Nuclear war has begun!!!


Aug 6, 2004
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You hear the nuclear warning sirens, but you do not know where they will hit.

How do you the best case scenario/s?

That means you survived the initial effects unharmed and you have a decent amount of time before fallout strikes depending on your location, lets say you have 1 hours if you live in the far outskirts of a city that has been hit. You have one day if a neighboring city has been hit and 3 days if you live in a rural area.
There are many variables but try keeping it real.

My take:

1. i live in a different city while at uni and my apartment is in the middle of it so a direct strike would kill me instantly.

2. if i were at my original home, which has some distance from any major city i reckon i have at least one day before dust hits me. under the presumption that my parents and brothers are at home, i'd take shelter in the basement along with the appropriate survival items (lots of water, food, tools,...). if the dust cloud is still far away i'd go raid my local gun shop with some of my friends or brothers and then proceed to the grocery store.
major obstacles here would be that the road is blocked (but i'm not far away from the stores and i doubt people would leave cars on the road if the strike happened far away), the police might be in the way in which case i'd persuaded them to leave us trough (but in that much chaos and panic i reckon i have decent chances), there might be already many people there (but i have an substantial assortment of weapons at home, plus the addition from the gun store, i think people would be too scared to go out anyway and our city is not that big). btw...i'm 10 minutes drive away from the mentioned stores.
if successful i'd head back home and barricade in the shelter and wait it out.

after the fallout has settled, i'd go out and start forming the Brotherhood of steel and fight super mutants and ghouls. damn...going trough Fallout tactics: BOS six times, has it's consequences. :E that game is awesome!

but joke aside...let's be serious here and post out your paranoid visions of the nuclear apocalypse! :thumbs:
First I'll get a couple of women, food and drink. Then I'll get myself a cozy vault and party like it's 1999.
What's that noise? Oh... Tornado Siren.

Hey I have the tornado siren going off again. ****ing annoying really. The wind is always blowing real hard and it's a bit frightening, but nothing ever rolls through, no tornado ever forms in this area.

Wait a second. There's no wind or anything outside. The sky is completely clear and blue.
What's that noise? Oh... Tornado Siren.

Hey I have the tornado siren going off again. ****ing annoying really. The wind is always blowing real hard and it's a bit frightening, but nothing ever rolls through, no tornado ever forms in this area.

Wait a second. There's no wind or anything outside. The sky is completely clear and blue.


good one
First of all, this thread title scared the shit out of me.

I'd start getting packed, camping supplies, food, useful items. If my house is still standing I'd wait out the fallout in there, and then head out of the city or to a military camp. Obviously I have fantastical dreams of heading off with friends to live in the woods, which with my experience could be possible, so I'd have to decide between the two.

good one

That's seriously how I'd treat it too. lol.

I doubt we even have nuclear sirens in any city anymore really. If it happens it just ****ing happens. No mass hysteria and preparation will do any good.

First of all, this thread title scared the shit out of me.

It scared the shit out of me too to be honest. Part of me knew it was just another thread, part of me thought it was real for the second it took to load the thread and for me to glance over the post.
just a reminder guys...if you plan to hide in the mountains, that's where the fallout will most likely get concentrated the most.

oh and sorry for the scare's not like i haven't planned it :)
just a reminder guys...if you plan to hide in the mountains, that's where the fallout will most likely get concentrated the most.

oh and sorry for the scare's not like i haven't planned it :)

But that's where the zombie mutants will least likely be gathered.

I mean sure, you'll have to annihilate a few loggers and joggers, and they are of course very hardy individuals, but it sure beats having to wade through an army of urban dwellers.
The chances of a nuclear bomb even hitting my continent are slim.
I imagine it would be like this anyway.

Hmm, I seem to have lost my connection to the internet.
Ah well, this is fairly common.

Two weeks later the news reaches me.

Four weeks after that the first zombies begin to appear.

Fifty years later I've still not decomposed. I shuffle aimlessly around a jungle. That last trace of thought left my mind forty nine years and forty eight weeks ago. The world is finally dark. The last human has succumbed; the last reactor has shut down.
Dig a hole and stay there for a week or two, then once most of the fallout has settled, I'll remove the topsoil and become a farmer. And kill zombies. :sniper:
But that's where the zombie mutants will least likely be gathered.

I mean sure, you'll have to annihilate a few loggers and joggers, and they are of course very hardy individuals, but it sure beats having to wade through an army of urban dwellers.

good point...and besides if you stay away from the side where the rain precipitates, then there is less of an issue.

okai guise...i know zombies rock, but let's just keep them at Hollywood for the moment, shall we?
Dig a hole and stay there for a week or two, then once most of the fallout has settled, I'll remove the topsoil and become a farmer. And kill zombies. :sniper:

Till some lead into your earth. It'll shield you from radiation and then you can be a lead farmer mother****er!
In b4 "Zombie Apocolypse has begun" thread.
Thread title scared me a little too.

