Nuclear Dawn Flyers

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The third flyer's resolution is so stretched you can tell just by the thumbnail. I don't know what's so important at the bottom to relegate to ultra-widescreen, but trimming the length can restore the soldier's proportions more.
Why people are so against Nucleaw Dawn project? I think you have done good job with these flyers. They are looking really good but the composition is bit too narrow. You had some really cool Nuclear Dawn related art in before and maybe you should have something like that in the flayers too. I think you should size down the character and the logos a bit. Also the stroke effect in the first pictures image texts isnt looking very good. Some tweaking here and there and you are going to have hellava good flayers. :)
Niten said:
Why people are so against Nucleaw Dawn project? I think you have done good job with these flyers. They are looking really good but the composition is bit too narrow. You had some really cool Nuclear Dawn related art in before and maybe you should have something like that in the flayers too. I think you should size down the character and the logos a bit. Also the stroke effect in the first pictures image texts isnt looking very good. Some tweaking here and there and you are going to have hellava good flayers. :)

Because the screenshots being posed were photoshopped and faked. And what's more, go see moddb, the percentage complete is 0% and it's internal alpha?

And here is what Garry had said, go check it out in the link.

DaveL is a annoying kid. He even sends a bomb letters to IGN to demand the removal of negative reviews? This kind of a person needs a life.
Then it might be like Sixthree wrote: "Most modders would rather dress up as game developers than actually develop games..."
I've reported Double_Blade's post for utter slander. You shouldn't be able to get away for claiming someone has sent mail bombs when they've done nothing of the sort. Do something constructive with your time or go troll somewhere else please.

The Garry blog is also very economical with the truth, in fact before I joined the ND team I made a comment in that blog which Garry removed because he didn't want people reading it, but you'll find a copy of it on the ND forums + I still have the initial automatic approval emails that were sent proving that I made the post. If Garry only wants his side of the story told he can't be that confident in its integrity. Tbh the whole Garry blog and ND Nuked blogs are over and done with. Anyone interested can find our official response on the ND forums. If you're interested in the truth, it pays to hear both sides of the story, which with Garry's blog you certainly do not get.
Don't worry it'll all be lost in the sands of time once people see what we have to offer.
cant under estimate a mod which is still in conceptual stage..
-Crispy- said:
I've reported Double_Blade's post for utter slander. You shouldn't be able to get away for claiming someone has sent mail bombs when they've done nothing of the sort. Do something constructive with your time or go troll somewhere else please.

You missed the ? at the end of his post. Seriously. He was obviously kidding. I cannot believe you took what he said about DaveL sending bombs to IGN seriously.

Please do not reply to this with your usual PR slosh.
Er, the question mark means nothing? I don't think he was kidding. I find it hard to take Double Blade seriously, ever.
You don't think he was kidding? :|

Ok, so it is Double_Blade. But seriously. Who kids about sending bombs to IGN? Who the hell would take that kind of accusation seriously. Just let up and go. Sending bombs to IGN and taking it seriously. Sheesh.
-Crispy- said:
Don't worry it'll all be lost in the sands of time once people see what we have to offer.

You keep thinking that. :stare:
He didn't necessarily mean actual bombs, but the feel and intent behind his words were real and there. He wasn't just making some random offhand joke that doesn't appear to be a joke, at least I don't think so.

myth said:
cant under estimate a mod which is still in conceptual stage..
See the screenshots in the media section? Yeah. Not still in the conceptual stage. Far from it. They've been playtesting for a year, ffs.
-Crispy- said:
The Garry blog is also very economical with the truth, in fact before I joined the ND team I made a comment in that blog which Garry removed because he didn't want people reading it, but you'll find a copy of it on the ND forums + I still have the initial automatic approval emails that were sent proving that I made the post. If Garry only wants his side of the story told he can't be that confident in its integrity. Tbh the whole Garry blog and ND Nuked blogs are over and done with. Anyone interested can find our official response on the ND forums. If you're interested in the truth, it pays to hear both sides of the story, which with Garry's blog you certainly do not get.

You left this thread before when people tired of your bullshit. That was a wise PR move I suggest you repeat here.
Double_Blade said:
Because the screenshots being posed were photoshopped and faked. And what's more, go see moddb, the percentage complete is 0% and it's internal alpha?
I can speak from experience that few modders visit moddb daily to update the % completions, if at all.
Ennui said:
See the screenshots in the media section? Yeah. Not still in the conceptual stage. Far from it. They've been playtesting in photoshop for a year, ffs.

Oh come on, I had to.

See, Samon, we're doing it! I know that's a joke! ITS WORKING!
You guys are weird. :p

(Wow, 30 sec wait between posts? CptStern must be pissed.)
Maybe you should change your trousers. And get a mop.
Niten said:
Then it might be like Sixthree wrote: "Most modders would rather dress up as game developers than actually develop games..."

That was Adam Foster, not me.
-Crispy- said:
I've reported Double_Blade's post for utter slander. You shouldn't be able to get away for claiming someone has sent mail bombs when they've done nothing of the sort. Do something constructive with your time or go troll somewhere else please.

