Nuclear war survival guide.

Sep 17, 2003
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Some tips on on staying alive.
The effects of a global nuclear war would be so horrific that surviving is really not worth it, if its a small scale nuclear war, or an accident you do have a chance. First you must get past the heat wave, this is the intense light brighter than the sun which will burn everything it comes in contact with, if you live past 20 miles from a major target then this is the only thing you really have to worry about.. if you live closer then close all your curtains, its best to have reflective blinds or white drapesto reflect it out, if you have time e.g. a few days before an attack, take the oppurtunity to coat all of your windows (inside and out) in a thick coating of white matte emulsion then a coat of gloss (the gloss will bubble away whereas the matte will crack and fall off, this should get rid of a good deal of the light energy , if you have no time, just close your drapes and get rid of combustible materials e.g. paper. (keep some sand or water in a shaded area). Ok, you've survived the fire but now we have to get through the rest of it.

The Blast.
You'll normally have about 20 seconds from the explosion till the blast hits you at a distance of 7 miles, this blast will take the shape of a 300mph wall of wind which will race outwards faster than sound, that means your not going to hear it coming, the sound, this will cause large overpressures in the area of the bombs immediate path which will cause massive pressures. This wall of wind will blow your roof off and make your windows implode, so DO NOT come out until this wave has hit. If you survive this then well done, you should barricade yourself in a room with no windows and if you have enough notice you should build a "shield" around it consisting of everything you can find thats heavy and a layer of concrete blocks around it. You should do this on the ground level, the higher you go the less effectiveness this method has. If you've survived this then you're essentially fine for now, but be careful not to go outside for a good few minutes, after the winds have spread outwards they come right back in again to feed the flames, this is the part of the firestorm.

The Firestorm.

Ok, so if your near the blast then you've beat everything so far, however you must deal with fire, chances are, parts of your house are on fire, go around checking every room, try and extinguish the fire with sand or a fire blanket. After the winds come howling back in, your fires are going to burn alot more intense so you HAVE to get them well out before the firestorm, which will come a minute or two after the blastwave. If you've survived this then well done, now comes the tricky part... LIFE!

Contrary to popular opinion your lethal dose of radiation does not come when the bomb explodes, it comes from the fallout, if you can escape this fallout then you have a real good chance of living through all of this, after the bomb explodes you have around the region of 1 hour before the fallout falls from the sky, fallout is actually pieces of dirt that have been sucked into the mushroom cloud and irradiated then fall down over the area, they are sucked so high that they take time to fall, we'll call it 45 minutes clear time as the recommended time is an hour, and we have to be safe . This is your CRITICAL time, what you do in this time will probably decide whether you live or die in the long run, if you've got to this point then you have a real good chance of surviving, except if its global nuclear war. You should take this time to take the bare essentials with you, to your car or van etc, and i mean the bare essentials, knives, first aid kit, warm clothes, torch, and any survival equipment you can get from your house. Do NOT go to a store, they will be looted within a few minutes, in fact, once your driving, stop for nobody except your family, we're a ferocious species when we know we're about to die and people will try and take your car if they can. Its all about looking after number one now. Fallout falls in a large squashed ellipse shape that starts at ground zero, you have to move in any direction except the way the wind is blowing, if the wind is blowing north then go to west or east, if you drive south then your likelier to get hit with the early fallout as you go deeper into the destruction zone, country roads are good, and remember its everyone for themselves, the police arent gonna stop you for offroading to survive. Head for high ground, to a cave or a designated spot, try and find some water that is in a covered source that flows downhill. Try and take bottles of water with you if you can. Don't be starting any fires in the country, you'll only attract attention, wrap up tight in as many layers of clothing as possible, air is trapped between the layers and it will warm you up gradually.

You must keep the radio on as much as possible in this time, if its a small scale attack then the country will quickly swing into rescue mode and instructions on how to proceed to refugee camps will be read alot. It is imperative that you listen to these, the police will be in a very testy mood at this point and they will shoot you if you decide to disregard them, yes they have the power too, especially in the uk, in a state of emergency human rights are suspended, they can detain you as they see fit... and they will if your not careful.

