Nuclear Dawn Flyers

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It is the internet. My god. Oh no, porky, where be the reporty button!? Please. I guess your above the likes of laughing, shrugging, and moving on. A single post, that obviously held no truth, and you couldn't bare it. Can't have anyone speaking against ND, eh? But I give, I'm not going any further with this.
-Crispy- said:
It was a lie. There was no evidence of sarcasm, such as rolleyes or italics. Now you guys obviously know this guy better than me, and from what I gather from comments in this thread he has track record of consuming and regurgitating BS on a daily basis, but if I didn't know that then as far as I'm concerned, other people aren't going to be able to see through that subtle question-mark-of-sarcasm. So I reported the post for being a bare-faced lie.
In soviet russia, post reports YOU!!

Oh wait... ND has communism.

Let's not assault Crispy on what he has done. He clearly did his job for the Peoples Glorious and Great Revolution (tm). EVERYTIME YOU REPORT A PERSON, MOTHER RUSSIA GETS STRONGER!

- Pax
-Crispy- said:
It was a lie. There was no evidence of sarcasm, such as rolleyes or italics. Now you guys obviously know this guy better than me, and from what I gather from comments in this thread he has track record of consuming and regurgitating BS on a daily basis, but if I didn't know that then as far as I'm concerned, other people aren't going to be able to see through that subtle question-mark-of-sarcasm. So I reported the post for being a bare-faced lie.

Did you also report garry for slanderizing DaveL's precious name (in fact, he loves horses)? What about me about telling people about the baseball in your butt?

I'm just making fun of you because you took the bomb thing seriously. I mean. Dude. What the hell? o_0

Pretty hilarious how you went through and counted the comments in this thread, to prove "we" were overacting buy "you" were not. :LOL:
A good PR man is one who is prepared to go all the way, to the extent which it proves necessary!
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