Nuclear Dawn Media Update - Competition


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
The Nuclear Dawn team is holding a new contest in which anyone can take part in (Unless you're dyslexic, sorry). If you are an avid writer or just a creative and naturally talented person with the knack of good storytelling, you are invited to participate in the Nuclear Dawn Creative Writing Contest. It will be the first contest in a series that the ND team will be hosting. This one in particular, the prizes will be of things in great value to many: A copy of Valve’s upcoming title Half-life 2: Episode Two and a sure-spot in the Nuclear Dawn closed beta testing team. Click the banner below for more details.[br]
[br]Along with the announcement of the writing contest, a media update has been released as well. Steering away from cropped screenshots of player models, we now have more images to drool over showcasing the beautiful quality of the maps we will come to know in the future… Who knew an abandoned office and storage depot could look so great![br]
[br]More information on the writing contest and media on Nuclear Dawn can be found at its official website.
I'll personally love anyone who submits a story about DaveL's forbidden love of lambs.

Yeah, the alcohol has got to me.

-Angry Lawyer
Seriously, this mod is the best utilization of the Source engine I've ever seen. And I'm including HL2 and Ep 1.
As usual, ND looks like God's gift from Heaven. But I would like, which been mentioned countless of times, a video from the damn thing.
The water stains on the office ceiling don't make sense.
Now THAT is picky, to a ridiculous degree. I must intervene and say that water pipes or a leaky roof could easily allow water to drip through and cause that effect very similar to that.

Good competition though, an incentive (past screenshots) e.g. gameplay video would be prefered before entering the competition knowing it's not wasted effort and a possible disappointment.
The water stains on the office ceiling don't make sense.

Actually, its pretty common in older offices. This isnt from my office but heres an example of it.

As for the media, I dont think it looks nearly as good as some of their other map shots, still nice, just not up to par with some of the rest thats all.
i agree, compared to some of the other maps like russia and styx this isnt nearly as good, but im still a huge fan
The thing that bothers me most about this mod is their emphesis on pretty graphics. The reality is that most of us gamers will never be able to play with the settings as high as those screenshots. That, and from what i've read on their website, the gameplay still sounds vague. In my opinion, graphics don't matter at all. No matter how good the graphics are, its only the gameplay that will keep people playing. Also, i'm convinced that its going to be impossible for them to deliver everything they've promised in a bug-free first release. All these big media releases are digging them into a deep grave that will take a perfect first release to get out of.

Sorry if i sound bitter, i just hate hype over media.
i agree, compared to some of the other maps like russia and styx this isnt nearly as good, but im still a huge fan

The offices are part of nd_russia iirc.
the last shot is pretty cool even though iirc the sun never shines in russia

But those starter passages for the fan fiction contest are lame beyond belief.
i agree, compared to some of the other maps like russia and styx this isnt nearly as good, but im still a huge fan

Nuclear Dawn also has a map called Styx ...????
Dyslexia joke is a bit unfair, a lot of dyslexic people can write great stories. :p

That seems a little angry, better put a smilie.
the last shot is pretty cool even though iirc the sun never shines in russia

But those starter passages for the fan fiction contest are lame beyond belief.

That, and from what i've read on their website, the gameplay still sounds vague.
On our homepage we hint at an interview coming this August. Maybe that will answer some of your burning questions about the gameplay in Nuclear Dawn.
Yeah, dyslexic dosn't mean your a retard or can't write. Just means that you learn slower and differently too others and if that is not tended and educated to the right way to the victim of dyslexia then they can fall behind and that's where you get the average of dyslexic "idoits".

There is many famous and rich dyslexics.

Anyway- Nuclear yawn indeed
The starter passages don't offer much in the way of interest.
Well they're designed mostly to offer scope for writers to create their own sense of interest. Each one pretty much poses a 'where', 'when', 'who', 'why', 'what' and 'how' that the writer can answer how they like.
Looks good (as always :p). CBA to write a story though D:
lol i hate nuclear dawn so i'm going to find random little things to be picky about. maybe i'd play if there was no sun in the map and the waterstains looked different... but those are obviously gamestopping obstructions to fun play and I just can't get around them.

at least ND gets criticism on the most ridiculous level, like trial by far.

good shots, as usual, but i'd agree, a video would be nice

man people are such assholes when it comes to this mod
man people are such assholes when it comes to this mod

I am not taking sides here but I think since there are alot of gamers who are modders out there, the negative things that have been said about other mods by davel (be it true or false I do not care) are the cause of much of the flaming. The faked media is the other reason, again I really do not care personally, its not my mod so I could care less. I think if you are going to call people out the way the nd leadership has done (supposedly) you should have expected as much hostility as support as you have gotten. So with that said, with all the rumors flying around about this mod whether they are true or not, I am really surprised you are surprised by some peoples negativity towards nd.
Let's hope the competition fares better than the fiasco that has been the Mailbag competition here. :dozey:
The office does look delicious. Too much water damage on the roof, and shame they're using HL2-props but those are minor minuses.

