Nuclear Dawn Media Update - Competition

The flaming isn't because of the idea of Nuclear Dawn being Vaporware, which, if said person had any brain, would realize ND is far from. It's rather the tactic's used in the pursuit to bring out a mod. Of course there are industry professionals on the team, and the leader obviously knows what he's doing concidering this is his first mod, but this is nothing more than a mod. Treating it as if it's a true game is a nice idea, but to follow through with brutal and repulsive methods like trying to bring back members who have left, then insulting them with rediculous accusations for denying isn't generally a tactic to gain respect.

Add to that the threats against other mods for being "competition" and the attempted lawsuits for libel.

-Angry Lawyer
The warm glow from the open fuel drum lit the hardened features of the figures sat round the fire. Each stared blankly into space, contemplating their recent loss. Finally Alexei cleared his throat and broke the silence; "Lads you know what has to be done" he emboldened on the psyche on each of his men "Nuclear Dawn is under attack!" The faces of the fanboys grimaced in terror, "You know what you must do. The plan is to infiltrate certain communities and spread our message as laid out by the minister of information lord Crispy" The assembled fanboys faces lit up at the mere mention of Lord Crispys name.

A lone soldier started shuffling his feet Alexi's eyes fixated on this soldier and he coughed to get his attention, the soldier stopped shuffling and looked up at Alexis, Alexis recognized this plant as Ennui first lieutenant of the righteous forumite clan; "Well?" Alexis said while looking at Ennui, "You have something to say" he said with an impatient tone. Ennui looked at him and then around at the assembled soldiers before opening his mouth:


I'm sure you're proud to be parading around with big people like Angry Lawyer, Pi, and Samon, but merely following the crowd and attacking me personally for sticking up for a mod (note that I didn't say people or icky recruiting tactics) that I like isn't going to get you cool points. If you're going to be a cockbag, please direct your shit at someone who deserves it, and preferably one who does not have the power and growing inclination to ban you.
Originally Posted by ^Ben
The warm glow from the open fuel drum lit the hardened features of the figures sat round the fire. Each stared blankly into space, contemplating their recent loss. Finally Alexei cleared his throat and broke the silence; "Lads you know what has to be done" he emboldened on the psyche on each of his men "Nuclear Dawn is under attack!" The faces of the fanboys grimaced in terror, "You know what you must do. The plan is to infiltrate certain communities and spread our message as laid out by the minister of information lord Crispy" The assembled fanboys faces lit up at the mere mention of Lord Crispys name.

A lone soldier started shuffling his feet Alexi's eyes fixated on this soldier and he coughed to get his attention, the soldier stopped shuffling and looked up at Alexis, Alexis recognized this plant as Ennui first lieutenant of the righteous forumite clan; "Well?" Alexis said while looking at Ennui, "You have something to say" he said with an impatient tone. Ennui looked at him and then around at the assembled soldiers before opening his mouth:

omg Ben lmao - poor ennui
The mod's quite good, you can't broadbrush the art with the same brush that you tar DaveL. Hell, I even like Crispy in a zooomji way. Just, unless DaveL has a sudden change of character, I'm going to be weary of a lot of what happens in regards to the mod.

-Angry Lawyer
I loved to read all the little bits in sa74n's comment, and to see how pretty shit it was.

For one; I know ND isnt vaporware. Secondly, ND has given itself and it's Devs a kind of 'elitist' stance towards the mod community briefly underlined with sa74n's first comment going "too bad youre not really in the position to demand anything". Even if it was a "joke", it's basically the way ND runs stuff right now. Churn our media, write a crappy storyline (tbh, even though I like the idea and the world. The way it's been written doesnt make me smile.) and then when people go "right, give us a video so you can prove everyone else wrong" the dev's respond with "lolol there will be one soon, but not yet ;)". I just don't see the logic in this.

On sa74n's garry's mod rant I'd like to comment that Garry's mod got "hyped" through people playing, and not through Garry going around news sites bothering news editors and sending their pre-written stuff to games magazines (or calling admins to remove posts from a forum). Besides this; Garry's mod has gone commercial so the hyping automatically shifts to normal, commercial games hype pure as advertisement. Nothing wrong with that.

But where this whole thing goes wrong is the following: ND is, and will be untill otherwise stated, a mod. A modification of an existing commercial game.

Now, I know sa74n is a game dev himself, a full paid professional (or so I hope) but I believe the 'game devness' has spread over to the 'mod devness' whereas a mod developer does this because he has fun in whatever he does AND cares about the rest of the community. Several mods already work together code wise, sharing idea's and problems. To rephrase a WW2 war add "YOU are the community".

