NYC subway map


Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
If any one can spare some time to give me some feed back on my first map Id appreciated it. Its set in NYC subways, and features a fully fuctional r42 train.

server NYC Subway map....
map NYCsubwayALPAv01

Much thanks Kamil
aol im meatbadnoeat
email [email protected]

Again any comments will be appreciated. For additional photos go to
From the photos it looks pretty good, nice work
Your train looks a little rough and 'bumpy'. There are several straight edges that ought to be rounded. Otherwise, it looks sweet. If only I could have a first map to post... *note to self, FINISH SOMETHING!*
Deleter said:
Your train looks a little rough and 'bumpy'. There are several straight edges that ought to be rounded. Otherwise, it looks sweet. If only I could have a first map to post... *note to self, FINISH SOMETHING!*
Right now I'm having the same problem. But at least I got an idea I think I'll find worth finishing ;)
Dead-Inside said:
Right now I'm having the same problem. But at least I got an idea I think I'll find worth finishing ;)
Good luck :thumbs:
Round edges

LOL lets not talk about round edges, the front of that train has a a curve going in to the round roof, i almost cried trying to get that right, it took about 6 hours. Plus im affraid of rounding to much becouse i think im alredy pushing my luck with frame rates.
I thought as much. It looks good, so finish it and release!
Your best bet, if you're any good at modelling, is to create the train as a prop, rather than geometry. Your map will run with faster framerates than I can drink booze if you do it that way.

Looks nice, although due to the fact that the train is geometry, it looks a little blocky.

-Angry Lawyer
I would suggest scaling the size of your train up slightly. It seems to be a little small. It's a little too uniform as well, meaning it could do with some scrapes and dings in the textures, being that it is in NYC. I would also raise the height of the ceiling a bit, as right now it seems that the player's head is just barely fitting under it (mainly everywhere except the loading platform, the domed roof is a good height there). However, in a real subway, the ceiling is nowhere near your head. Other than that, good work. I really like the lighting in your map, it gives it a very good atmosphere.
Scale train

I tried to get the subway as close to scale as possible infact its based on model r42, and the height and width are accurate. The leangth is off a bit for performance reasons and the train only has 3 sets of doors on each side as apposed to 4. The ceiling seems low, but i think its mostly the view point illusion, if you look at other players in the game you will notice its actualy scale to. A lot of station in brooklyn have these low ceilings that make you think your going to get crushed.
very very cool. the train seems to add a neat twist to the gameplay. WHERE CAN I PLAY/DOWNLOAD THIS?? The server you listed don't exist. SO...
new server name

Deleter said:
very very cool. the train seems to add a neat twist to the gameplay. WHERE CAN I PLAY/DOWNLOAD THIS?? The server you listed don't exist. SO...

Sorry i changed the server name

"NYC Subway map with working subway Dedicated Server"

map name: (serch by map name im probobly the only one runing it)


Let me know what you think
I just got playing a little bit and it looks like it'd be really fun. Too bad nobody else wanted to join when I was on.
Limpet said:
I just got playing a little bit and it looks like it'd be really fun. Too bad nobody else wanted to join when I was on.

Its realy hard to get alot of people to your map especialy when they have to wait while it downloads. The level is fun, but the real fun begins when there is 6 plus players.
Hmm, lets organize a playtest :). Howabout 8 pm tomorrow(mytime) To help with time translation, this post was posted 10 pm mytime, so two hours less than what it says( if it says 11 pm > 9 pm. 6 am -> 4am, etc.) Hey, i just downloaded it and began playing (solo) and the server shut down????? Sorry, I guess I have no feedback :x ..

Im sorry about that, i accidently reset it. (i was tring to reset my machine and actualy ended up resceting the server). If you want to go back in ill have it up in a minute.

thanks kamil
ok, sorry your servers still down, i gotta sleep, finals 2morrow. I'll try it sometime tomorrow.
Hey Deleter I should be free at that time, maybe we can frag some
Limpet said:
Hey Deleter I should be free at that time, maybe we can frag some

Ill drop in as well, the more the better. I should have a beta version of this map by then :).
So I played around in it a little. Here's my thoughts:

First, I have a P4 2.4C(oc to 3ghz)/512mb ram w/ 64mb GF4ti 4200 @ 800x600 high shadow, shaders and medium everything else. I get at least 50+fps in the lowest spot. Of course, that's with just me running around shooting rockets.

Some stuff I noticed: You have long some really long hallways, are those areas you have other plans for? They feel way too long unless you put interesting areas in there.

