Now that E3 is hours away...

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brokenjago said:
What the hell is it with people saying TF2 will be HL2 multiplayer!?!?!?

Has anyone read the valve info thread, because THEY SAID IT WASN'T GOING TO BE!!


It's true.
I would bet my life on it.
I would bet Valve Software on it.

Please no more rumors like this.

'k? :imu:
tokin said:
We shall find out tomorrow.
No, we shall FORGIVE vegeta.

lol jk.

I doubt they will talk about multiplayer anyway. :|
Bicka said:
It didnt occur to me that they would release HL2 with something other than tfc,cs or deathmatch... if its Ricochet!!!! ;(

what makes all you people think they will include anything like this?

they might include NOTHING, did you ever think of that?

when halflife first came out, Valve was a small, and unknown compony, even to a few months after HL1's release, thats probibly why they inlcuded all the free games...
Reaperman said:
what makes all you people think they will include anything like this?

they might include NOTHING, did you ever think of that?

when halflife first came out, Valve was a small, and unknown compony, even to a few months after HL1's release, thats probibly why they inlcuded all the free games...
How about no.
And I think he was just joking.
Ok, I am starting to sound like a real meanie here, so this is Vegeta, signing off.
Reaperman said:
what makes all you people think they will include anything like this?

they might include NOTHING, did you ever think of that?

when halflife first came out, Valve was a small, and unknown compony, even to a few months after HL1's release, thats probibly why they inlcuded all the free games...

Is that why you (when hl2 will be released) can choose to buy, just HL2/HL2 including MP.

Yes it seems logical, i go to the store and grab me a copy of "HL2 inc MP" and it turns out not to be a MP part, yes you got me there mr. :rolleyes:
Will people be able to build mods for cs2 and tf2 and dod2 then??? would that serve a useful purpose? How will they integrate them all???? so many questions.
bigun said:
I think its time Valve came clean about the HL2 multiplayer. We've just about milked all the information were going to get about the SP game through our emails to Valve, 2 E3 showings, and numerous print and online previews. What I say is: Enough Already - I now have a good idea about what HL2 SP is going to be like and im hyped up to the max, highly anticipating the summer.

HL2 is said to be in Alpha stage and almost at Beta. The game is playable the whole way through and all that remains is the final layer of Valve polish, tweaks, playtesting and bug crunching. With only a few more months before the game's release I think its time for Valve to speak about the MP side to HL2. I sure hope they have something planned...

The way I see it, thing could go a number of ways: we could have HL2 ship with basic MP just as HL1 did. We could have HL2 ship with CS2 or TF2 as multiplayer, or we could have HL2 ship with something none of us have ever seen before. Its time for Valve to come clean about MP, hell, it was supposed to be almost finished last year, so surely now its time to spill the beans - and SURELY E3 is the one and only place to do it...

What do you think - any information on MP would certainly build the hype up more than yet another set of non-interactice Gameplay videos.

Obviously they're keeping it a secret because they have something special in mind. I have no doubt that "Manipulator DM" servers and "Manipulator TeamDM" will be included in that, VALVe is THE game makers out there right now. Gabe, I think it was, also stated that they're keeping MP a secret until the release of HL2 just so that people will be pleasantly surprised at how much comes with "The basic package" this time.

I agree w/ a lot of people above who said that the MP has to be HL2-themed. It just makes sense. But what exactly will it be? I don't know, but valve has once again raised expectations insanely high through their marketing philosophy of tight-assed secrecy. They make the Bush Administration look like Quentin Tarantino on four double espressos. Anything less than the greatest game of the decade is going to make HL2 look like a failure and it's through their own doing. But anyway...

One of my speculations is that maybe MP will be playing the SP game with a group of people cooperatively. Eh, prob not.
will valve try and make us pay 'full price' for stuff like cs2, dod2, tf2, etc? its not like those games are going to come with any SP component. i think its pretty lame that they are all seperate products to begin with, but its not like i can do anything about that...a hl2 MP pack for 15 bucks would be cool, but i can see this turning into something where you pay out the ass for everything. like buying options on a car. except computer games. im a nerd.
Gossoon said:
I agree w/ a lot of people above who said that the MP has to be HL2-themed. It just makes sense. But what exactly will it be? I don't know, but valve has once again raised expectations insanely high through their marketing philosophy of tight-assed secrecy. They make the Bush Administration look like Quentin Tarantino on four double espressos. Anything less than the greatest game of the decade is going to make HL2 look like a failure and it's through their own doing. But anyway...

One of my speculations is that maybe MP will be playing the SP game with a group of people cooperatively. Eh, prob not.

what a bitter sounding 5 year old.

They have declared co-op mode a no go witht he release but sven is on it from what i can tell.