Nuclear Dawn media update


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
The much-hyped and highly anticipated post-apocalypse mod Nuclear Dawn has released a spiffy-looking concept and two accompanying screenshots. With information about the way the mod will play incredibly sparse, it's rather like walking barren nuclear desert and finding some intricate and beautifully crafted piece of ancient technology half-buried in the ash - but having no idea what to do with it except sit and admire. [br]

[br]Nuclear Dawn remains an elusive beast, and only time will tell whether it will fall over on the launchpad or blast off into the stratosphere like an over-excitable ICBM. While you wait, you can visit the highly evocative and spooky website, but don't expect much illumination. Thanks to (who I assume recieved this info straight from the horse's mouth).
Interesting mod.. dubious whether it'll really work considering the brains behind it.
this post is about to be deleted. OR NOT

And I agree with CrazyHarij, and expand. DaveL you suck and must die. heheheh. HEHEHEHEHE
Take into account this is a simple team based MP game who is leaded by an idiot who loves his daily dosis of hype.

Have I mentioned he sucks ?
OMG! you must die for being an impressionable idiot. The mod world is full of hype. Remember Neoshock ? me neither. Pure. Hype.
Give it a rest you surly bundle of stalin-love you. You've already expressed your opinion! Others are waiting in line!
Sprafa said:
OMG! you must die for being an impressionable idiot. The mod world is full of hype. Remember Neoshock ? me neither. Pure. Hype.

More like remember Hull Breach am i rite?

Also, what's the problem with the leader of this mod?
Pajari said:
More like remember Hull Breach am i rite?

Also, what's the problem with the leader of this mod?
I miss Hull Breach D:
have you ever felt some good ol' ass****ing. I mean, a cock just getting inside your anus, is excruciating. The Pain.

At the same time you enjoy the ride.

That's what this mod is going to be. Good ol' ass****ing. They're goanna ass**** you real hard, and you're goanna love it. Because you dropped the soap bitch, and let the ****ing hype control your mind, DaveL is slowly ass****ing you to his heaven, and you've loving the hype.
Those screenshots are HHHHHAAAAAWWWWTTTT, although at first I thought the concept was in game. What a let down...
Holy shit!!! I cant wait! Look at those screenshots!
More visuals (and hype) and less game... thats exactly what we need!

Edit: Sarcasm included.
Sprafa, can you at least at least explain what's wrong with the leader of the mod. I m puzzled.
Screens looks really nice, it reminds me underground part of Poke646...
And they have pretty cool artworks!
At a glance, I though it was pretty good looking, but I'll withhold my opinion because I'm a stickler for rectal pain.
I know what sprafa (sp?) is talkign about I have never spoke to leader personally but do know people that have and all say the same thing.

Very cocky brags about his professionals and saying no other mod is near as good as his. He thinks that no mod could amount to the awesomeness of this mod etc... This I heard from a phl staff I wont mention who. From just what I have heard he has a very large ego and can be a ass.

This is not my words as I have not spoke with him just have heard this over and over about him from different people.
BadBruzer said:
I know what sprafa (sp?) is talkign about I have never spoke to leader personally but do know people that have and all say the same thing.

Very cocky brags about his professionals and saying no other mod is near as good as his. He thinks that no mod could amount to the awesomeness of this mod etc... This I heard from a phl staff I wont mention who. From just what I have heard he has a very large ego and can be a ass.

This is not my words as I have not spoke with him just have heard this over and over about him from different people.

Yeah, I've heard similar things. Hope it doesn't affect the mod though, looks pretty nice.
I've just had a conversation with Dev-Il. And it's not his ego boys. He has spent great lenghts into insuring his mod is the most hyped mod ever made. He has a "community team" that basically act like those assholes that Penny-Arcade described (for who doesn't read PA, there are people who run accounts in forums for the sole reason of hyping a mod. Although i don't think they go that far, they have been known to attack the people lambasting the mod without ever saying they're DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH IT. Basically they "fake" a good community.)

Some highlights of our convo:

(DaveL) [I talked to Munro] when he removed the post, yes
(DaveL) considering munro removed it
(DaveL) I phoned him up
(Sprafa) he removed it because it was old
(DaveL) to him yes
(DaveL) but not the masses
(DaveL) the hl2 mod scene sucks
(Sprafa) "the hl2 mod scene sucks" therefore, as you are in it, you suck ?
(DaveL) no
(DaveL) we can back up the hype we are generating
(Sprafa) no one needs a hype machine
(Sprafa) especially not an insidious one
(Sprafa) you just have to make your own ego grow bigger
(DaveL) dude
(DaveL) i'm not an elitist
(DaveL) I'm just, weird :)

Actually I made a mistake. I said i didn't attack him because of his hype machine. I did. All these factors annoy me beyond belief.
So remember boys, when he "opens up" his pandora in 7 days, remember to hand him over the bill for the hype. A really high bill.
Unfocused said:
I feel Fallout!

Six days till what?
Website launch.

Sprafa's being an aggressive shitnugget right now (don't get me wrong, I <3 him), but he has somewhat of a point. While the media thus far is amazing, DaveL, whom I'm not passing judgement on because I really have never spoken to him and I'm sure he's a decent chap, has some sketchy PR plans. They do things like have community members hype, pretend they know nothing about the mod, etc, when they're really part of the PR team. I know this because I'm friends with several people who've been asked to join said PR team.

Kind of shifty PR, but it's effective and I really can't dislike them for it... just more exposure.
Pajari said:
More like remember Hull Breach am i rite?
Visited the Project: Hull Breach forums lately? If you had you might have spotted this thread. The Hull Breach team just haven't got anyone to spare on hype right now, but anyone following the mod will be in no doubt that considerable progress is being made.

Ontopic: It looks like the train has been photoshopped in (definitely in the first one, probably in the second pic, unless it's just a really poop texture).
That main site is awesome imo, i like how they're hyping this up. Just hope it can live up to it.
looks and feel is very professional.... it earns my attention
Shinobi said:
crap, I was totally fooled by that first pic

But if you compare it with the second pic (which is in-game), they both look pretty close to me....except for the train...doesn't have that metallic shine to it in-game. The in-game screenshots still look awesome though!

With the amount of hype surrounding this mod, it's going to take more than concept art and 2 level shots to get me excited.
I like how the screenshot is a mirror image of the concept art, down to the smallest details.
For most mods that I see, concept artists make amazing looking level and character concepts but get dumbed down or lose their mystic due to the difficulty of modelling. Not this! :)
sk8boarder666 said:
But if you compare it with the second pic (which is in-game), they both look pretty close to me....except for the train...doesn't have that metallic shine to it in-game. The in-game screenshots still look awesome though!


what really caught my eye was the reflection on the train and light bloom....