Im in belfast atm, so I'd probably be vaporised.
If I was home in Burnley; I'd loot the corner shop for supplies. Then go home; cupboard under the stairs; line the walls with mattress's. Wait it out with a radio and batteries.
I'd get as much shit as I could, find some specific people, and go to the mountains. I have no idea if it's any safer in the mountains to escape nuclear fallout but it's the first thing that occured to me.
I'm 3 hours from Kansas City, 4 hours from Tulsa, 4 hours from St. Louis.

I think I'll survive the initial blast relatively easy. I'd probably just pack up and head for the woods with some close mates and hopefully survive.
Gets even worse when you live near major cities (LA anyone?) like me. Scares the hell out of me, knowing that by living 40 miles away from LA I'd get the most painful and excruciatingly long death ever. Can any radioactive waves reach 40 miles away?

I'd probably bike down the coast immediately seeing as freeways would be jammed. Not sure if it would increase my chances of survival or not.
There's a powerplant near where I live and all the sirens for meltdown started going off last summer. Turns out it was just a drill, I wasn't scared really, I would have been happy to mutate a few more arms.
Well, since it's a war, I'll prolly head off to the subways to recieve some goverment-issue gasmasks and protection, and head off to the nearest recruitment station/street conscription teams.

'Cause it's a good day to die.

When you know the reasons why.
I shall descend from my hole in the sky through which things can fly, round up the survivors, and make some Soylent Green.
First of all, this thread title scared the shit out of me.
If I was living at home I would've been. But I'm in my dorm at Baltimore so I reckon the fastest way I'd know is first hand.
I shall descend from my hole in the sky through which things can fly, round up the survivors, and make some Soylent Green.

Always speaking total nonsense. I love you.
Razziaar, gee I really love you

And wanna love you forever.

And dream of never, never, never leavin' Raziaar.
In the best case scenario I would be at my old home on the Isle of Arran in Scotland, or I would be able to get there (however I could) and with my family. In such a case, there would be very little to do except try and wait out the end, while doing as much as possible to preserve our survival. The island has a permanent population of about five thousand. Many of them are skilled labourers and artisans; many are also geographers, hikers, or anyway people who know about the outdoors. So it would be essential to make sure the already strong sense of community gets harnessed to bring people of the island together so that they can organise the planting of crops and the adaptation of the island's economy and lifestyle to total isolation. Whatever measures could be taken to dampen the potential effects of fallout would also need to be considered. Hopefully decent organisation would emerge and work be established for every inhabitant. Society must be kept up somehow.

Of course, if it was really the 'best case scenario', I'd have all my books there. Then I might be very happy indeed, even as I died of radiation poisoning. Without them, I'd be in trouble; my gran only has books about gardening and spies in the 80s.
Of course, if it was really the 'best case scenario', I'd have all my books there. Then I might be very happy indeed, even as I died of radiation poisoning. Without them, I'd be in trouble; my gran only has books about gardening and spies in the 80s.





Outbreak. Outbreak, outbreak, outbreak.
Id be ****ed

Because if i went to either ends of Singapore id still be affected

Malaysia is my hope, if they want to let us in that is though theyd probably be hit by radiation
i'd take shelter in the basement along with the appropriate survival items (lots of water, food, tools,...).

But without lead shielding, the radiation can pass through meters of soil with ease. :(
But without lead shielding, the radiation can pass through meters of soil with ease. :(

actually 4 inches of concrete or 7 inches of dirt is enough to block gamma rays. so wouldn't be really such a problem. and after 2 weeks radiation falls to manageable levels if the area wasn't to badly hit by fallout.

man i'd like to go play FO2 again. it's funny because i haven't really played the first it good enough or have i been spoiled by its successor?
Well, I live close to an Air Force Base, so if the fallout does happen, I'll contact some of my friends, make sure my family is safe, get my shit together and head over there. That or I'd take a road trip.
Well, I live close to an Air Force Base, so if the fallout does happen, I'll contact some of my friends, make sure my family is safe, get my shit together and head over there. That or I'd take a road trip.

How close? Military bases (Air Force and Naval probably more then others) would be among the first targets in a nuclear war.
I wouldn't waste a nuke on a military base.
How close? Military bases (Air Force and Naval probably more then others) would be among the first targets in a nuclear war.

Well, this Air Force base is more like an outpost for soldiers before they're sent over to St. Louis to serve their duty. It's more a Contractor's Base than anything. :p

But since it is so close to St. Louis I might actually think twice before going over there, come to think of it.
Id gather loads of useful supplies somewhere in the weeks leading up to the war somewhere secure, then I would travel around the wasteland with a two headed cow and a mercenary selling my wares for exceedingly high prices.