Now if you've followed this then you've got a good chance of living through this, keep your hope alive and you'll get through it. If theres a global nuclear war then theres really no point of surviving, if you dont hear from the government within 2 weeks then society has ceased to exist and we go back to the middle ages. You can turn to looting, but go for the survival store first, the earth provides for you in many ways, stock up on everything, nets, purification tablets, rations, anything you can take with you, try and do this at night with some others. Remember, your looking out for YOU, keep a low profile and try to band together with a group of others in your state if possible, those looking for a ride WILL take advantage of you. Good luck!

Just hope you dont have to use my survival guide

the clothes part is useful but a little wrong - it is nearly common knowledge that they attract radiation.
Now if you're gonna stick with clothes my sugesttion is - get shit. That's right lots and lots of shit. bullshit, horseshit, even your own shit, but the most effective is cow's shit. The indian gov. made a research on it a few years ago when they were near a war with Pakistan and since most people can't afford some sort of protection. a few pounds of Cow shit around you protects almost 70% as much as a rad-suit ( not a very good one by the way).
most of it is pretty much common sense, you could work it out on the fly if it ever happened. it's a pretty scary scenario and i hope it never happens to anyone, but...suppose you gotta be prepared eh, especially those living in big cities which are likely targets.
That makes me wanna get a surial kit packed together. Might be a good idea tho to keep something like a small bag with all essentials.
The whole looking after number one part is quite important, might be a reason to keep a firearm hidden, that's the only situation I would consider even having one in my house (if it's likely). But a powerful paintball gun or air rifle may as well do the trick for you to be able to get away safely.
Another thing is, WHERE would you go? You advise country but maybe preparing for such an event, or even having a nuclear bunker between friends & family.
Hey it's 24 season 2!
Yay! that season rocks! I got it on DVD.
Thats pretty much how I figured one would survive a nuclear attack, and I havent read anything on the topic really.

The general principals I devised went something like:

1. If you have warning take teb minuets to gather supplies. It takes 40 min for the first missles to reach thier targets so you want to be safely tucked away by the time that happens. Given taht there is a delay in you reporting the attack 10 should be all that you have, max.

2. Try to find a underground location to hide, something easaly accessable. This will protect you from the burst of electromagnetic radiation that happens during a nuclear detionation. No point in hiding from the wind when the plywood walls of your house let in the equivalent of 10,000 chest x-rays in a couple of seconds.

Parking garages are a bad idea, lots of combustalbe material and a good chance the floors will pancake if it colapses, trapping you.

Subways are a good idea. Usually pretty deep, multiple exits.

Concrete = good
underground = good

Wood = bad
aboveground = bad

3. After the blast, try to stay underground until the firestorm is over. Your not a firefighter, just stay low.

4. After the firestorm, there are two principals to follow: Dont drink the water and dont breath the air.

4a. Get bottled water or distilling aparatus. This can be made from as little as two pop bottles and a length of hose.

4b. for the first few days your going to want to wear a filter mask. Loot one or make one out of multiple layers of cloth. Soak the cloth in CLEAN water. Breathing in fallout is just as bad as eating/drinking it.

5. If you can, get iodine pills. The largest danger in any nuclear accident comes from radioactive iodine which your body readaly absorbes. It has a halfive of about a week, so after a couple of months most of it should be gone. Even so, dont drink untreated water if you can avoid it.

6. Try to get as much food as possible. If you can, get seed as well. There are no supermarkets anymore, and your going to need to grow your own food.

7. Avoide the super-mutants and is someone called "The Master" wants to meet with you, dont go.
Cool police have a right to shoot at you, therefore logically you can shoot back! you can go on a cop killing spree just like in GTA :)
Nuclear War Survival Guide

Step 1.

You cant...Deal with it

Step 2.

Stock up on all the party food and phone numbers of people you really like...that way the night before the war breaks out, you can have a great bash

Step 3.

