Nuclear Dawn media update

heh.. i didnt register to defend HIS behaviour towards others but to defend my own work of being pulled down for stupid reasons :)
I definitely don't subscribe to the theory that mods are above criticism simply because they work for free. If you're putting your work out publicly, you've got to expect (and deal with) criticism.
I also disagree with Smokin's assertion that "Mod teams are makeing a mod that is totaly to there taste and not to the publics" - there are several well-known and well-publicised mods that are doing it purely in an attempt to "be the next CS", or to get picked up by Valve (which isn't ever going to happen anymore, but that's another story...). Those most certainly are not altruistic motives.
If a team was truly making a mod purely for themselves, with a public release as an afterthought, then they'd make it and release it with little or no fanfare. They certainly wouldn't go with weekly media releases or large, managed PR events.
my point is a little bit different. everyone who's working on a mod has his own reasons to do so. i'm pleased with the way the mod has been presented so far. theres loads of positive feedback because our work gets seen by lots of people. thats exactly what i want. its a base for me to get my work out there and since i liked the concept and idea of ND i decided to put my strength in it. hype might not be the best method because it can also turn into anger or disappointment. but in the history of games(and their development), gamers had to deal with it no matter what. if they are pissed off they are free to react the way they want (since they're not forced to meet the one they're talking to face to face). its up to them to react in a mature or in a childish way.
i prefer childish. when i saw the update, i kicked my gamecube, and killed my cat :D

people get emotional over games. I understand that and have felt the wraith myself. i kinda disagree with pumi in one aspect. modders should get a break to the degree that they are not professionals. Criticism is good, but ive seen total ass trolling against mods that are done in peoples spare time, while trying to learn a very complicated process. comments like 'those textures suck" or ridicule.

i save my harsh criticisms for people who i give money to, GAME COMPANIES, and as a customer, i feel i have a right to bitch about it if i see something is wrong.

look at it this way folks. you go to a resturaunt, you can bitch about the service, food, etc. if a friend invites you over for a BBQ, you'd have to be a real butthead to criticize their cooking or their service.

was that one ok pimu?
that's off the point entirely. We're talking about the reasons he invited you, that might be not that friendly, and that he might be using you. Also how he invited you. We're not talking about the BBQ itself.
Why exactly has Munro seen fit to delete a load of posts including Garry's and one of mine above (in response to Patriarch2000's quite silly and pointing-out-the-obvious post) without giving any reason? If there's a valid reason, why not cite one? :/
I can't actually believe that people are bothering to talk about the way ND handles it's PR.

I'm very impressed with the ingame screens, being a mapper myself. The lighting is excellent.

What the mod team decides to do as far a presenting their mod is really not something people should care about. Just take what they give you and give feedback on the content, not the PR.

I think ND looks very polished from what we've seen so far! Excellent concept artists also.
This mod has good concept art, but it is completely wasted because we're being lied to.

You could be the best mod ever and I would not play it now. If you were actually good, you wouldn't need to undergo a massive campaign of deception to prop up a single map.
I mean, censorship?
Fake reviews?
Tracking down people who disagree?

I love how DaveL immediately assumed Sprafa was hired just to bash. Only you do that, Davey. Only you.

Also gee, I wonder which mod rovient works for? :/
Rovient works on Forsaken with me.

I believe ND's artists are quite good. They have some industry professionals who know what they are doing.

But I don't agree with their constant shameless plugging of their own material.

DaveL takes this all much too seriously. If he believes ND to be his ticket into the game industry (and I believe he does because he has said so numerous times) then he'd better cool down with his raging. Because atm a big part of the Developer community is turning it's back towards ND and it's team members due to DaveL.

He has agressively been trying to headhunt people from their mods and whenever he was faced with resistance or just plain 'No, I will stick with my mod' he would continue to bash the mod itself and unleash a speech of immense arrogance and magnitude. Almost describing ND to be the best thing since air re-fresheners (the little piny ones).

I for one am irritated by the way he (and ND) runs things.

Mods are non-profit. We do this because we love the game and because some of this want to have a bit of control of the future of HL2 gaming (or just gaming in general). ND on the otherhand are up for one thing; a contract. I've seen various quotes made by DaveL where he states that he's doing this to get 'seen' by a major publisher.

It's just sad it all has to be like this. And the fact that some people are helping him by silencing some of the ones who actually tell the truth and show the facts.

Also; if this post gets deleted. Then we know that some people here work with DaveL to silence 'the people he doesnt like'. And it will prove what he's doing. I've got a copy of the post and if needed be I'll post it wherever I can. Just to tick off DaveL and his lackeys. :p

- Pax OUT
Ah sorry rovient.
As a result of this crude hype machine, I for one, feel I can't trust any praise this mod gets.
Who's being genuine, and who's being David Manning?
I don't know, and that cheapens anything good to be said.

The sad part is I used to be impressed by the concepts and interested in this mod.
Now I fell sorry for the artists who tried to make a name for themselves only to have it tarnished by such a notoriously bullshit project.

