Nuclear Dawn media update

Oh noes, if you leak it. The full conversation will be delayed a year!

Angry Lawyer said:
There were also threats to "destroy" it or something, if any of the conversation got leaked

-Angry Lawyer
Same for forsaken, same for INS, same for alot of other mods.

If he can't get you on the team. He burns your shit.

- Pax OUT
Mechagodzilla said:
Apparently he's done it to this very forum that we are posting on, as well.
Ohsnap IR delete yuor postt!~

- Pax OUT
Nothing short of a public apology - or atleast a statement of intent by the leader of the ND team will be needed before the unpaid followers of this mod restore their faith, or atleast stow away warranted cynism for the ND mod. ND's reputation has been tarnished ever since the dubious practices of the leader were known, and while this in itself is really no-one's concern, the fact that it's affected his capacity to deal with public criticism - an extremely important part of any sort of "work on display" is the publics concern.

As a news post with a feedback system, is it for gloating or honest feedback/comments on the work presented/discussed? Many of the initial posts were DIRECTLY aimed at the ND leadership and past incidents, which were off-topic, however it wasn't just these posts which were later deleted (much to the confusion of the sites staff) - it was posts that were in the least bit negative about the screenshots posted or ND in general.
In my view, aside from completely destroying any good reputation ND had left, it has severly tarnished this sites legitimacy as a reliable community site.

The staff should immediately lock any future feedback/comment sections for any news posts relating to ND to avoid discussion and criticism of the mod.

I don't expect such a statement or apology will occur, and imagine this post will be promptly deleted.
A better idea might be just to stop reporting them, given that they are deliberately abusing the media.
It would be a sort of "we don't negotiate with terrorists" deal.
The problem with that is it er... causes problems. If the leader of ND cannot take criticism (the members who posted on cgtalk proved that this attitude has nothing to do with the individual team members), then it's better to just not allow any comments - good or bad. This at the same time gets rid of whatever horribly transparent experiment is going on.
I'm not interested in this mod since Kai(ukitakumuki) left the team, he's a nice d00d, used to have him on MSN but now he's out in the army.:)
duke2 said:
In my view, aside from completely destroying any good reputation ND had left, it has severly tarnished this sites legitimacy as a reliable community site.
In my view, this is a community site and the comments given reflect the opinons of their respective authors. No comment given in any thread should be taken as gospel (as if that euphemism isn't irony enough). Rather, each should be taken as heresay unless you find the source to be reliable. There are radio stations, newspapers, TV news stations and even governments that spread misinformation to mould the opinions of their audience to make them more easily controlled, whether it's a question of manipulating opinion to make something interesting when it's really not in order to sell more issues or a question of a world power putting spin on a critical political issue to play down public concern.

If I honestly wanted the 'official' story I'd visit for all my HL2-related updates, but I know that if somebody doesn't like something here they're going to say it and I can read about it. I still have the choice in whether to believe it or not. I still believe that anything that could be considered as an unfounded personal attack should be edited to have its content removed, regardless of whether it's directed at someone who's been here 2 years (supposedly) or 2 days.

If anything does seem slanderous or a bit risqué, but doesn't strictly break any of the forum rules, the admins can always slap down a disclaimer to distance from the implications of the message, reminding the readers that this is merely an opinion. This treads an unbiased path, as they can neither be seen to be favouring nor victimising any one person or organisation. Mass deletion in carpet bombing format is not on, especially if non-offending posts get deleted and especially if it is gone about in a pseudo-covert manner.

