Now this is pwnage :)


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
saw this on - thought I'd share :D
dunno if it's old but it's a classic nonetheless. Enjoy

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
good evening

br0kenrabbit says:
What's ip?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information

br0kenrabbit says:
My information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?

br0kenrabbit says:
No. I don't even have it written down.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. L

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dont worry this connect it secure

br0kenrabbit says:
Can I be honest with you, Greg?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.

br0kenrabbit says:
Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Trace it.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
oh k

br0kenrabbit says:
As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.

br0kenrabbit says:
I'm putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Have you read the ToS?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
terms of service

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I just told you why

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I'm going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
xxxxx xxxxxxx

br0kenrabbit says:
Is this you?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Are you the only user of this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay, and what is the username

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
some. dude

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Do you always log on from the same IP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
And who is your internet providers, your ISP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?

br0kenrabbit says:
What is your city of residence?

br0kenrabbit says:
That depends on if you cooperate. You're doing fine so far.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
So I can update your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
can I play 2 nite

Greg_ValveOLS says:
clan fight

Greg_ValveOLS says:
wont win without me heh

br0kenrabbit says:
Heh. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Give me just a moment.

br0kenrabbit says:
Try to log in now.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
did u ban me???????????>WHY

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Valve will never ask for your username and password.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I don't work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
omg dude wtf why?

br0kenrabbit says:
Why were you trying to steal my account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i wanst

br0kenrabbit says:
Then why were you asking for my information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i'm only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dude pleas

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Go mow some yards, bitch.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
omg, that made me laugh so much, how can someone be so stupid :P
LOL owned. what an idiot. i mean you figure once the person asks you for the pw then you know he really doesnt work for valve. even though they would never message you online. this guy doesnt think at all.
Haha he got totally owned!. How can one person be so stupid?
That was one of the most moronic things I've ever read (as in, the guy was stupidly stupid!)

How'd you get a hold of this?

/EDIT oh wait gg!
ROFL. Greg...Greg.

Haha I've had people try do this to me before, incredible what some people will try and do. Not sure if i buy this one but very funny still :D
How can one person be so stupid?

I'm surprised you would ask that question here and not on the topic FPS standard. There is a lot of stupidity going on there.:sniper:
Afterall he was just 13.:rolleyes:
Anyone have anything like this? MORE?!
HAAHAHAHAHAAH that was the funniest thing ever, the hardest pwnage EVER! Really, what a complete moron, a total noob. He got what he deserved.
I'm surprised you would ask that question here and not on the topic FPS standard. There is a lot of stupidity going on there.:sniper:
Afterall he was just 13.:rolleyes:
Stupidity is rife here... My point is that... Uuh... Even a 13 year old who manages to know how to set up a scam (even if it was simple), should know that the scam can be reversed. It's common knowledge. that kid must be out of Logic brain-cells.
I'm surprised you would ask that question here and not on the topic FPS standard. There is a lot of stupidity going on there.:sniper:
Afterall he was just 13.:rolleyes:
I know, there was this guy, and he was tring to convince everyone that all FPSs should be the same. What a ****ing...oh shit *runs*
But seriously pervert, the SP section people (you'll pick up who they are if you read that forum a bit) are stubborn and opinionated, especially Darkside, Samon and me.
But seriously pervert, the SP section people (you'll pick up who they are if you read that forum a bit) are stubborn and opinionated, especially Darkside, Samon and me.
We are each other's checks and balances, and if any of us were any less obstinate it'd be the downfall of SPM. We argue for the good of the forum.
He's calling you pervert because that's your name. Hentai = perverted, generally in the worst sense you can think of. If you said hentai to a Japanese person, it doesn't mean the same thing it means to Westerners.

BTW, since you're gay, why isn't your name yaoi or something along those lines?

*This has been a totally off-topic post*
OK, i just presumed that everyone liked japanese hentai school of art.

BTW, since you're gay, why isn't your name yaoi or something along those lines?

I'm not into gay scene or anything connected to it, if you would see me on the street you would never in a milion years guessed I was gay, I actually dislike characteristics behind the stereotypes which people use to connect to that word.
Well, last I checked most gay people don't have any defining characteristics that you could pick out just by looking at them on the street unless they're super fabulously flamboyant, so your comment kinda works for a lot of gay people.

And yes, everyone loves hentai or there's something wrong with their brains, as I like to say. :p
Think about it.
br0kenrabbit gets: a new steam account.
We get: 1 less teenager to hazzle with.

Everyone wins, exept the moron (and he deserved it). :D
The kid also gets a valuable life lesson, so the next time he wants to scam someone he'll think twice. Thus, everyone wins, even the moron.
Are you little bitch calling ME pervert because I sad I was gay?!:flame:
I expected you to know what your own nick ment :P (BTW, mine means computer, it's in Irish)
And where did you say you were gay, it wasn't in this thread was it?
"Yeah, that guy got pwned, and BTW, I'm gay."
I'm actually sorry for the kid, sure he had bad intentions himself but still it's a sad state of affairs when something like this happens, If I could I would give the kid money to buy a new account.