Nova Prospekt; NOT facts folder!


Sep 25, 2003
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Nova Prospekt is latin, or derived from latin. Prospekt means looking out (ahead in the future). I hope you see how this thus just means prospect in english. New Prospect.

Speculation: It's the name for a (the) prison, but like in WW2, the people don't know it's a prison, they think it's some rehab center or something similar. People with opposing thoughts get in, they pobably get brainwashed or something, and then hey come out as new, with good thoughts, acting like model citizens. From the outside it looks like all is well.
It's named New Prospect because the combine probably advertise it as a good thing. Maybe you have to through it to get to live in C17 or something. Either way, it tries to make the people believe that it gives people the prospect of a new, good life. 1948 anyone?
It's all about propaganda. (it's not a good idea to call something like this "Dead End" when you want to keep up the appearance of something good, now it it? :p)

I hope I'm a bit understandable...

Please do not move this to rumours & speculation. This thread is about the translation/meaning of the name. (I speculated to give the translation some meaning)
I'm tired of all the people using babelfish to translate it from german. It is true that a prospekt is a brochure (facts folder.. stupid babelfish) in German, but Nova isn't a German word.

And if this gets moved, the newbies probably don't get to see it. And those are the ones that need to get informed of this :p

In addition to this, for the second test people: I doubt it has any meaning to the test, other than it's name in HL2. They could just as easily have used city/17 or black/mesa or gordon/freeman.
I like this guys prospects, seems to make sense from a glorified dictatorship by the combines.
Sounds right to me. 1948 though? You mean 1984 right?
JimmehH said:
Sounds right to me. 1948 though? You mean 1984 right?
Ah, yes, indeed :)

Can't edit it anymore though :(

Also, for the completely clueless people: There is a sign that says Nova Prospekt in the trainstation video. (some people think this name was invented for the second test and has nothing to do with HL²...:rolleyes:)
Could it be a term for the earth that the combine use? Since it Kinda almost sounds like new prospect meaning they like found a new place to harvest?
DeltaBlast said:
Nova Prospekt is latin, or derived from latin. Prospekt means looking out (ahead in the future). I hope you see how this thus just means prospect in english. New Prospect.

Speculation: It's the name for a (the) prison, but like in WW2, the people don't know it's a prison, they think it's some rehab center or something similar. People with opposing thoughts get in, they pobably get brainwashed or something, and then hey come out as new, with good thoughts, acting like model citizens. From the outside it looks like all is well.

The setence in bold fits in perfectly with the train station level. Remember the bit where Nova Prospekt is on that wall or something. Near that, there is that place where that combind guard took u to. In the area, you see this guy locked in a cell, been integregrated and you go into the next door. You are most likely going to get brainwashed (well, tried to) and so it fits in the the meaning of Nova Prospekt.

Enjoy :)

Edit, btw my first post but i'm one of those long time readers and a short time poster.
Really good translation =] better then all these people saying 'NEW FACTS FOLDER OMGZ!1!!!!11!1!0ne!2!!1'

It sounds Russian, too.
Observations in the Train Station

First, you should notice that it seems only MEN are being sent towards the Nova Prospekt/Security side. Just ahead of Gordon, a woman passes through a different door whereas the two men both go the same way. The first is sent through the security door. The second is sent to 'Nova Prospekt'.

Also, you can see some device at the head of the chairs. These could be brainwashers or mind readers, I don't really know. It would be a good way for Gordon to have his first flashback at any rate. (I believe there was something said about flashbacks?)

Also, if Gordon has been active in the world and his memories are missing, perhaps what happened to the "Something in the water" guy has happened to him.
I've figured this out about a year ago, I didn't knew the name back then though.
Anyways, its 1984, not 1948
Yeah but i am pretty darn sure that is Nova Prospekt, its obvious, its combine structure
I beleive the combine tower is super-imposed upon the left side of the gman's face
you can see the shared yellow streak there
i don't know if someone already noticed it but did you take a look at the source for the congratulations page of the first test?
i don't understand how that code loads that pic?

besides i'm starting to think "nova/prospekt" is only the password and not usr/pass

sorry i posted this here ;P
DeltaBlast said:
Also, for the completely clueless people: There is a sign that says Nova Prospekt in the trainstation video.
<Clueless person raises hand>
You mean the scene in the E3 2004 video? Where does it say Nova Prospekt?
el Chi said:
<Clueless person raises hand>
You mean the scene in the E3 2004 video? Where does it say Nova Prospekt?

I hope this doesn't need any more explaination.
Nope, that's grand cheers!
But one other question - that's not taken from the shakey cam version, is it? It looks much sharper...
serial_killer said:
i don't know if someone already noticed it but did you take a look at the source for the congratulations page of the first test?
i don't understand how that code loads that pic?

Obviously you're not particularly familiar with Cascading Style Sheets.

Me <3s CSS
Nova Prospekt could be a combination of different laguages. Remember that this happens in the future and the Combine could have a poor grasp of language. Or, Language in general could have started to be combined to some degree by then naturally.

Nova and Prospekt are each fairly recognizable and could have been chosen just because they would give the impression Valve wanted without just using English. Sort of give it an Foreign flavor for everyone, since it's not strictly from one language.
If I'm right (having seen the beta) then your all going to love the answer.

Saying no more, except this game shall rock hells bells.
That's a good speculation \answer.
Good work DeltaBlast!
he he he it is a good story. i almost wish i hadn't snooped around in the beta
Samon said:
Rossel well shut up, Nova Prospekt isnt even in the beta.

Is this true? i hate thinking there's gonna be some twist and it ends up as nothing.
gordon is also heard saying the phrase "El Legos Del Fuegos" in one bink's spanish for "legs of fire" which I thought was interesting...maybe he's referring to the burning zombies, or alyx's legs...we'll have to wait and see...

good theory on nova prospekt though...
The beta has very phew levels, half dont work, those that do can be fun, others cant.

It wasnt even a beta, more of an alpha, and it wasnt at all complete, nova prospekt is in the game