Nvidia and Gabe.......

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I have no hate

I dont Hate that Gabe guy for making a deal with ATI :angel: . I just had questions for the people who are using Nvidia cards and staying with that brand. I am kinda hardcore gamer so i want to know that i can play that game on the maximun settings, thats not weird in my book.
Don't hate the cards hate the drivers!

As long as Nvidia puts out new drivers for their FX cards I think it will make a huge improvements in playing the games. The driver that is out right now is a grate driver they just need to release a new drivers for Doom 3 and HL2 to make them work grate. I can't wait to see how it looks on my cpu. :borg:
im hapy with my 9600xt it will suport any game out right now includeing half life 2 and it wasnt too expencive
To put it another way (and to repeat what so many have rightly said so far), nVidia's FX series just doesn't cut the mustard when playing HL2 to its maximum detail. Valve have worked hard to correct this but at the end of the day, the flaw in the cards holds nVidia back. If Valve want their game to play in the best possible way then they want the best hardware for that which is/was ATi.

If the nVidia 6800 series will be so good, then people with that card will have no trouble at all playing the game. Any differences between it and an equal ATi card will be negligible.
Wait for the final benchmarks, enough of the I think it can bs.

ID Software <3 Nvidia
Valve <3 ATI

Even if the top tier nvidia class cards out performed ATI, Valve would not say it. The same goes for ID Software. Get over the biased fanboy talk.

Wait for the HL2 benchmarks.
6800U won't out perform the X800XT PE in HL2. This is already known, with ATi better with D3D and its so close on most games, the X800XT PE will pull ahead from the 6800U. And vis-versa with Doom3.
Polykarbon said:
Wait for the final benchmarks, enough of the I think it can bs.

ID Software <3 Nvidia
Valve <3 ATI

Even if the top tier nvidia class cards out performed ATI, Valve would not say it. The same goes for ID Software. Get over the biased fanboy talk.

Wait for the HL2 benchmarks.

Well actually he said he had to use a specific codepath for NV30 for performance. That has however been discontinued because of the improvements made.
The question is, would you rather Valve make a deal with a GPU manufacturer who's card runs their game slower. Let's face it, it's not Valve's fault that Nvidia has poor DX9 performance. It's evident in all DX9 games that are run on Nvidia cards. It seems people are just looking for more excuses to be pissed at Gabe and Valve. Why would Valve lie to us? What do they have to gain? I honestly believe that they have made the best of efforts to get Nvidia cards to run better, but when you have already chosen DX9 over OpenGL, which Nvidia seems to cope with best, for their engine, and Nvidia cards are already slow DX9 performers, you can't do much without having to make MAJOR, time-consuming, and troublesome changes to their engine. Face it people, Nvidia is a crap DX9 performer; look at all the benchmarks and anything else you find, and then show me were Nvidia runs DX9 games better than a comparable ATI card.
Polykarbon said:
Wait for the final benchmarks, enough of the I think it can bs.

ID Software <3 Nvidia
Valve <3 ATI

Even if the top tier nvidia class cards out performed ATI, Valve would not say it. The same goes for ID Software. Get over the biased fanboy talk.

Wait for the HL2 benchmarks.
They highlighted ATI hardware because it happened to be the fastest (who do you think they are, a PR firm?). If that changes, their standpoint will change.
Don't complain if you just bought an nVidia card, you shoulda checked the benchmarks and DX9 performance before you blindly went and bought an nvidia card. ;)

Second, he said they will try not to sacrifice image quality for you people, so be happy, they could have just not done anything and let us ATI'rs enjoy all of HL2 in its full glory :D
subtlesnake said:
They highlighted ATI hardware because it happened to be the fastest (who do you think they are, a PR firm?). If that changes, their standpoint will change.