This would be my most anticipated mod if there wouldn't be that birds-eye-view-commander-shait. (ND will have one, right?)

They're all generic and pretty formless- they don't say anything or capture attention particularly well. I'd have just let the writers come up with their own introductions, though I do think that sometimes a mandated introducation or theme can be a good idea. It just didn't work out in this case.

And Ennui, I was kidding about the sun never shining in Russia. I like the shot. It was a joke. Peace & love, k?
We don't want interviews. We want gameplay video's.

too bad youre not really in the position to demand anything ;) . but we're not going to let anyone down on the vids.

i got the impression the flaming is going down though. just takes some time to prove from the naysayers wrong. afterall ND is everything but vaporwave.

and nuclear yawn is a funny comment :) im not a huge fan of fan fic either but then again there are talented writers out there. ill definitely give the winner a read. it might turn out good, who knows? still its kind of cool to give writers a chance to win something. dont see that a lot around game related sites.
The flaming isn't because of the idea of Nuclear Dawn being Vaporware, which, if said person had any brain, would realize ND is far from. It's rather the tactic's used in the pursuit to bring out a mod. Of course there are industry professionals on the team, and the leader obviously knows what he's doing concidering this is his first mod, but this is nothing more than a mod. Treating it as if it's a true game is a nice idea, but to follow through with brutal and repulsive methods like trying to bring back members who have left, then insulting them with rediculous accusations for denying isn't generally a tactic to gain respect.
welcome to the gamesindustry then. i know this is a mod. but cant we treat it the way we want to? its our game after all. we dont mean to screw anyone, but building up a hype CAN help a mod. you as a "customer" dont have anything to lose as youre not paying anything besides hl2 which you most likely have paid for anyway so i dont know whats the big deal about. just my opinion though. i mean i play quite a lot of mods aswell. im not particularly happy about the way garry is going with garrysmod but in the end its up to him to earn money with it. its kindof well deserved as he's got quality to it. and so does ND. so why dont build a up a hype? it gets you a supporting community which efficiently gets you a well played game aswell. to create a good game theres more to it besides releasing the game itself. why do you think there are so many devs releasing SDKs and dev tools for their games? to keep the game alive ofcourse. and thats whats being tried with ND too.
we dont mean to screw anyone. its a free game afterall so i dont see a reason for anyone to complain about our tactics. we are just trying out a slightly different approach.
we also are gamers afterall.
They're all generic and pretty formless- they don't say anything or capture attention particularly well. I'd have just let the writers come up with their own introductions, though I do think that sometimes a mandated introducation or theme can be a good idea. It just didn't work out in this case.

And Ennui, I was kidding about the sun never shining in Russia. I like the shot. It was a joke. Peace & love, k?
But I so dearly enjoy foaming at the mouth :D

Go sa74n!
I loved to read all the little bits in sa74n's comment, and to see how pretty shit it was.

For one; I know ND isnt vaporware. Secondly, ND has given itself and it's Devs a kind of 'elitist' stance towards the mod community briefly underlined with sa74n's first comment going "too bad youre not really in the position to demand anything". Even if it was a "joke", it's basically the way ND runs stuff right now. Churn our media, write a crappy storyline (tbh, even though I like the idea and the world. The way it's been written doesnt make me smile.) and then when people go "right, give us a video so you can prove everyone else wrong" the dev's respond with "lolol there will be one soon, but not yet ;)". I just don't see the logic in this.

On sa74n's garry's mod rant I'd like to comment that Garry's mod got "hyped" through people playing, and not through Garry going around news sites bothering news editors and sending their pre-written stuff to games magazines (or calling admins to remove posts from a forum). Besides this; Garry's mod has gone commercial so the hyping automatically shifts to normal, commercial games hype pure as advertisement. Nothing wrong with that.

But where this whole thing goes wrong is the following: ND is, and will be untill otherwise stated, a mod. A modification of an existing commercial game.

Now, I know sa74n is a game dev himself, a full paid professional (or so I hope) but I believe the 'game devness' has spread over to the 'mod devness' whereas a mod developer does this because he has fun in whatever he does AND cares about the rest of the community. Several mods already work together code wise, sharing idea's and problems. To rephrase a WW2 war add "YOU are the community".

I spoke to Dave some time ago and he stated that he "hyped to keep the team on it's toes" and that the hype "inspired the team to work". So this leads to a second answer; "Does the boosting of ones ego through a constant means of hyping fuel a game dev to work on a mod?".

But then again, I have full heart in the fact that after this post either sa74n (or someone else) will come with a fallacy of a post to prove me wrong or 'diss me'.

