November 1st! 15days!

I've also only got 15 days till my 17th birthday lucky me i get half-life 2 for my birthday plus i get a car too. going to be a very good day for me indeed. :)
razorblade kiss said:
Wow. Asshole of the day award.

Well, it's not merely one thread. The whole bunch of the threads don't really make room for interesting threads. I'm pretty sure people are tired of having to wade through threads like this one to get to a the good ones; I know for sure that I am. This sub-forum is called Half-Life 2 discussion.
Sharrd said:
Well, it's not merely one thread. The whole bunch of the threads don't really make room for interesting threads. I'm pretty sure people are tired of having to wade through threads like this one to get to a the good ones; I know for sure that I am. This sub-forum is called Half-Life 2 discussion.

Get a life. Policing the forums if for the mods. Not for you to do. Go to planethalflife. They are all like you and talk about nothing else than what you're not supposed to be posting. Lame.

I love this kind of threads. You see I'm all weird and crazy and I scare people, and this kind of threads is exactly what I needed. Mmmm 15 days left, can you say "SOON" or what?!
ya what kinda of place do u think this is? an open forum where u can share your opinion? pfft
Sharrd said:
Nobody cares about your opinion, don't make threads like this one.

Stop flaming. If no one cares about his opinion, what makes you think anyone cares about yours? If your so bothered, dont post at all, it only encourages.
I wonder why you would buy via steam? Dont you guys want to have the box and crap inside? Plus how much fun can it be playing it at midnight when it comes out if your gonna be ass tired? None of this applies if you dont live in a city that will carry it.

But I just think the little extra time it takes to get the game will be worth it because youll actually have evidence and something real to hold on to.

Just my opinion.
Hes just a lonely insignificant little twirp that thinks every single thread that didn't come from him is a bad one. It makes him feel special to put other people down, but what he doesnt realize is we are laughing at him.
15 days not for me :(

cause I am getting THE CE version of HL2 pakage, and its coming 10-15 days after the release of the standard edition
Sharrd said:
Nobody cares about your opinion, don't make threads like this one.
wow, you must be psychic, you can read everyone’s mind. I rather enjoy reading people's opinions. Like the saying goes, if you can't saying anything nice, then don't say anything at all.... :flame:
lol, the hoe turned this into a flame thread...o well, happens to be best of em.
and shard is on this forum for another reason i guess
id say go make love to youreslf but in your case it wouldnt count as an insult
Sharrd said:
Nobody cares about your opinion, don't make threads like this one.
errrm sharrd.... i cant believe you said that half way down the thread when the posts above you DO care about my thread. there are 4pages of posts and all are saying about how much they cant wait.
thanks for all the feedback. i felt i had to make a post on thre 1st November. and sharrd come on that wasn't nice really when alot of people are writing nice replys.

i sooo cant wait i know this game is going to rule!