Yah, it's like people think Gabe was anally violated by nVidia's CEO and now hates their guts. :hmph:
Sorry, when they 9xxx series has cards almost all dx9 performers and do it well, its quite easy to pick which one to use. And yes the FX series was horrible with DX9 performance, VALVe couldn't help it, people should be glad they are trying to help those cards out. Because if it wasn't for them, you'd have a really shitty time playing the game.
AlCaponeXB said:
The question is, would you rather Valve make a deal with a GPU manufacturer who's card runs their game slower. Let's face it, it's not Valve's fault that Nvidia has poor DX9 performance. It's evident in all DX9 games that are run on Nvidia cards. It seems people are just looking for more excuses to be pissed at Gabe and Valve. Why would Valve lie to us? What do they have to gain? I honestly believe that they have made the best of efforts to get Nvidia cards to run better, but when you have already chosen DX9 over OpenGL, which Nvidia seems to cope with best, for their engine, and Nvidia cards are already slow DX9 performers, you can't do much without having to make MAJOR, time-consuming, and troublesome changes to their engine. Face it people, Nvidia is a crap DX9 performer; look at all the benchmarks and anything else you find, and then show me were Nvidia runs DX9 games better than a comparable ATI card.

Another thing to note is that (according to gabe) ATi was more into coorporating, they gave hardware to test their games on, even before any deal was made. I don't think he specific mentioned what nvidia didn't or did do. But to me this has two options, give hardware, or don't give hardware.

ATi was a give hardware, so nvidia must have given less hardware, or been harder to get it from.

And after the benchmarks were given Nvidia got directly on the counteroffensive, until they finally gave up and actually did coorporate.

So there might be some spite between both, and i wouldn't do any partnership based on hate.
SubKamran said:
Yah, it's like people think Gabe was anally violated by nVidia's CEO and now hates their guts. :hmph:

Best... comment... ever...

Attempting to work into sig...
EC said:
Best... comment... ever...

Attempting to work into sig...

Yah, it just struck me right after making my post. :smoking: I was like, "I have to post this genius." :P
to play hl2, it prefered to have ati

to use a 6800, u need a 480 watt

wow, a lot of pple have to buy a new psu to run a 6800, y does nvidia have to be such an ass.
Some_God said:
I have an Nvidia card and its a shame that Gabe is doing this to me and "70%" of Nvidia product owners.

Did you even read the response?
Gajdycz said:
wow, a lot of pple have to buy a new psu to run a 6800, y does nvidia have to be such an ass.

How is nvidia being an ass? Its common knowledge you will have to upgrade your psu once every while....I mean you could have a 450W psu and be fine with a 6800, nvidia isn't being an ass. They are making good video cards. :rolleyes:
Son_Kane said:
The problem is it's still September 29th to Valve and they've never heard of the 6800 series.

The problem is that less than 1/4 of 1% of there customers will own a 6800.

And alot of them(20% mabey?) will own an FX series card....so what he is saying is still completly accurate.
Well i am not buying the 6800 im buying the x800xt pe.
I dont think gabe is being all on ati's side. The 6800 Ultra just came out and thats the best card out right now, when they were makeing the game Ati's 9800 xt was the best. It goes up and down. Dont worry if you have a 5950 ultra or a 6800 ultra you wont run the game slow you will get all the best gfx. The problem is with lower end FX cards thats all.
I think friggin graphics cards are the main reason for the delay. Probably would have seen the game sooner had there not been this conflict of video cards.
Space Cowboy said:
I think friggin graphics cards are the main reason for the delay. Probably would have seen the game sooner had there not been this conflict of video cards.

Umm, no. You're horribly wrong.
It's all in Nvidia's drivers....soon as they can make them more compliant with DX9 and PS2.0, HL2 will run better. Until then Nvidia must focus a lot more on their drivers, since the past few years they haven't been doing the best job advancing the software, they work mainly on their silicon....
Some_God said:
Kinda slow there... I already posted "ooops sorry" a couple of posts later.

I didn't read it.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3
From me to Gabe:

Hello, i would really appreciate it if you have the time to answer my mail (although I doubt you have the time).