I'm not interested in this mod since Kai(ukitakumuki) left the team, he's a nice d00d, used to have him on MSN but now he's out in the army. :)
Kai also worked on Project Hull-Breach and he's doing a sort of blog off his training experiences on his deviantArt page if you're interested.
I agree that Munro shouldn't of gotten out of his coffin, however Sprafas posts were way out of line and needed editting (and one of you mods should of done it tbh) because they dragged the whole news post way way off topic. So the leader of ND is considered an arrogant SoB by a few of our more uptight members...who honestly gives a shit about personalities? (I think steve jobs is an incredibly cocky git, but it doesn't stop me from using Macs in my workplace..) All the underhand hype in the world isn't going to turn a turd into anything other than a bigger disappointment if ND proves out that way in the end. Personally I think the ND CA and screens look pretty slick (comparable to the Neotokyo stuff), but ultimately gameplay is what sells a game/mod to me (and I doubt I'm alone in this), if ND sucks balls in that department it's back to DoD, CS:S and Dystopia for me.
Crispy, ty mate but I already knew that, used to hang on the PHB irc channel way back, man I need to get a hold of his MSN again so I can add him and argue with him about random gay shiet and stuff!:)
Kadayi Polokov said:
I agree that Munro shouldn't of gotten out of his coffin, however Sprafas posts were way out of line and needed editting (and one of you mods should of done it tbh) because they dragged the whole news post way way off topic.
Hey, I tried to warn him but I have no powers. I find it odd that Munro deleted a load of random posts but not any of Sprafa's.
yeah, seems like an image of "ranting sprafa" should stay while other more indepth comments on the same subject are deleted/censored.
Hence i dont believe Munro's explanation on why the posts were deleted.
If so, then delete all posts who say anything negative against DaveL, and considering Sprafa's posts were the most hostile -> why do they stay?
Ome_Vince said:
yeah, seems like an image of "ranting sprafa" should stay while other more indepth comments on the same subject are deleted/censored.
Hence i dont believe Munro's explanation on why the posts were deleted.
If so, then delete all posts who say anything negative against DaveL, and considering Sprafa's posts were the most hostile -> why do they stay?
To make us look like trolls?

So the people who read this will go 'Aaww... poor poor DaveL. Getting picked on.'

Trying to get to people's sympathy. "Look, everyone is attacking us with flames, please get me a position in the game industry ;(".

THATS why stuff thats actually indepth and intelligent gets deleted. It's basic propoganda. Remove the intelligent reply's. And leave in the stupid ones.
Comin' at you straight from the underground.
Let's see what the Nuclear Dawn thinks of

brisck1 said:
Lol I tried an attempt to reason with the whole X-files PR Goverment conspiracy 'omg they r teh evil' theme going on in that thread in the most mature reasonable way possible[.]
It is not an "X-Files conspiracy" when it is not a fictional event. Your leader has admitted to staging praise and has been recorded threatening people.
He has been recorded admitting to causing the munro censorship.

It is as though you do not understand the gravity of what is being done in your name.

Did you agree to the frivolous lawsuits?
To paid people giving your work false praise?
To censorship of the gaming news media?

How exactly am I supposed to believe you have lovey-dovey respect for us when you actively defend lying to everyone?
How is that 'being reasonable'?

I mean, which are you? The brisck who has massive respect for all other mods, or the brisck who doesn't give a shit that his leader is actively badmouthing half the community?

brisck1 said:
You got to laugh really. There's no reasonaing with people like this! (im brisck1 btw)
There is a very easy way to be "reasonaing" with "people like this" (who happen to be the same people you claimed to respect).

All you need to do is say "we will stop lying to you, censoring you and threatening to sue you."
Then, simply make sure that you, DaveL and your friends never do this again.

brisck1 said:
I do worry about this guy's [Mechagodzilla's] sanity though
I am quite sane, brisck.
Please point out exactly where my criticisms are not valid if you'd like to call me 'insane'.

Laugh it up, because this shit is hilarious.

I liked you stuff back on polycount years ago. Who would have known it was made by you?

EvilGrin said:
OTOH it's one thread on one forum with a few naysayers. All the other forums I've looked at have been overwhelmingly positive. I wouldn't really worry about it in the scheme of things.

Sa74N said:
seriously this is just silly. but.... ah, well they are just a minority anyway.

Toor said:
Sounds like a modern aristocrat to me, shame they're too ignorant to see that there isn't any "master-plan" under works, it never will be either as we're above that kind of bull****.
Remember, DaveL has been recorded admitting to all "this kind of bull****."
DaveL has also been recorded doing a lot worse, that many of you do not know about.

Let's see how long it takes for a] DaveL to PM me or b] this post being deleted.

Dave, if you don't want shit to be known, don't start it. You're bringing mod making to a new low and frankly it's disgusting.
Mechagodzilla said:
Comin' at you straight from the underground.
Let's see what the Nuclear Dawn thinks of

brisk1 said:
Lol I tried an attempt to reason with the whole X-files PR Goverment conspiracy 'omg they r teh evil' theme going on in that thread in the most mature reasonable way possible[.]

It is not an "X-Files conspiracy" when it is not a fictional event. Your leader has admitted to staging praise and has been recorded threatening people.
He has been recorded admitting to causing the munro censorship.

It is as though you do not understand the gravity of what is being done in your name.

