Now Playing: dm_watergate

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Our very own Pi Mu Rho, super moderator and talented mapper, is entering Valve's map making contest. His first entry is a map called WaterGate which is based loosely on some of the canal levels in Half-Life 2.[br]
Some of you may have already played a beta version of his map (called dm_docksidebeta) on our HL2DM server and several other dedicated servers out there. However, this morning Pi Mu Rho released the final version of his map. Look below for some screenshots:[br]
[br]The map is now available for playing on all of our HL2DM servers and as a reminder you can find the information of these below:
(UK London) - Public (03)[br]
(US Texas) [] HL2MP - TX
You can also download the map for use on your own dedicated server here.[br]
Happy <strike>fragging</strike> launching toilets and stuff at each other!
Very nicely done! I haven't played it yet, but it certainly looks good.
well done dude!! hope you win, but there is one 'dm_cooler' that looks awesome!

Looks like fun, definitly going to try it once i get off work.
It's good, but it's not like super-duper great or anything. It's still the most fun and best looking hl2dm map yet though (besides the 2 official maps). Keep it up. :D
looks nice, I will try it out this weekend, since I will be home from college and not behind a stupid firewall that doesnt let me access steam. But it looks really good.
It's a nice map. I've playing on it for an hour or two. I wish it was a little bigger, but it does have some nice touches (I like the ability to sniper the watchtower from the pipes on the side of the river, and I like the fact that lots of bodies get blown thirty-foot into the air and land in the river)

Cheers for the effort...I just wish there were some more quality maps out there...most of them are total rubbish.
I dont think that it will win. Look at that door on the bottom of one of the pics, also after those hills that act as the border of the map its just clear sky, dont know if this si what the map maker wanted but it could use some buildings or more enviroment in the backround like every map in hl2. Its too hl1'ish on that part. Other than that its a decent looking map and looks quit origional B+ id say!
Congrats man and all but one thing....

I was under the impression that Final Maps, as in the rules of the contest, couldn't be publicly distributed . I'm not even sure if betas could be, let alone the final maps.

Here's what valve's rules site says:

Each Contest Entry may not have been distributed prior to December 1, 2004.

now reading it again, what the hell does that mean? you just can't release a map beofre that date? or do they not want it released at all?

Think it just means it has to be "new" and can't be an old map that was released before this month....

Not that (m)any HL2DM maps had been released & distributed before this month? :rolling:
Looks good.... one thing - the shadows seem to be pointing the opposite direction to what they should be - in the third screenshot the sun is clealy visible at the top of the screen, yeat each objects shadows in the map seem to be pointing towards the sun ... you know you can change the angle of the sun by changing the angle in the environment light entity's properties?

The only other major thing is the wide open space you have with nothing filling it - generally not good as it makes it look like you ran out of ideas, makes the map look more like a beta or an incomplete piece of work.

Other than them minor points, it looks great. Definately the best custom HL2DM map (or custom source map, for that matter) that i've seen.

Good luck with the comp.
Been playing it myself for the last few hours, deffo the best custom map i have played by far, something strange happend once or twice, when i blew a barrel up it exploded and the fire just stayed there for about 30 seconds? I ran through the flame but it did no damage?

Maybe a bug with the source engine i dont know.

Keep up the good work, looking forward to your next releases :cheers:

TyrantII said:
Congrats man and all but one thing....

I was under the impression that Final Maps, as in the rules of the contest, couldn't be publicly distributed . I'm not even sure if betas could be, let alone the final maps.

Here's what valve's rules site says:

Each Contest Entry may not have been distributed prior to December 1, 2004.

now reading it again, what the hell does that mean? you just can't release a map beofre that date? or do they not want it released at all?


You obviously have an actual notion of time.
My biggest criticism: there still appear to be some "dead" areas of the map, i.e. places where players can go where not much happens, there's not equipment, and so forth. The most major of these is by the big gate in the water, in the shadow of the RPG tower. I may not have played the map long enough to see a special weapon spawn here, or maybe even the gates open, but I did swim around aimlessly in that area wondering why it wasn't better integrated with the flow of the map. Generally a good rule of thumb is that if players can go there, there should be a reason. There just didn't seem to be, in addition to it taking a awhile to swim across that area to get there, which was yet another uneventful trek.

But that's the worst I have to say. The rest of the map is a good mix, and it flows nicely in most areas.
1) The water is indeed a generally "dead area". The focus of the map is the dock area. However, the water allows you some breathing space, as well as a good way to tackle someone whoring the RPG in the tower. You don't need to go in the water, though. I'd be receiving a lot more negative comments if you weren't able to get in the water.

2) As has been stated, Valve say "Each Contest Entry may not have been distributed prior to December 1, 2004." So assuming that they don't mean something entirely opposite, I'm safe to release the map.
Regardless, I'd rather the public have the map to play anyway - if the rules excluded the release of the map, I wouldn't have entered the contest with this one.

3) The shadow thing. Er....yeah. Look! Over there! Something shiny!

Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive comments. It's always cool to go on a server and see people enjoying the hell out of a map you've made.
1) the problem is not going in the water vs. not going in the water. The problem is that it's dead space, and even worse, at one point, a dead end. The water area would do better as a DM-type if it were better connected with the rest of the map.
In all the (extensive) playtesting that's been done, it's not come up as an issue. People playing DM go where the action is, not doggypaddling around to see where they can go.

Personally, I've found the water area behind the tower invaluable on numerous occasions when I've gone to get the RPG while under fire. I can grab it, and leap out through the window into the water, giving myself some well-needed breathing space to make my way back round and get some health.
Okay, it's your map, and I'm just critically evaluating a good thing. :)

People playing DM go where the action is, not doggypaddling around to see where they can go.

But people don't always know where the action is. I've just always been taught that DM maps should always have multiple avenues of exit from every area in order to maintain a steady flow. If a divergence from that really works out in a new way, however, I'm definately willing to consider it.
The "dry" areas are set up in exactly that way. There's several different ways to "orbit" each area. Most of the water is excluded from this. What I've seen in playtests, though, is that the "dead" water areas rarely get used anyway. No-one wants to go and sit on their own, so they stick to the main action zones.

I tried putting steps in behind the tower, but it turned that water area into another action area, and water fights aren't good.
i played the map on the b33f server. Its a cool map and its fun to play! Good job!
Isn't this againt the contest rules?
A post on a mayor HL2 site for a playtest can be seen as a public release no?
Bluestrike said:
Isn't this againt the contest rules?
A post on a mayor HL2 site for a playtest can be seen as a public release no?

Each Contest Entry may not have been distributed prior to December 1, 2004.
Hi Pi Mu Rho, Pro from PC here ;)
Looks great! I'll be sure to DL it and try it out as soon as I get home, looking forward to checking it out. I'll be sure to post my thoughts.
Uploading to my server now.

Name: -[pHenyl's House]-

Also hosted.
Now running this dm_watergate with no timelimit. As long as the server appears busy I will keep this map running non-stop.
Ehh, whats the big deal, its just another map wit crap thrown all over the place, wheres the creativity.