Nuclear Weapon


Jun 5, 2004
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I have a question for you guys that can come up with cool names. I need a cool name for a handheld nuclear weapon that shoots nuclear grenades.

So... any suggestions? :p
The nuclear grenade, launcher?

When you say cool? Do you mean cool tacky like "Doomslayer" or cool scientific, like...something scientific :O
atomic spud chucker



Grenuclear 5000

and I'm spent.
Lol, how about a "grenukular" ! :O

beaten :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
The nuclear grenade, launcher?

When you say cool? Do you mean cool tacky like "Doomslayer" or cool scientific, like...something scientific :O
Something Scientific. Something like Egon, Guass, or Gluon.
SnowBall said:
Something Scientific. Something like Egon, Guass, or Gluon.
You read my mind. Should've known this would be a joke turnout, though.
Erestheux said:
You read my mind. Should've known this would be a joke turnout, though.
You never know. Like I said, never know till you try. :D
how about you call it: .. "I'm texan And I'm not afraid to use it!!"
a nuclear grenade, damn that launcher better chuck it pretty damn far!
How about NGL-1337!
Blue Sky Grenade

The USA had a project Blue Sky to test nuclear weapons. It was called Blue Sky due to the fact that it was mostly to test radiation effects, and you still see a "Blue Sky" when you die from radiation, there's no indication you're about to die.
How can you hug your children with nuclear arms???!!! huh, huh??? How can you?
Tredoslop said:
A-nade launcher.

Atomic grenade launcher.
Wow, I like that one.

It doesn't shoot nuclear weapons, it is more of a "dirty nuclear launcher" that makes minuture "grenades" and blasts people with burning radiation! Muhahaha!
Atomic Grenade Compresser Mark-4...Launcher


or we could go with:


Or a-nade launcher will work too i guess.
How about just "The Texan"?
Or something similarly cool. (The Spartan etc)
Hellboy uses "The Samaritan"
Cpt Stern, you jerk. :p

I like the A-nade idea. A-Nade comressor and A-Nade Laucher are cool.

A-Nade Propeller?

And Innervision's is cool, too. :D
Dirty Bomb Launcher?
Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD-4000)?
Tactical Irradiation Grenades?
Janthor-ZX Irradiatory Anti-Infantry Device?
50 Megawatt Kill-O-Zap Blaster?
Direwolf said:
How about just "The Texan"?
Or something similarly cool. (The Spartan etc)
Hellboy uses "The Samaritan"

ya but hellboy is cool mike mignola could have called it "the dumbass" and it still would have been cool :) cuz he's cool and so is hellboy ...did I mention the're cool ...ya cool

Erestheux: sorry :) a-nade is ok

I like Innervisions:

Player 1: throw a Thebestfreakinggrenadebecausei fmeltsyourskinwithburningradia tioncausingyouinnardstocompres sandexplodewithviolentragewhil eyousleepturningyourphysicalbe ingintoapuddleofmushybonesandb loodthateventuallygetseatbysca vengeranimalswhorecieveradiati onpoisoningonlytodieinnaturalr iversandstreamsfloodingtheradi ationbackintothedrinkingwatert huscausingthedestructionoftheh umanrace. at the enemy!

Player 2: huh? you want me to do what?

Player 1: oh god dont make me say that again, just chuck what you have in your hand, stupid!
Slaughterbomb - Like a waterbomb but with added slaughtering.
CptStern said:
ya but hellboy is cool mike mignola could have called it "the dumbass" and it still would have been cool :) cuz he's cool and so is hellboy ...did I mention the're cool ...ya cool

Erestheux: sorry :) a-nade is ok

I like Innervisions:

Player 1: throw a Thebestfreakinggrenadebecausei fmeltsyourskinwithburningradia tioncausingyouinnardstocompres sandexplodewithviolentragewhil eyousleepturningyourphysicalbe ingintoapuddleofmushybonesandb loodthateventuallygetseatbysca vengeranimalswhorecieveradiati onpoisoningonlytodieinnaturalr iversandstreamsfloodingtheradi ationbackintothedrinkingwatert huscausingthedestructionoftheh umanrace. at the enemy!

Player 2: huh? you want me to do what?

Player 1: oh god dont make me say that again
:p I agree, Hellboy is the best ever. :) And its okay, Stern, you meant well. That last thing made me lol. Literally.

lePobz said:
Slaughterbomb - Like a waterbomb but with added slaughtering.
The Ultimate Anti-Motherf**ker Machine. with the obligatory 9000 next to it. :)
lol nw909

how about,
Rainbow Bright (MUSHROOM CLOUD OF DEATH!!!!!!!1one) 9000
AtomiCore DistriFrag Soft-Target Irradiation Device

or A-STID for short.
FictiousWill said:
AtomiCore DistriFrag Soft-Target Irradiation Device

or A-STID for short.

AtomiCore DistriFrag Soft-Target Device

or A-STD for short.
nw909 said:
AtomiCore DistriFrag Soft-Target Device

or A-STD for short.

Yep thats the one!!!!! A -STD would put fear into the heart of any sailor who just arrived at port :imu:
jabberwock95 said:
Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD-4000)?
Tactical Irradiation Grenades?
Janthor-ZX Irradiatory Anti-Infantry Device?
I like those. :)

Bahaha, STD.
How about: "Mein Furher's Final solution"

Or: "Large Obliterating Radioactive Distructruction"