Who did you report it to? The "Who gives a shit" police? Did they say: "Who gives a shit?"

I seriously don't see how you could have taken that post as seriously referring to real bombs, unless you have a baseball stuck up your rectum. Is this true?

This just in, DaveL of Nuclear Dawn sends bombs to people he doesn't like using mail carriers. Also, their PR manager Crispy is on medical leave due to a baseball being lodged in an undisclosed location.


Double Blade probably thought the bomb thing was true, therefore reporting it was fair enough imo. It isn't Crispy's fault the guy's silly.

Double_Blade is insane, but not that insane. His post hardly makes any sense, I certainly didn't get "DAVEL TRIZ 2 KILL PPLES" from it...

Whatever. :p
Oh please! A bomb to IGN? What are you thinking?! I don't care whether Double_Blade thought it was serious or not, I care that Crispy went about reporting it because he couldn't stand such a 'oh so slanderous!' comment that disgraced their benevolent leader - which in fact, turned him into a complete and utter madman!

This isn't about whether or not Double_Blade was serious. This is about some PR slosh winging about so called slander when it is quite bloody obvious that DaveL did not send letter bombs to IGN, the second biggest gaming website on the world of the internets. Any sane individual would have just laughed and gone along with it. Nobody is going to take that seriously.

Or is your ego so flipping fantastic that you simply can't have any dent in that metal wonder baloon of yours? :|
Hell, I saw it as him joking around. But you know Crispy is so tits about anyone having to say ANYTHING about DaveL he would believe Double_Blade meant it. Paranoid is what Crispy is.
Double_Blade said:
Because the screenshots being posed were photoshopped and faked. And what's more, go see moddb, the percentage complete is 0% and it's internal alpha?

And here is what Garry had said, go check it out in the link.
You need to learn to form your own opinions and stop being a jackass. You're obviously just repeating things you've heard without bothering to investigate their veracity, and making yourself look like an idiot.

I can respect the opinions of Samon, Pi, Erestheux, and other people in this thread, because despite that they're harsh, and despite that I disagree, they do know what it is they're talking about. You, on the other hand... stop joining in the fray just because you think that it will make the Zombie Master devs like you more.
See now, I can respect that response a lot more, cuz its got a lot more truth in it. :p
Why would he do a thing like that?
Samon said:
Oh please! A bomb to IGN? What are you thinking?! I don't care whether Double_Blade thought it was serious or not, I care that Crispy went about reporting it because he couldn't stand such a 'oh so slanderous!' comment that disgraced their benevolent leader - which in fact, turned him into a complete and utter madman!

This isn't about whether or not Double_Blade was serious. This is about some PR slosh winging about so called slander when it is quite bloody obvious that DaveL did not send letter bombs to IGN, the second biggest gaming website on the world of the internets. Any sane individual would have just laughed and gone along with it. Nobody is going to take that seriously.

Or is your ego so flipping fantastic that you simply can't have any dent in that metal wonder baloon of yours? :|
Eh? My ego? ;(

Are you telling me reporting stupid posts is wrong?

I mean, as far as I see it...
The post was stupid -> Crispy reported the post > End of discussion. I admit he didn't have to post about it, having reported it, but whatchoogunnado.
Your ego? No ho Sulks, not at all. <3
ND/DaveL/Crispy ego.

No, I am not saying reporting stupid posts is wrong. I just took Double_blades post as a joke...if he was serious, well, ok, maybe. But seriously, Crispy went way too far with it.
I hear Nuclear Dawns leader - Dave L had a 5 year prison sentance from which he was released from last year for suicide bombing PC gamer after they didn't divert the entire magazine to Nuclear Dawn.
I made two posts (this being my third), between the rest of you, you made 29 in response to one post. You go do the maths and tell me who's overreacting.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have also posted about it, but if you're so disinterested in Nuclear Dawn, why have you brought this thread to 77 posts?

Pajari said:
You left this thread before when you tired of people's bullshit. That was a wise move I suggest you repeat here.
Sorry, but I'm not overreacting. I'm simply bone shatteringly amused by the fact that you take his IGN blown off the face of the Earth with DaveL's letter bombs as slander.
-Crispy- said:
I made two posts (this being my third), between the rest of you, you made 29 in response to one post. You go do the maths and tell me who's overreacting.

I'll admit I probably shouldn't have also posted about it, but if you're so disinterested in Nuclear Dawn, why have you brought this thread to 77 posts?

I am interested in your article and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

- Pax
Samon said:
Sorry, but I'm not overreacting. I'm simply bone shatteringly amused by the fact that you take his IGN blown off the face of the Earth with DaveL's letter bombs as slander.
It was a lie. There was no evidence of sarcasm, such as rolleyes or italics. Now you guys obviously know this guy better than me, and from what I gather from comments in this thread he has track record of consuming and regurgitating BS on a daily basis, but if I didn't know that then as far as I'm concerned, other people aren't going to be able to see through that subtle question-mark-of-sarcasm. So I reported the post for being a bare-faced lie.
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