Nvidia® L33t Fans Contest

Yeah, whoever authorized that campaign must've been seriously ****ed up on adrenochrome or somthing. Truly pathetic.
wow...so they want to see how blindly loyal their customers are even though their current line of cards is getting destroyed by ATI.

it should be funny to hear some of the stories that get the win. i'm sure they won't have any problem hitting the 3000 word limit...they'll be like:

"WeEL AtI ws lik crap n thean i swithd!@ I coodnt beleave how gooder NVIDIAS drivars was! NVIDIA FOREVAR!"

for ~3000 words.
Good lord.

Most people who read that page are going to wonder what the hell "L33t" means.

And, Crap on a Crumpet, have you seen the link at the bottom of the page? The one written in l33t sp33k?

That is so damn sad... I want to laugh.

That page has messed me up.

It'd be damn funny if every entry submitted was in l33t...
I think ill just submit something to bash nvidia and tell them how good ati is :)
y0 Crabcakes where can I get that Aszhole template, that's hilarious !!
Holy crap, nVidia sink to a new low. All the more to go ATi! [/plug]
LOL, this is the most retarded ad campaign ever. I can already see .. "Hi my name is Josh. I play counter strike. I switched bacause I'm L33T" :x
Hey.. no making fun of CS players, I used to play it daily, but then I dual booted Windows 98 and I've been playing old PSX games on this awesome emulator.. of course, I could just hook my PSX up and do the same thing, but that's no fun
That campaign makes the baby Jesus vomit. I'm getting an ATI card ASAP.
Looks like they are also targeting the 12 year old kids that will enter this very well, nvidia really need them to understand this contest:

Nvidia is such a phat company with their funky l33t speak, I will buy their dope card because of this, fo shizzle ma nizzle.
I feel a thousand voices in my head saying something horrible has gone wrong. What could this be? Ah, Nvidia are on it again, apparently now their marketing department are showing their love for the dark side.
Their last ditch efforts are in vein. The new king has arrived. Please, kill them quickly, I hate slow deaths.
I switched from NVIDIA to ATI about a week ago... yeah, pretty sure I'm not going back. :cheese:
rotflmfao wow and I thought the fat guy dressed as bat man that ati had on its "the rock" day was bad.....
Originally posted by Letters
I switched from NVIDIA to ATI about a week ago... yeah, pretty sure I'm not going back. :cheese:

Welcome to the winning team! :cheers:
Nvidia is so low... L33T contest.... omfg just read the page and crack up ahahahhahahahaha i cant stop its eatin me alive

heres some nice relief (seez atachment leetness)
Done :) I entered it for the one where you show pictures of you and your hardware. My god, this really is one lame competition
Haha! :D i wonder what the guys who receiv this stuff will be thinking :)
Originally posted by No Limit
Looks like they are also targeting the 12 year old kids that will enter this very well, nvidia really need them to understand this contest:

Nvidia is such a phat company with their funky l33t speak, I will buy their dope card because of this, fo shizzle ma nizzle.

AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man that made me laugh soooo hard, I think it must be because at my school everyone is as white as albinos but wishes they were as black as bill gates' heart.
I couldn't understand the un-leet english shit so I read it in leet.

ati for lyhu.