Treating your potential fanbase with this degree of contempt and hostility is not going to reflect well on your professional aspirations.
Thanks to all the hype and amoral self-promotion, now you're just famous for being assholes.
They do not treat their fanbase in a hostile way, they treat other devs. in that way.

I know quite a few guys on ND, and those guys alone are able to make kickass stuff, so I hope it will turn out good no matter how ****'y DaveL is.
Random unreasonable post deletion strikes again!
I wish you guys could set this PR stuff aside and look at all the the physical hard work, time and effort that has been put into the mod and the potential it has.

As a member of this mod team, I can tell you Im not an asshole, im not egotistical or have grand plans of being the next chairman of EA or an evil corperation trying to take over the world. All I've ever wanted, and as does the rest of the team, is to make the most kick-ass game for free which is something fun that everyone can enjoy. If this is wrong please show me why.

Im suprised that such negativity around one individual could overshadow the obvious dedication, effort and tallent that has been put into the mod so far. I guess some of you are yet to be convinced, but I hope in the next couple of days we can prove it to you.

As for the supposed 'hostility' towards other mods, I can only say that I have a lot of admiration, respect and even loyalty to every one of them. I never had an understanding of what a intense process modding can be before ND, but after being on the modding game for the last 10 months its given me a chance to step back and give an respectful applause to the mod scene and everyone involved, its an incredible phenomenon that is driven by the passionate, and dedicated few who have a love for gaming.

Anyway, I hope we can move on from all this hostility and think about other, more important things other than the evils of 'PR' - there are other things you know? ;)
brisck1 said:
I wish you guys could set this PR stuff aside and look at all the the physical hard work, time and effort that has been put into the mod and the potential it has.

As a member of this mod team, I can tell you Im not an asshole, im not egotistical or have grand plans of being the next chairman of EA or an evil corperation trying to take over the world. All I've ever wanted, and as does the rest of the team, is to make the most kick-ass game for free which is something fun that everyone can enjoy. If this is wrong please show me why.

Im suprised that such negativity around one individual could overshadow the obvious dedication, effort and tallent that has been put into the mod so far. I guess some of you are yet to be convinced, but I hope in the next couple of days we can prove it to you.

As for the supposed 'hostility' towards other mods, I can only say that I have a lot of admiration, respect and even loyalty to every one of them. I never had an understanding of what a intense process modding can be before ND, but after being on the modding game for the last 10 months its given me a chance to step back and give an respectful applause to the mod scene and everyone involved, its an incredible phenomenon that is driven by the passionate, and dedicated few who have a love for gaming.

Anyway, I hope we can move on from all this hostility and think about other, more important things other than the evils of 'PR' - there are other things you know? ;)

But sadly enough DaveL think otherwise.

This will just turn into one big 'Yes / No' battle because some people out there believe they can fix this whole thing.

The fact is that stuff happened. Alot of people are FAR from content with some of the things DaveL said. And sadly enough everyone thinks about DaveL when they think about ND.

And to be honest. This whole post kinda looks like a try to 'cover' the facts. Me and alot of other people do not trust anyone from ND because of the things that happened. And I'm sure there are people on the ND team who havent participated in any of the past actions, and sadly enough they are victim to all of this.

And to the latter I'd like to say sorry for not believing you, but there's not much to believe.

There is a big history behind all of this. And although it was already known in the Development community it has now reached the player/fan-base of the mods out there.

Everyone has questions;
Who deleted the posts made by Garry and other people?
Why did they get deleted?
Why does DaveL continue to 'headhunt' dev's away from teams and if THAT doesnt work he 'burns down' the mod they work for in a convo.
etc. etc. etc.

So yeah; this shit won't end. And I for one just don't see people changing their opinions.

- Pax OUT
Munro did some selective deleting. Ask him about it.
Pax said:
But sadly enough DaveL think otherwise.

This will just turn into one big 'Yes / No' battle because some people out there believe they can fix this whole thing.

The fact is that stuff happened. Alot of people are FAR from content with some of the things DaveL said. And sadly enough everyone thinks about DaveL when they think about ND.

And to be honest. This whole post kinda looks like a try to 'cover' the facts. Me and alot of other people do not trust anyone from ND because of the things that happened. And I'm sure there are people on the ND team who havent participated in any of the past actions, and sadly enough they are victim to all of this.

And to the latter I'd like to say sorry for not believing you, but there's not much to believe.

There is a big history behind all of this. And although it was already known in the Development community it has now reached the player/fan-base of the mods out there.

Everyone has questions;
Who deleted the posts made by Garry and other people?
Why did they get deleted?
Why does DaveL continue to 'headhunt' dev's away from teams and if THAT doesnt work he 'burns down' the mod they work for in a convo.
etc. etc. etc.

So yeah; this shit won't end. And I for one just don't see people changing their opinions.

- Pax OUT

Give us more history, this is intriguing.
Munro deleted them, at DaveL's request. Speculation or truth? You decide!
DaveL called munro to delete the post. And munro did his bidding. It's really easy and clear.

DaveL believes he can shape the whole world to do his bidding. And if he can't do otherwise he tries to do so by threatening with sueing people.