But hey, too bad I'm not in a position to demand ;)

- Pax
The warm glow from the open fuel drum lit the hardened features of the figures sat round the fire. Each stared blankly into space, contemplating their recent loss. Finally Alexei cleared his throat and broke the silence; "Lads you know what has to be done" he emboldened on the psyche on each of his men "Nuclear Dawn is under attack!" The faces of the fanboys grimaced in terror, "You know what you must do. The plan is to infiltrate certain communities and spread our message as laid out by the minister of information lord Crispy" The assembled fanboys faces lit up at the mere mention of Lord Crispys name.

A lone soldier started shuffling his feet Alexi's eyes fixated on this soldier and he coughed to get his attention, the soldier stopped shuffling and looked up at Alexis, Alexis recognized this plant as Ennui first lieutenant of the righteous forumite clan; "Well?" Alexis said while looking at Ennui, "You have something to say" he said with an impatient tone. Ennui looked at him and then around at the assembled soldiers before opening his mouth:

I loved to read all the little bits in sa74n's comment, and to see how pretty shit it was.

For one; I know ND isnt vaporware. Secondly, ND has given itself and it's Devs a kind of 'elitist' stance towards the mod community briefly underlined with sa74n's first comment going "too bad youre not really in the position to demand anything". Even if it was a "joke", it's basically the way ND runs stuff right now. Churn our media, write a crappy storyline (tbh, even though I like the idea and the world. The way it's been written doesnt make me smile.) and then when people go "right, give us a video so you can prove everyone else wrong" the dev's respond with "lolol there will be one soon, but not yet ;)". I just don't see the logic in this.

On sa74n's garry's mod rant I'd like to comment that Garry's mod got "hyped" through people playing, and not through Garry going around news sites bothering news editors and sending their pre-written stuff to games magazines (or calling admins to remove posts from a forum). Besides this; Garry's mod has gone commercial so the hyping automatically shifts to normal, commercial games hype pure as advertisement. Nothing wrong with that.

But where this whole thing goes wrong is the following: ND is, and will be untill otherwise stated, a mod. A modification of an existing commercial game.

Now, I know sa74n is a game dev himself, a full paid professional (or so I hope) but I believe the 'game devness' has spread over to the 'mod devness' whereas a mod developer does this because he has fun in whatever he does AND cares about the rest of the community. Several mods already work together code wise, sharing idea's and problems. To rephrase a WW2 war add "YOU are the community".

I spoke to Dave some time ago and he stated that he "hyped to keep the team on it's toes" and that the hype "inspired the team to work". So this leads to a second answer; "Does the boosting of ones ego through a constant means of hyping fuel a game dev to work on a mod?".

But then again, I have full heart in the fact that after this post either sa74n (or someone else) will come with a fallacy of a post to prove me wrong or 'diss me'.

But hey, too bad I'm not in a position to demand ;)

- Pax
You my friend are a fuken legend. Thankyou :). I wanted to post something similar too that but the words couldn't be said right.

DaveL is a childish *child* ;), He has to grow up and treat people with respect rather than tools. Sa74n i don't know the relationship between you and him, he's probably smart enough to keep it cool with you seeing your a primary asset to him, but if he seriously says something dicky to you. Please leave him in the dirt, he's a blood sucker.
I loved to read all the little bits in sa74n's comment, and to see how pretty shit it was.

For one; I know ND isnt vaporware. Secondly, ND has given itself and it's Devs a kind of 'elitist' stance towards the mod community briefly underlined with sa74n's first comment going "too bad youre not really in the position to demand anything". Even if it was a "joke", it's basically the way ND runs stuff right now. Churn our media, write a crappy storyline (tbh, even though I like the idea and the world. The way it's been written doesnt make me smile.) and then when people go "right, give us a video so you can prove everyone else wrong" the dev's respond with "lolol there will be one soon, but not yet ;)". I just don't see the logic in this.

On sa74n's garry's mod rant I'd like to comment that Garry's mod got "hyped" through people playing, and not through Garry going around news sites bothering news editors and sending their pre-written stuff to games magazines (or calling admins to remove posts from a forum). Besides this; Garry's mod has gone commercial so the hyping automatically shifts to normal, commercial games hype pure as advertisement. Nothing wrong with that.

But where this whole thing goes wrong is the following: ND is, and will be untill otherwise stated, a mod. A modification of an existing commercial game.

Now, I know sa74n is a game dev himself, a full paid professional (or so I hope) but I believe the 'game devness' has spread over to the 'mod devness' whereas a mod developer does this because he has fun in whatever he does AND cares about the rest of the community. Several mods already work together code wise, sharing idea's and problems. To rephrase a WW2 war add "YOU are the community".

I spoke to Dave some time ago and he stated that he "hyped to keep the team on it's toes" and that the hype "inspired the team to work". So this leads to a second answer; "Does the boosting of ones ego through a constant means of hyping fuel a game dev to work on a mod?".

But then again, I have full heart in the fact that after this post either sa74n (or someone else) will come with a fallacy of a post to prove me wrong or 'diss me'.

But hey, too bad I'm not in a position to demand ;)

- Pax
