Nuclear war has begun!!!

don't we have missile defense systems? (Intercept missiles or something?)
don't we have missile defense systems? (Intercept missiles or something?)

If you send shitloads of nukes you can't possibly intercept all of them :p

I'm imagining the arrow scene in 300, but with nukes! :D

Also, this thread reminds me of one of my favourite tracks, 'In This Twilight'
A beautiful song that just so happens to be about the aftermath of a nuclear explosion in LA.
If nuclear war is inevitable then I would rent a house in the lake district national park because the only real targets would be Sellafield or Heysham nuclear plants and the multitude of Military Installations that are beyond the national park. The mountainous region would provide some protection from the initial blast and shockwave and I could stock up in ample time.
I would also go as far as to sell my computers and most of electronic stuff and buy a windup radio, radsuit, loads of foodstuff (for self norishment and trading) and the best geiger counter on the market

If there was only three minutes of warning, then I might as well go to the centre of my house. The shockwave will devastate most of the house, but I would be protected against the initial heat blast.
Am I the only one who got disappointed by this thread after getting excited by the title?
If you send shitloads of nukes you can't possibly intercept all of them :p

I'm imagining the arrow scene in 300, but with nukes! :D

Dr. Manhattan would only be able to stop about 60% of the missiles.
Of course, if it was really the 'best case scenario', I'd have all my books there. Then I might be very happy indeed, even as I died of radiation poisoning.
This. Because I want to be the one NPC in the wastelands that has decent dialogue options.
Well, they/we do have plenty of nukes to waste. Though I don't see how a military base would be a wasteful target in a nuclear war.

Unless its a key/important military base, i would highly doubt they would drop nukes on military bases.

They would rather drop it on cities considering the fact that they dont follow the Geneva talks. That way it would be somewhat physiological warfare, you wouldnt really want your civillians all dying as the President or Prime Minister now would you?