I spoke to Dave some time ago and he stated that he "hyped to keep the team on it's toes" and that the hype "inspired the team to work". So this leads to a second answer; "Does the boosting of ones ego through a constant means of hyping fuel a game dev to work on a mod?".

But then again, I have full heart in the fact that after this post either sa74n (or someone else) will come with a fallacy of a post to prove me wrong or 'diss me'.

But hey, too bad I'm not in a position to demand ;)

- Pax

I got all warm and fuzzy while reading that. I always get that feeling when Im reading the truth.
I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside from Pax, but that's because he's my secret lover.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm sure you're proud to be parading around with big people like Angry Lawyer, Pi, and Samon, but merely following the crowd and attacking me personally for sticking up for a mod (note that I didn't say people or icky recruiting tactics) that I like isn't going to get you cool points. If you're going to be a cockbag, please direct your shit at someone who deserves it, and preferably one who does not have the power and growing inclination to ban you.


I don't need cool points around here, I already am the master, and I have seen DaveL's ugly side under a different alias to this :cheers:

Next part:

The warm glow from the open fuel drum lit the hardened features of the figures sat round the fire. Each stared blankly into space, contemplating their recent loss. Finally Alexei cleared his throat and broke the silence; "Lads you know what has to be done" he emboldened on the psyche on each of his men "Nuclear Dawn is under attack!" The faces of the fanboys grimaced in terror, "You know what you must do. The plan is to infiltrate certain communities and spread our message as laid out by the minister of information lord Crispy" The assembled fanboys faces lit up at the mere mention of Lord Crispys name.

A lone soldier started shuffling his feet Alexi's eyes fixated on this soldier and he coughed to get his attention, the soldier stopped shuffling and looked up at Alexis, Alexis recognized this plant as Ennui first lieutenant of the righteous forumite clan; "Well?" Alexis said while looking at Ennui, "You have something to say" he said with an impatient tone. Ennui looked at him and then around at the assembled soldiers before opening his mouth, softly he murmed "Sir what if the community at large find out we are putting plants on their website? Will they not feel confused and angry?" Ennui's voice heavy with a burden only his heart knows how he must deal with. Alexi peered deep into Ennui's eyes like he was trying to figure out the method to this madness, he pondered for a minute for what seemed like an eternity before methodicly opening his mouth in reply "Son, we are not modding anymore, we are professionals so we can stoop to the lowest of the low and try to come out smelling like roses, and if people do find out we have planting moles in peoples communities we can always get DaveL to use operation call people up and harass them, or if times are really desperate we can use our doomsday device "try to **** over other mod teams" this has all been laid out by the information Lord Crispy"" and with that the group fell silent.

I woke up with a massive hangover once, and daveL was in my bed. I've seen him without makeup.

-Angry Lawyer
Ben^, I'm not going to ban you - I've never banned someone unfairly and I'm not about to start. Just a point, since you're masturbating with all this "dissenting opinion" stuff... the collective overruling opinion here is very much anti-ND, so I guess that would make me the passionate, courageous flagbearer, not you.

I might ban you if you keep being a dick to me, though. I am not an ND "plant". is my first loyalty.
Starter C
That same man you saw just days ago was out marching the streets again today. The one with the sandwich board that says "The end of the mod community is nigh"

More fitting. You'll probably get better fan fiction this way. But careful, the tales of DaveL and his puppy dog Crispy may very well turn into an interesting documentary.
I must admit I'm getting a little weary of waiting for these high end mods (Neotokyo being the other imo) to actually ship in some form. Regardless of how much a game/mod is polished, it is only through rigorous large scale testing that the hidden problems come out. Ship, listen to the feedback, then update accordingly...simple rules.

PS less side swipes at the creators ppl, it serves little purpose.
It's HAL in bitesize forum form!

would like to hear a song?
Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do...I'm half crazy, all for the love of you...
welcome to the gamesindustry then. i know this is a mod. but cant we treat it the way we want to? its our game after all. we dont mean to screw anyone, but building up a hype CAN help a mod. you as a "customer" dont have anything to lose as youre not paying anything besides hl2 which you most likely have paid for anyway so i dont know whats the big deal about. just my opinion though. i mean i play quite a lot of mods aswell. im not particularly happy about the way garry is going with garrysmod but in the end its up to him to earn money with it. its kindof well deserved as he's got quality to it. and so does ND. so why dont build a up a hype? it gets you a supporting community which efficiently gets you a well played game aswell. to create a good game theres more to it besides releasing the game itself. why do you think there are so many devs releasing SDKs and dev tools for their games? to keep the game alive ofcourse. and thats whats being tried with ND too.
we dont mean to screw anyone. its a free game afterall so i dont see a reason for anyone to complain about our tactics. we are just trying out a slightly different approach.
we also are gamers afterall.