- Pax OUT
Half the deleted posts weren't even saying anything unfavourable about the mod.
wow, how far does this DaveL guy have his finger in
I thought this was an objective site :S
Why is there an admin bending over for DaveL?
Ome_Vince said:
wow, how far does this DaveL guy have his finger in
I thought this was an objective site :S
Why is there an admin bending over for DaveL?
Pretty sure he's going over dead bodies to get his name out there in the world.

He almost got there but he ****ed up, and now he's trying to silence everyone who knows too much. haha

How cliche.

- Pax OUT
Pax said:
DaveL believes he can shape the whole world to do his bidding. And if he can't do otherwise he tries to do so by threatening with sueing people.

- Pax OUT

For what? Libel? It's not libel if it's true.

-Angry Lawyer
brisck1 said:
I wish you guys could set this PR stuff aside [...] All I've ever wanted, and as does the rest of the team, is to make the most kick-ass game for free which is something fun that everyone can enjoy. If this is wrong please show me why.
Yeah. Right.

"We only want to have fun and have no commercial aspirations at all tee-hee"
does not compute with
"okay, we've sent out the latest press release. Send in the paid supporters and get munro to delete the critic's posts, under penalty of a frivolous lawsuit."

See, the problem with lying to everyone is that your team sucks at it.
Your entire post reads like a calculated piece of damage control:

Im suprised that such negativity around one individual could overshadow the obvious dedication, effort and tallent that has been put into the mod so far
"Oh our leader is just one person acting like such a dunderchunce everywhere. Everyone else on the team is a nice and moral person who would never do such things! Yet we follow his orders anyways and use him as our official representative."
"Don't pay attention to the evil-ass bullshit. Look: concept art!"

I guess some of you are yet to be convinced, but I hope in the next couple of days we can prove it to you.
"Maybe if we keep churning out hype and media, people will forget what assholes we are."

As for the supposed 'hostility' towards other mods, I can only say that I have a lot of admiration, respect and even loyalty to every one of them. I never had an understanding of what a intense process modding can be before ND, but after being on the modding game for the last 10 months its given me a chance to step back and give an respectful applause to the mod scene and everyone involved, its an incredible phenomenon that is driven by the passionate, and dedicated few who have a love for gaming.
"Forget the flames insults and threats against other mods. Here's an assload of hyperbolic praise all of a sudden."
"Wow, other mods sure are great enough for me to force enthusiasm for. Incredible! Intense! Four stars! Applause!"
Since you're using your thesaurus to find synonyms for 'awesome', you can look up 'patronizing' and 'insipid' while you're at it.

Anyway, I hope we can move on from all this hostility and think about other, more important things other than the evils of 'PR' - there are other things you know? ;)
No there are not. ND is one big hype machine and you are the tool that services it. People have put up with too much shit from your mod for any of your work to be taken seriously.
Nuclear Dawn is the Michael Jackson of the Half-Life 2 modding community.

If you're actually being genuine, I suggest you jump ship before it drags you down any further.
Otherwise, respectfully, eat a dick.
I may not completely agree with Mecha or his tone, but this pun is the win!
Mechagodzilla said:
ND is one big hype machine and you are the tool that services it.
I'm also very ticked that Munro deleted more than a dozen posts. Some of them deserved deletion - Sprafa, for instance, was blindly flaming and trolling and his posts were rightfully deleted - but others, like Garry's and mine, were NOT against forum rules or even general codes of conduct unofficially observed here.

I've spoken to DaveL quite a bit, and I don't think he's a bad guy. He's got a short fuse and somewhat of an ego, but when you get past that he's quite all right. Nuclear Dreams has some amazing talent onboard and I've got nothing but high hopes for it - but censorship on what's generally considered to be an objective site with open, reasonable discussion is not okay, and the fact that the owner is doing it is really not good.

Many of those posts warranted deletion, but others most certainly did not, and I'm a bit irritated, especially because Munro is completely ignoring the staff on this issue.
Right, I just tried to contact DaveL to hear what he has to say and he was 'too busy' for me. Even thouhg I asked to go through all of this to put an end to all of this bickering.

Funny thing is that he said he was too busy for me just after I aknowledged that I work for forsaken.

Also he did the whole 'How old are you' thing again. After which I responded with my age. This being 21 years.

After that he put me on his block list and went offline with a nice 'ignored :)'.

There seems to be no talking to him or anyone else about this and the current tactic that seems to be used is ignoring people and trying to silence them through other means.

If you read this Dave.

I'm sorry that you are too busy for community matters, or the truth.

- Pax OUT
Nuclear Dawn is the Michael Jackson of the Half-Life 2 modding community.
Hey man, Michael Jackson is teh pwn! :p Just keep your kiddies away and watch em dance :)

@ontopic, i doubt Munro will answer. He'll just sit back and let the storm rage until its nice and quiet again...
He's also slammed ZM in a discussion with one of my colleagues

-Angry Lawyer
There were also threats to "destroy" it or something, if any of the conversation got leaked

-Angry Lawyer