....What? You're dead.
The aftermath of a nuclear war is when you can finally put all those years of training to murder/steal/survive via videogames to use
blazekun that is the coolest. avatar. ever!
whenever you post something I can't help but stare at that cool animation..
*leers blankly at the screen*
i was hit by a nuclear bomb once but lucky for me i had a super intelligent cat which flew me to safty
this is a joke..... if you are close enough to know there has been a nuclear best kiss your ass goodbye

break out the hard stuff and the ganja :smoking: ...find a woman and make it quick. :afro:
Here's my

Nuclear Survival Guide:

1. Move to Mexico, no one would want to waste nukes on them.
If a nuke hits, we'll find out if his advice works ;p
But I mean that's creepy. If you don't live in the "zero" zone of the nuclear strike, and these directions are accurate, you don't just die peacefully in tenths of a second or less. You have to do certain things in a set time limit and outlast light blasts, firestorms, and then the fallout. You're literally working against death's clock to make it out in about an hour time window and wade through the chaotic streets of your hometown, then you go off to find shelter and fend for yourself. Then if you do all of these things and are still alive you'd have all the mental anguish that would occur when you fully realized just how much human life was lost at the hands of other people who know nor care nothing of what they've done to you and thousands of others.
crabcakes66 said:
this is a joke..... if you are close enough to know there has been a nuclear best kiss your ass goodbye

break out the hard stuff and the ganja :smoking: ...find a woman and make it quick. :afro:

Nice, lol. if it really happened i wouldnt waste time doing all this. Id just go out on my street with a lawn chair and a hott chick and just wait for the blast.
Well some people might forfeit their lives so easily, but I personally would try to survive so I could be at the premiere release of Half-Life 2.
That begs the question "you think they would delay half life 2 again for a nuklear war?"... Meh, I would probably do the opposite of everyone else, run towards the "Zero" zone, if all the shockwave and initial explosions are gone, then you should be pretty safe, just think about it. The explosion would send the fallout, outwards, away from the blast. Kinda like the eye of the storm. Oh and i would go to natick and find the old twinkie factory.
i think a bunch of radioactive zombies would swarm gabe newell, eating him and taking hl2 for a lan party
Hmm. You could write a book of Nuclear Holocaust Survival tips.
"If all else fails, have g ood time before you go out..."
I love this sort of thread. They are both imformative and utterly ridiculas at the same time :D
I'm glad you helped too, the sirens are going off again...
Thing that worries me most is not being able to say bye to someone, that would be awful!

And dying.......yes.......
Well im pretty safe anyway...I mean, my computer is in the cellar (Basement you Americans...God knows what it is the rest of you), so is one of our fridges and so is the big freezer packed full of food , in aprticular bread, and the meat freezer which currently has about half a cow, among other things, inside. Not only that but we have a generator.

However, im not sure of the worth of dropping a nuke on Stalybridge...unless of course its gonna be a Warzone 2100 scenario where the entire globe gets nuked.

Its horrible really though...Because, Yeah ok i would survive but what kind of world would i come out to? My friends all gone...No more England, no more Europe no more world. Civilisation gone.
I'm glad I read this. I used to think the best thing to do was run toward the explosion. :rolleyes:
i would just get in the car with my mom and drive like heck!

Screw that, I would get in the car with my girlfriend and drive like heck.
I live in Canada so I'm not too worried about this kind of stuff.

Unless New York gets bombed or something...I guess we could get rocked pretty good if it was a big enough bomb...(I'm on the East York is the closest target to me i guess)

Anyways, I am kind of worried about North Korea...Kim, the president is very old and when he is on his death bed...what does he have to lose?


Lets hope that never happens.

ps: 24 DOES own.
Wow, if a nuke ever hit anywhere that close to my house I'd want to be as close to the ground zero as possible so I could get hit, that would be pure ownage.

Same thing with giant meteors crashing into earth and wiping out the species.
If I was close enough so there was no way to avoid the fallout (according to the guide....under no circumstances is that possible apparently?) I would rather just get flat out blasted by it.

Death by Radiation blows.
there are several targets that are probobly closer to you than NY. Im sure toroto, quebec and ottawa would be targets.

not to mention detroit and cleveland and boston and philly and the lis goes on....... also several miltary bases and factorys..... and other centers of industry......
Now I just need to find how to survive these threads -_-