now everibody hates source?

you still like source even if is not "perfect"?

  • Total voters
Source is class, and runs like a dream.

Stop all this trolling, it's pathetic.
Why don't you just play CS:S instead of whinging all the fecking time...

Tsk, kids eh?
I don't understand all of these people blaming about the pointless flaws in the source engine.

Yesterday I started my own CS:S server at cs_office and enabled sv_gravity 0 for fun and I noticed how good are the shadows: every item floating around was casting shadows amazingly in the walls. It's amazing to see how good is throwing a grenade beyond the proyector and see all of these chairs casting shadows. It had soft edges like Max payne 2 and unlike the hard edged shadows in Doom 3. By the love of god, which other engine has so nice soft-edge shadows?

I find the HL2 shadowing system the most convincing by far, is just my opinion. Yes, it's true that in some scenes the shadows doesn't have the right direction seeing the angle of the light source, but who cares? is just two lines of code and they cand fix it easily, I think. Please, tell me a few games with better shadowing system that HL2, if you can. Yes, you yourselft doesn't cast shadows. How many first person shooters did you see your own shadow in the floor?

There is no perfect shadowing system, did you forget the hundrew of bugs in the Doom 3 shadows through the entire game? Did you think crytek engine has better shadowing system? it uses all of these tricks already in the source engine. I hate all of these threads worrying about graphics.
I'm sick of people who haven't played the game discussing the graphics and saying the Source engine sucks.

I haven't heard 1 single thing about the graphics, from any of the magazines thats been a major major issue. A few of them have mentioned the shadow bug, thats it. Every single one of them have said that this game tops every other FPS game thats come out since Half-Life. 4/5 of them say its better then Half-Life.

So stop debating. If someone complains about the shadow bug, let them, or if they have CS:S, tell them to submit a bug report. Stop complaining. You guys expect every single detail to be perfect, its just a game, after all
Anyone who doesn't like the graphics really, really needs to STFU.

Source is the best engine currently out there, yes, that monitor DOES break in the wrong spot. But what happens to monitors in, say, Far Cry? You shoot them, and the SCREEN GOES BLANK! OMG OMG T3H GR4FIX PWN HL2!!1
The only thing Doom and Far Cry have over Source is the lighting, and really, they aren't too far ahead.
I think the results of the poll tell a story of their own. Source is great.
I think source is great, i prefer D3 engine for visuals, but source probably runs 3-4x as fast so that makes up for it :D. All round nice engine, and looks a lot nicer in motion than the screenshots give it credit for imo.
You can't really tell how good Doom III is because usually you can't see anything anyway :P
source is good because on my 5200 I get over 80 FPS and it runs smooth as silk. It also can do large open spaces which alone makes it better than the doom engine. Im not worried about small graphical problems more things that distract from it being an emersive realistic world. And from my experance with CS source you can get some wierd clipping errors.
All pettey ******s who complain,would be funny to see you 15 years ago on space invaders, complaining about the pixels on the aliens.
UndercoverBob said:
she actullay i dont hate you what do you desin and where do you work?
hahah thats so cool!

i mean i have my own MOD. im the leader/mapper/scripter for COD *call of duty* and i have proof go here
i made a 3 sp level for MOHAA called test_honour and it got rated Best custom made singleplayer level for MOHAA! :D

but SHE....

you say how you are a designer... so you nit pick on valve and how there levels/lightings/engine is all dull...


1) where is your proof that you are a designer?
2) hl2 got best review in PC zone out of all reviews they have ever reviewed in their mag. ( so i heard)
hl2 will own all i can see it hehe.

i think the source engine is out of this world! I love it so much! hl2 is going to change the way FPS play now.

i think from now on all fps are going to have phsics now.
i also think some fps will copy some little bits from hl2. ie game scenes/more vehicles/animations/models and so on.

valve you rock and i so cant wait for this game!

and back in PAGE 1 of this forum UNDERCOVERBOB said what i have qouted above....and now 4 pages on and no reply.
If you don't like it go away.
You are oviesly not a true half life fan.
you say how you are a designer... so you nit pick on valve and how there levels/lightings/engine is all dull...

no.. i dont nitpick beacuse of that..
and i am not posting post where i state that i am a designer..
i prefer D3 graphics... but source is gameplay..
about the source engine: GREAT JOB VALVE!! :P

Between i knew it won't be competely perfect but for me it's perfect as it is. and we can just wait for upgrades to fix the small problems and bugs
no.. i dont nitpick beacuse of that..
and i am not posting post where i state that i am a designer..
i prefer D3 graphics... but source is gameplay..

