me this is absolute BS until I wittness it myself, but everybody is to afraid to do it..
my question is. do you believe in ghosts, or is that non-related to chaos magick

I assume your question is directed at me, though I don't know who you mean by "s1d".

Most practitioners believe in not only ghosts, but all sorts of entities. For most of them, however, especially in Chaos magick, the entities are real because we believe in them, that our collective belief creates them. There is still a belief that objective entities exist aswell, but in magick we usually deal with the subjective entities created by our own belief. This is the essence of Chaos magick.

Yes, I believe in a spiritual continuance after we die. But it is my experience that most magicians who believe to be interacting with ghosts are indeed interacting with other mischievous entities, either "real" objective ones or "thought-forms"(created by our belief in them, but seemingly possessing a will of their own.).
yeah i meaned you with s1d but i got confused with th author of some other KI/chaos magick related threat.. my mistake
It means that within the realm of my practice, I can create belief systems according to the results I wish to accomplish. It is the idea that none of the various belief systems are true, but the act of believing in them will serve to achieve the results.
So you mean like the time I punched my bedroom wall, and my hand was in absolute agony. Then I watched the Karate Kid, and did the special thing when he clasps his hands together and pushes them up and outward with his eyes closed, then makes strange breathing noises to give him special power. Then I punched the wall, and it didn't hurt. Hoyaaah!!!