First of all, no I will not welcome myself or anyone to the gaming industry. I am still in highschool you see and have no desire to be in the gaming industry. The Modding industry is pretty fun, but the gaming industry doesn't thrive on projects over the internet.

Yes, this is infact, a mod. You do have every right to treat it in however form you see fitting, but sometimes Hype can be taken the wrong way. You've seen this happen with your mod. Putting pre-rendered images for a magazine, two images being the same one, but with a dab of photoshop to fool those who merely just glance at them (I'll get the reference out man, you guys still have your magazine shots on your website, it's blatantly obvious where that happend). Obviously ND is not vaporware but, ND has shown itself worthy of disbeleif.

DaveL didn't try things from a different approach. He shoved his head up his ass so far he couldn't realize he was being an asshat to those of his competition. Remember that comment about Lawsuits for competition and Libel? That's no bullshit, realize that that is for real. And we all have a right to complain about anyone's tactics. You as a mod, are putting yourself in that position mainly because you are in a MOD. In a game, it's obviously more discrete. Especially since you hear nothing about a game until they want you to, and it's a video. Hmm, I wonder why?

On a seperate note

For ****s sake people, lay off of Ennui. He obviously has a deep appreciation for the mod, and he has every right to defend it until he's blue in the face, but that doesn't give us the reason to go "Hey! ND Sucks!" "Nuh huh!" "Yuh huh, no come-backs! Na Na Na Na Na NA!"

The way some of you are replying sets a standard that those who don't like ND have no real IQ except for Pax and myself. By the way, Pax that was perfect.

Ennui is a well respected member on the internet. When I was all into ND he and I would talk and he made a list about how he's in high positions in a lot of internet media websites. Hell I can't remember most of them but it show's that he's a respectable character, enough to get into where he is now. Show him some respect, he deserves it much more than a few of you from the comments I'm reading.
Hahaha, Crispy must have been telling on me because I'm banned from their forums now. Time to go hire a hacker and leak the game!
Slanderous PR spreads fast!
Weren't you a dev Thatamos? Am I missing something here..
I wasn't a Dev. I worked on their forum skin (it was a lot better looking than what they've done to it) with {james} for like a month. Then DaveL told me to **** off and die while a key player in his team (james that is) ditched him for being a deuche. The rest is a long story but no, never was a dev, just worked for them.
Cool a competition! - is this who can photoshop screens the best? :p
kidding ND guys ;)
Keep up the good work, hope so see some ingame video soon.
Did someone just say the sun never shines in Russia??

What a prat.
Haha, DaveL makes me smile tbh. He contacted me after my post on what sa74n said and pretty much bad mouthed me and someone I know. Besides this he spread a nice little lie concerning the mod I work on (forsaken) even though everything I say comes from my person, and I don't speak as a member of that mod. BUT, Davey decided to say otherwise.

The best thing tbh is that he told someone else: "I'm fed up with pax constantly posting bullshit, it's pissing a few developers off on my own project". Which made me smile. I'm sorry to be such a bother Dave, but hell. Someone has to tell the truth, you can't control everyone. :)

Oh wait! No! I am pissing off a 'few' developers on your project. Including yourself! Oh darn.

- Pax
I have nothing to add except the following:
1. DaveL is taking our jobs and our dignity and is also responsible for the immigration crisis. Seriously, kill him.
2. Ennui is not some ND zealot and so, ^Ben, can you stop being a twat towards him, please?
3. SixThree - awesome avatar. :LOL:
I'd rather see him locked away in the dark depths of the internet.
I have evidence to prove that DaveL shot Bambi's mother.

-Angry Lawyer
First things first:
The media doesn't even give me a warm feeling, I've seen ND stuff that is 1000 times better than those plain and simple hallways. If it's a part of nd_russia, than it's the shittiest part of the map, cause the rest of the map that I have seen, is really, really nice.

Fan fiction? Oh god the horror, I hate it, but thats just me. It's a nice way to get a beta slot if you want one and you are willing to write a few lines about some random soldiers stuck inside a house with an entire army outside their door etc. etc.

All the bashing and stuff.
It's there because you got busted onces for "faking media", and you even said that you placed them there as statics, and the screens aren't ingame. So why should we believe that anything you show us from now, is real? Thats why you should have released a video like 1 month ago when all the nd-nuked started. Even though it wouldn't have been much, just standar movement and firing, so that we actually know that the things you say are ingame, are ingame.
But the nuked thing isn't all that causes the bashing, it's your beloved leader aswell, which we all have talked to.
Nice to see you got this out the door Crispy.

I hope your fans really make this contest work for you.

Best of luck with it!
Delete these POSTS IMMIDIATELY they show ND in a bad light :)