[NSFW] Image Dump II

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Ya Hammertime originated from Nazi... here:

In 1955, 10 years after the end of World War II and the defeat of the Third Reich, images discovered in Nazi records depicting uniformed officers of the Schutzstaffel dancing a macabre dance while supposedly shouting "Halt! Hammerzeit!" started appearing in international press. The images, which had lain for ten years in the drawers of various Allied intelligence agencies were leaked by an unknown official within the Kremlin and brought back memories most residents of former Nazi-occupied Europe were ready to forget.

Die Hammerzeit was outlawed until the late 80s due to suspicion that it had been developed by unhumanitarian methods by scientists working under the Third Reich. In a famous ruling in 1988, the Court of Appeals overturned a decision by the District Court of California outlawing Die Hammerzeit (e. Hammertime), triggering a cascade of the decriminalization of Die Hammerzeit across the globe. This decision fueled much activity in the field culminating in MC Hammer releasing his paradigmatic single, U Can't Touch This, which heavily featured Die Hammerzeit and brought it into the public awareness as Hammertime.
It just pretty much shows that anime tends to make girly looking male characters. I find it extremely hilarious that the joke is totally lost without dialoge, because there is literally zero distinction there between boy and girl except the slightly shorter hair.
I first saw that Girls Bravo gif without knowing what Girls Bravo was, who any of the characters were, etc. I knew that character was a man, though, right after the wig came off. I caught the joke without dialogue, but then, I have an extremely heightened trap-sense...I have only been fooled once by a character who I thought was a female. All other times I can recognize a dude. My trap-sense even carries over IRL, thankfully. I've never been fooled there either. :laugh:

oh i like anime, i just hate shows like that..
So you hate almost every anime in existence? :p Seriously, almost every show has a feminine male. Sometimes they're just "bishounen," pretty boys, but sometimes...well, this is an image thread, isn't it? Instead of telling you, I'll just show you! BEHOLD!

Queen Mashiro, even though the anime makes no mention of it, you are really a boy. So says the manga.


Dio, the eyeliner isn't helping your sexual identity.


Espada numero seis, Luppi.


The ageha squad. They're boys. Not all of them are pictured, but they're all ambiguous-looking. Only the blonde one is ever specifically stated as being a boy, but they're all boys. Probably.


Momiji, of Fruits Basket. Awesome series, that.


Kurapica looking decidedly more female than usual.


It's the ponytail. Well, the ponytail makes it worse.


Man, I dunno who you are, but holy shit, alert Admiral Ackbar.


Jun Watarase, of Happiness.




Hey, it's Haku.


You broke my heart, Deidara. The only one to ever fool me. Broke my fuckin' heart.


Man, are you aware of how impossible it is to find a picture of Turn-A-Gundam's Loran Cehack where he is A) NOT wearing a dress and B) NOT naked? Well, I can spare you the latter, but he wears a dress in the series so...


Alright look, I was a tot when Voltron came out. You cannot possibly understand how my two-year-old mind was constantly trying to determine whether Pidge was male or female. I look at him TODAY and it's hard to tell. For God's sakes, he has a raspy, high-pitched, androgynous voice, the big eyes with the feminine lashes, HE'S GOT A CLIP IN HIS HAIR, and look at his other clothes: the lime green, loose clothes that don't give any telltale curvature to his body, the ascot. Also, I can't find a picture of it online, and I don't have a USB cable for my cellphone (I took a picture of it myself; I'll have to take another with a digicam), but have you seen the Voltron 3rd DVD box set? The one with Pidge on the back? Holy Christ, he's trying to seduce you with his pose! Seduce you into buying Voltron! Which would be a terrible mistake, because the Voltron series sucks. Stupid sexy Pidge.


Now, this was a post about anime characters, but I just cannot go without mentioning the greatest trap of all time.


And because I posted Bridget, I have to post his spiritual successor Culian, from a little game called Senko no Ronde.


There's tons more. Japan <3 girly men. Here's a fun fact: did you know that Shinji from Evangelion is really just Nadia with shorter hair and different skin tone, and sans breasts? But face, body type, same. Completely the same. So he's also supposed to be a feminine male.


...God-fucking-damn it, Shinji. :hmph:
Anime overload.

Self-implosion sequence initiated.

5... 4... 3... 2...
Yeah, there are few times that I get caught thinking, "That's a guy" unless there are the times where they purposely tried to dupe us.
rofl i just felt like it for the heck of it and went to watch an episode of that show and its funny. also i could easily tell a guy from a girl. those images above are just ridiculous; even a pretty boy doesn't even look that feminine.
A few of my images from my Imageshack account that I haven't seen for a while.







Moar in the next post.
I almost choked when I saw this :laugh::laugh: I had forgotten all about it.

(it's me in the pic for those who don't know, I made myself look like an emo/goth for a video that never me and some friends never finished)

You're the one who did the 'shop, right?
Never heard of M.C. hammer? Well monkey you are missing out on some of the best dance music of all time...
I almost choked when I saw this :laugh::laugh: I had forgotten all about it.

(it's me in the pic for those who don't know, I made myself look like an emo/goth for a video that never me and some friends never finished)

You're the one who did the 'shop, right?
Haha, yeah. I remember telling you I was gonna shop it, and you thought I was gonna do some lame text-only shop involving the love/hate you had written on your hands. And... obviously you were right, but it wasn't lame :P
Never heard of M.C. hammer? Well monkey you are missing out on some of the best dance music of all time...

are you serious? MC Hammer, that black dude in the early 90's who performed "U Can't Touch This", which is only like the most super awesome hip hop dance song ever.


That one? Of course I've heard the song, I just didn't know the name of the artist.

The best parody of MC Hammer ever.
"Just like the bad guy from Lethal Weapon 4, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue."

"Just like the bad guy from Lethal Weapon 4, I've got diplomatic immunity, so Hammer you can't sue."

It's lethal weapon 2, geeze.
"I have diplomatic immunity!"
"Just been revoked!" *Bang*
EDIT: nvm i tried posting pics but everything i put up gets red X of death :\. I dont get it.
Heh, I remember that thread.

Can anyone please find that Caturday (GTFO "LOLcats") picture with a rescue worker or something holding a cat. The caption says "All is lost". It's one of my favorites.
i like the one with the dog drinking the pepsi who says "i buyed you a pepsi but i drinkdt it"

I keep losing it
seriously, what's the deal with cat pictures? I never understood them, because I'm wondering are they supposed to be just really stupid and unfunny? is that the joke?
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