That shaky effect on the train is kind of annoying. Maybe if it was more subtle it would work better. Here's what I'm seeing: Shaky vid

Speaking of the train cars, I think if the seats were darker in color, it would look better. As it is, the seats tend to blend into the doors and wash out the inside of the cars. Contrast here would be good.

That room with the 357 is a better design than the other one. The other one feels too cramped.

I think the train is fine for deathmatch. I do think the texturing needs more work. If you look at the train, you get a more stucco or asphalt look than the metal look you need. Plus I think the train could benefit from some stripes or posters or something. Basically, use textures to create detail that you don't have in brushwork.

I like this map, the train is cool, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Fireindaho said:
So I played around in it a little. Here's my thoughts:...

Thanks a lot your input is realy help full. I hate the train shake effect but it only happens becouse of the way the engine works in multiplayer, in single player the train does not shake. Its allso why the train sound does not work.

I agree with you on the hole ways, they are a bit bland, thought thats true to the spirit of ny subway, man sometimes you got to walk a long time. But im gonna add more interesting areas.

I have spen 5 hours last night working on the train ligting, and im still not to happy with it, but i did ad some contrast, ill go back and see if i can make it more metalic. Again thanks a lot for your input.
I was seeing odd colors over your textures. (Like blue, orage, green ext. squares and triangle), but only in some spots.
Is that just me?
I hope so lol, Yeah it happens to me randomly on other levels and i have to reboot. Gues its just memory coruption.
hey, me and several others have been playing for 5-6 hours straight. lol. Here's some things i heard: Turn off lights in train when its moving. Make the tunnel higher so you can stay on top of train. Make more physics objects. Outside area would make map too big. "This map is one of the best that i've seen" - actual quote. Maybe put something in train to make it worth going in.(though we spent 3 hours playing defend the train.) Make the doors stay open longer.
Hope this helps. These are all things ppl said while playing your map. Maybe even more will be said at 8. I got several more people agree to come. :thumbs:

edit: oh yeah, some ppl suggested team play, but it works great as it is.
Thanks a lot for testing that level so much and for the input. I cant change the lighting of the train, the engine only lights it once and it stays like that (using light maps). i just updated thought, the train may be to detailed now killing frame rates let me know. Couldint fix the sound yet either :(.
let me start off by saying that parenting one entity to another makes the child move in the same way relative to the parent (i.e. if there is a env_speaker as a parent and a sound as a child, if the env_speaker moves four units in the Z direction then the origin of the sound will move four units in the Z direction).

now onto your specific situation...

i havent played the map yet, but you're talking about not being able to properly light the train as well as have the train make noise. the solution to those problems are both the same. you need to PARENT the lights and sounds to teh train. when you situate the light/sound entities within the train, you can specify a parent entity that will cause the sounds and lights to move the same way relative to their parent. one way i can think of doing it is selecting the outer shell of the train and choosing "Tie to Entity" then picking func_null and giving it a name like "train" or something like that. then you can assign "train" to be the parent of the lights and sounds.

did this help?
Hey thank you for the advice. Adding light thought is not that simple, since the engine kinda bakes light on to the textures, and then if the object moves the lighting moves with it. What your talking about is usind dynamic lighitng unfortunatly that turns your p4 in to a 486 dx 33mhz. The sound is an engine issue the train entaty can play sounds and does but only in single player. I have attempted fixes mentioned on these forms, but i can modulate the train sound as it has no volume control or does it.... him maybe its only available throught another entatiy, ok ill be right back...........................
I never got back to you about your map before now did I?

Well here's my two cents. I liked it alot. There were a couple inconsistances that I noticed. Like one of your health machine things (what are those called? the ones on the wall.) was off the wall a little, and on a ramp down to where the train is I got stuck sometimes, and had to jump to be able to move again. More weapon locations would be good. All those I think will be fixed in the end and all I have to say is good work :D
Played a little bit of your newer version and you fixed something but i noticed that some faces didn't have textures, like in the tunnel where the train is, and by one of the entrances
thanks a lot for evey ones help. I just uploaded the prefnal verion, this morning im gona finish it and mail it out. Same server. Its got some crucial game play changes hope you like.
hey, why does your server have a password now? :( i cant play
sorry about that

Hey yeah sorry about that, i was getting read to send it to valve and neaded to constantly upload versions to see if sound works, well after hour and hours of sleep deprevation, i can finaly say, sound works, how ever the 8 hour compile time has prevented me from sending the level today, so ill have to overnight it tommorow. good thing thought couse one of the new player start positions gets the player stuck!!. Well a lot has changed since he last version, the final level should be available tomorow. again thanks for your input it helped me shape the level.