**NSFW** But so Damn awesome!


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
This vid is just totally crazy but it had me in tears. Very much NSFW but its youtube so its got to be fine :)

how the **** did you spoiler your own signature and the reply buttons? even though they still show up...
how the **** did you spoiler your own signature and the reply buttons? even though they still show up...

I was wondering that myself.

****ing trippy!
how the **** did you spoiler your own signature and the reply buttons? even though they still show up...

Thats a very very good question... I have no idea!
Guys, it probably just occurs when you spoiler a video and end your post. Less spoiler signature discussion, more discussion about delicious sprite art.
Guys, it probably just occurs when you spoiler a video and end your post. Less spoiler signature discussion, more discussion about delicious sprite art.

That video was ****ing laugh inducing. I'd say it's VERY NSFW as the OP declares... but my god is it hilarious.

The person(s) who made it must be on drugs!
Hahaha, wtf was that; it won't stay on youtube long, that's for sure. :laugh:
Wow, I dont even know what to say about that, other than how the hell is this still on Youtube?
Fun video, loved the art style.

The person(s) who made it must be on drugs!

Remarks like this always peeve me. It's not because I care if the creator was on drugs, but because there is a general assumption amongst the regular Joe's and Jane's that if you see someone make something creative or bizarre the source of their creativity must have been drugs. It's possible the source could have been drugs, but come on, give people a little credit.

"Oh thats a weird video"

"Oh thats a weird drawing"

"Oh that's a weird song"

/Assumption that people's eccentric creativity cannot be accounted for by their genuine talent.

/rant over.
This video is awesome. I think. Speaking of drugs, don't fancy watching it while on anything. Or do I?
Fun video, loved the art style.

Remarks like this always peeve me. It's not because I care if the creator was on drugs, but because there is a general assumption amongst the regular Joe's and Jane's that if you see someone make something creative or bizarre the source of their creativity must have been drugs. It's possible the source could have been drugs, but come on, give people a little credit.

"Oh thats a weird video"

"Oh thats a weird drawing"

"Oh that's a weird song"

/Assumption that people's eccentric creativity cannot be accounted for by their genuine talent.

/rant over.

Your Pet Peeve doesn't apply to me, turtle soup! It's a compliment on the wild and imaginative creativity presented, and thus nothing that should peeve you!

It's like, "Holy shit, what were you smoking when you made that? I want what you're smoking!"
I dont get whats so NSFW about it? Its just some music video of some cartoon shit. Kinda boring actually.
Fun video, loved the art style.

Remarks like this always peeve me. It's not because I care if the creator was on drugs, but because there is a general assumption amongst the regular Joe's and Jane's that if you see someone make something creative or bizarre the source of their creativity must have been drugs. It's possible the source could have been drugs, but come on, give people a little credit.

"Oh thats a weird video"

"Oh thats a weird drawing"

"Oh that's a weird song"

/Assumption that people's eccentric creativity cannot be accounted for by their genuine talent.

/rant over.

Are you on drugs?

I dont get whats so NSFW about it? Its just some music video of some cartoon shit. Kinda boring actually.

Maybe the boobs and the ejaculating cock?
Saw this on reddit yesterday, I lol'd excessively. I'm a bit surprised it's stayed on Youtube but I guess the lo-res animation aspect of it saves it from their content guidelines.
That's some of the best things I've seen on Youtube, and I don't use superlatives lightly. :thumbs:

I cannot understand why it wouldn't be appropriate on YT however, seeing as there are tons of violent and gory scenes or clips there as well (non-flagged too mind you)
Fun video, loved the art style.

Remarks like this always peeve me. It's not because I care if the creator was on drugs, but because there is a general assumption amongst the regular Joe's and Jane's that if you see someone make something creative or bizarre the source of their creativity must have been drugs. It's possible the source could have been drugs, but come on, give people a little credit.

"Oh thats a weird video"

"Oh thats a weird drawing"

"Oh that's a weird song"

/Assumption that people's eccentric creativity cannot be accounted for by their genuine talent.

/rant over.

Man, you must be on drugs.

EDIT: ****, someone beat me to it. I must be on drugs.
The guy is called Paul Robertson, he's australian and incredible. Just put his name into youtube to see some more of his stuff. I'd love to know what software he uses to animate with if anyone knows.
Remarks like this always peeve me. It's not because I care if the creator was on drugs, but because there is a general assumption amongst the regular Joe's and Jane's that if you see someone make something creative or bizarre the source of their creativity must have been drugs. It's possible the source could have been drugs, but come on, give people a little credit.

"Oh thats a weird video"

"Oh thats a weird drawing"

"Oh that's a weird song"

/Assumption that people's eccentric creativity cannot be accounted for by their genuine talent.

/rant over.

Oh I do believe I am falling for you.
haha, that was very amusing. Despite its low res art style I'm still surprised it's allowed on youtube.
Really great art style animation and music, but it was mostly just incredibly juvenile and not at all funny. Sort of like looking at a monet painting of somebody taking a shit.
i like the 1993 game art style, but a totally perverted video
I was wondering that myself.

****ing trippy!

When you post a spoiler at the end of your post, and in that spoiler is a youtube video, that happens.

It's a vbulletin glitch I believe.
yo this shit is whack mang!! i loled a lot btw
That was great. And zombie's only mad because no one gives him any drugs.
You know, the real question is: If he's not on drugs, then where should we lock him up?

Oh I love italics.