Did you agree to the frivolous lawsuits?
To paid people giving your work false praise?
To censorship of the gaming news media?

How exactly am I supposed to believe you have lovey-dovey respect for us when you actively defend lying to everyone?
How is that 'being reasonable'?

I mean, which are you? The brisck who has massive respect for all other mods, or the brisck who doesn't give a shit that his leader is actively badmouthing half the community?

brisk1 said:
You got to laugh really. There's no reasonaing with people like this! (im brisck1 btw)

There is a very easy way to be "reasonaing" with "people like this" (who happen to be the same people you claimed to respect).

All you need to do is say "we will stop lying to you, censoring you and threatening to sue you."
Then, simply make sure that you, DaveL and your friends never do this again.

brisk1 said:
I do worry about this guy's [Mechagodzilla's] sanity though

I am quite sane, brisck.
Please point out exactly where my criticisms are not valid if you'd like to call me 'insane'.

Laugh it up, because this shit is hilarious.

I liked you stuff back on polycount years ago. Who would have known it was made by you?

EvilGrin said:
OTOH it's one thread on one forum with a few naysayers. All the other forums I've looked at have been overwhelmingly positive. I wouldn't really worry about it in the scheme of things.

Sa74N said:
seriously this is just silly. but.... ah, well they are just a minority anyway.

Toor said:
Sounds like a modern aristocrat to me, shame they're too ignorant to see that there isn't any "master-plan" under works, it never will be either as we're above that kind of bull****.

Remember, DaveL has been recorded admitting to all "this kind of bull****."

Quoted so that, if that post were to be deleted, this one would as well. (The only "QFE" post that may have some reason behind it ;))

I would listen to Mecha. :)
Argyll said:
DaveL has also been recorded doing a lot worse, that many of you do not know about.

Let's see how long it takes for a] DaveL to PM me or b] this post being deleted.

Dave, if you don't want shit to be known, don't start it. You're bringing mod making to a new low and frankly it's disgusting.

We do not know about? I think you should enlighten "us" :)
Yeah, please do enlighten. I haven't been impressed with him since he asked us to change our name, and for me, ND = Nuclear Dreams and always will, bitch.

I'm not gonna let that interfere with my appreciation of the mod though. If it's solid, and a lot of talent and hard work has gone in thus far, then I'll say it's good. Won't be too happy about someone I don't like getting a boost from being the leader but such is life.

Edit (Was going to go in other thread but it got locked): Munro, I have lost all respect for you. You let the IRC go to hell and you're letting this site do the same, you're not communicating with the people you apparently trust enough to give power and you're not running this site in a constructive manner. That is all.
Lets just see what happens when the site launches and we can make our decisions then.
5 more hours till we get to see what the nice little count down brings us :D

just hope its not like other sites i seen do this, you know the ones that crash from to many hits -_-
Emergency56 said:
5 more hours till we get to see what the nice little count down brings us :D

just hope its not like other sites i seen do this, you know the ones that crash from to many hits -_-

That would be precious.
I heard a very credible rumour that it is the website launch... Why would you expect anything otherwise?
Argyll said:
I heard a very credible rumour that it is the website launch... Why would you expect anything otherwise?
I also have heard a very credible 'rumor' saying the same thing.
Its when the Nuclear Dawn occurs! Duh! :LOL:

Anyways, I hope it turns out good. I have my opinions on DaveL(not at allgood), but it is clear that besides him, the team is amazing. Some of the best talent in the modding community make up the mod. Hears to hoping they pull it all off. :cheers:
Something looking a bit less then NS?

The art work is good, thats nothing to bugger about.

But the gameplay sounds like NS (but without the aliens).

Direct Quote: "From a gateway that can bring in reinforcements directly to the battlefield to turrets that will pound your enemies into submission."

Where have I heard/read/played that before?

But yeah, props to the art team.

And the usual remark towards DaveL. haha
Dispassionately I have to say getting a truly original mod or game for that matter is getting harder and harder and irrespective of what you or I think of Dave the mod looks good enough. Whether that translates into good lasting gameplay thats a question for the future.

I'd be happy with getting a decent flf release after all these years ;(
There are PLENTY of game-types not yet done in a mod. However, people are afraid of doing them, because they're not sure if they'll do well, and most of the modding community think they're doing it to get picked up by VALVe.

-Angry Lawyer
To get the record straight, my stance on both issues is that DaveL's a pretty cool guy, but it's easy to get off to a bad start with him, and ND's looking fantastic and has an ace team.