Fair enough.

*abrupty deletes emergency flame pre-emptively created last night*

I feel that Doom 3 has better lighting certainly, but Half-Life 2 just has a... more gritty, real world feeling to me; sometimes, despite the game's detail, Doom 3 feels as if it's trying too hard. And I'd also like to think that any graphical weaknesses in the Source engine will be eclipsed by HL2's fantastic gameplay.
Everyone flaming source are idiots...for anyone who's played the "Beta" leak, they can tell you, all these issues aren't actually in Half-Life 2...especially the breakpoints, whatever you would shoot would break very realistically ( especially wood...). So please stop whining, Half-Life 2 will OWN every other game ever made.
Half-Life 2 will OWN every other game ever made.
wrong again.

Stop. Stop now. I will not allow this thread to turn into a flamefest. If you're going to disagree with someone, back up your arguments rather than claiming something without evidence.
Evidence? what?
My argument: FPS isn't the only Genre..
Best game ever made = Revolutionary in every aspect (gameplay, graphics, story, ect ect)
people who hate source are retards: lighting is based in an actual affect. if you actually bother to get off your ass and walk around the city/town/wherever you live, then look at something that's fairly big and walk inbetween it and the sun. you'll notice that the light kind of "eats" at the sides. HL2 has the same deal.
if the game seems "too dark", then turn off the lights in your room. if the game seems "too bright", turn on a light.
if the physics are shit, spend a few years to make an engine that's better. i'll gladly play a game with the engine and call it shit.
NOW, my only problem with source is compatibility. if you don't understand, look at the aspects between types of computers (mac, PC, IBM...) and HL2 might not run on my friends (mac) so i can't "own" him on multiplayer. that's my main concern/problem at the moment. (anyone who can further notify me if HL2, etc. will run on macs, please tell me so i can tell my friend :))
She said:
wrong again.
Stop. Stop now. I will not allow this thread to turn into a flamefest. If you're going to disagree with someone, back up your arguments rather than claiming something without evidence.
LOL that's what you get when you let hype convince you that Source is a "real life" simulator. When people call Source the best ever, even before they play with it. People read small scraps of details regarding source and then in turn extrapolate that into these wild and crazy ideas that can't possibly be lived up to with today's hardware.
this is the biggest voting poll ever in this site. :D

Were there anyone that thought that a game-engine could be perfect? Poor bastards...
Yellonet said:
Were there anyone that thought that a game-engine could be perfect? Poor bastards...
I had high expectations... that I thought valve could not meet.

I was wrong... if cs:s is any indication.
and Im sure you all have heard me bitch about how much I loathe cs in the past.
I am 100 sure when we get HL2 well all see that HL2 has better gfx than Doom 3, or atleast equal. So, never again say that doom 3 has better gfx than hl2.
If i am right, i get a banana flawored cookey(spl?) from all who disagree with me.
If im wrong.....then........nothing happens.
I hate anything cs, but cs:s is actually fun at times. :)

Source is a good tech, indeed. For valve's first engine it's a great achievement. You can't really compare it to id or epic's engines since both of them have had slightly more experience in the engine-making business. Nonetheless, it gives them a run for their money.
Source is good, but not without flaws. Every engine has flaws. You cant have every single great thing in an engine at one time... at least not yet, because it'd be too much for a computer to handle. So source seems to take gameplay to the next level, yet visuals dont go beyond what we're used to. Lighting and shadows in source for the most part, are weak, some levels dont have the highest poly counts, but normal mapping, shaders, and high quality textures make up for this. Source seems to take gameplay to the next level instead of visuals, and I'll have to say this is GOOD. It seems like all engines are concerned with visuals compaired to gameplay now. Reguardless, Source still does look damn good. Everyone is just so spoiled its sickening. Get over it, source aint perfect, nor is any other game engine out.
johnnypoopoopant said:
i still like the source regardless the flaws
Exactly. Not perfect, but still the darned best engine out if you ask me. Flexibility with it is amazing.
Source is great it looks very nice so
i think they did a realy good job.

Crap I voted No when I wanted to vote yes. I voted based on the title of the thread not the actual poll. :upstare:
SnowBall said:
Source is good, but not without flaws. Every engine has flaws.
the best thing is we have steam, which can be used to fix those flaws and pick up that slack.

however if it is used effectively (everyone says "it will be patched" or "it will be modded" but if that happens is left to be seen)
If I could I would have sexual relations with HL². Yea sure quote me some where weird see if I care. :)