I have a modem connection to the internet, so I wonder if it would be possible to download patches and updates from another compuer that has a broadband connection but doesn't have Half-Life 2 installed and burn it on a cd?

Also I wonder which of the new cards from Nvidia an Ati is the best on Half-Life 2? (Performance and Image quality)

Also, I kind of wonder if you aresome sort of divine creature, or maby you have direct contact with some sort of alien race that has spent many millenia on perfecting interactive storytelling?

From Gabe to me:

Yes, you can share Steam cache files between computers.

ATI has the faster cards by a considerable margin for DirectX 9.0 games (including Half-Life 2).

My alien masters would prefer it if I didn't answer this question

stop talking you fools

"new cards" means x800 and 6800

drivers can not boost fps by a considerable margin unlss those drivers are designed JUST for hl2 and nothing else in mind
Space Cowboy said:
I think friggin graphics cards are the main reason for the delay. Probably would have seen the game sooner had there not been this conflict of video cards.

/me yells GO HOME!
You guys wanna know why the FX series failed in the benchmarks? I'll tell ya why, cause they are just using the crappy orginal OEM versions of the FX which is STRIGHT from nvidia and nvidia itself, not from any other manufacturer. Thats why even the 5900 Ultra lost to ATI. I'm telling you if you test it with a Ledtek, MSI, Gainward, Alberton or Asus manufactuerer, the FX cards would get better benchmarks, or maybe even par with the ATI cards.

Darkknighttt said:
im getting the geforce 6800 ultra because it has support for directx9.0c and the x800xt doesnt! the 6800 U will still run hl2 at max settings and its also better forfuture games!

PC Gamer actually said that nvidia could take over again once the new directx is out, since the 6800 has better support than ATI's X800 XT P.E
One could make the EXACT same arguement regarding doom 3 and nvidia...


This topic has been overdone and blown way out of proportion imo. The difference in performance will most likely be so miniscule (maybe 5 fps max) that it is nothing to get flustered about. The reason I buy ati (I used to be a geforce owner) is not because Gabe says it will run hl2 better, its because of benchmarks from reputable sites that simply put, prove ati makes better, faster, and more compact cards. I will also buy doom 3 and it will run just fine despite the fact thay say its OPTIMIZED for nvidia cards.

Bottom line is this, just focus more on the tech specs of your hardware if anything and less about marketing (and that IS what this is all about). My 2 cents (keep the change :naughty: )
Sucks that Valve is abandoning OpenGL since that's what nVidia excels at. Making it exclusively Direct 3D also limits the game's cross-platform support.
Mountain Man said:
Sucks that Valve is abandoning OpenGL since that's what nVidia excels at. Making it exclusively Direct 3D also limits the game's cross-platform support.

It also makes the game 10x prettier. :naughty:
OpenGL can look just as good as DirectX. For example, I see no dramatic differences in UT2004 using Direct3D or OpenGL. It's also worth noting that Doom III is designed for both OpenGL and Direct3D. In short, there's no technical reason for Valve to abandon OpenGL. I think it has more to do with Gabe's Microsoft affiliations.
Mountain Man said:
OpenGL can look just as good as DirectX. For example, I see no dramatic differences in UT2004 using Direct3D or OpenGL. It's also worth noting that Doom III is designed for both OpenGL and Direct3D. In short, there's no technical reason for Valve to abandon OpenGL. I think it has more to do with Gabe's Microsoft affiliations.

Doom 3 is made for OpenGL and only OpenGL.

There is reason to abandon OpenGL, cause although you can do the same with OpenGL, John Carmack and his team seems to be the only one who can actually do a proper OpenGL engine.

The others are usually ugly, low performing, etc. Although the Serious Sam team has done a pretty good job as well.
How does you not seeing a difference with your bare eyes, constitute saying that in short, there's no technical reason to abandon OpenGL?