Obama Kicks Palin In The Kootchie


May 5, 2004
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oh I wish, but he might as well have:

Sen. Barack Obama delivered an impassioned defense of the Constitution and the rights of terrorism suspects tonight, striking back at one of the biggest applause lines in Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech to the GOP convention.

It was in St. Paul last week that Palin drew raucous cheers when she delivered this put-down of Obama: "Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and he's worried that someone won't read them their rights."

Obama had a few problems with that.

"First of all, you don't even get to read them their rights until you catch 'em," Obama said here, drawing laughs from 1,500 supporters in a high school gymnasium. "They should spend more time trying to catch Osama bin Laden and we can worry about the next steps later."
Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for more than a decade, said captured suspects deserve to file writs of habeus corpus.

Calling it "the foundation of Anglo-American law," he said the principle "says very simply: If the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, 'Why was I grabbed?' And say, 'Maybe you've got the wrong person.'"

The safeguard is essential, Obama continued, "because we don't always have the right person."

"We don't always catch the right person," he said. "We may think it's Mohammed the terrorist, but it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You might think it's Barack the bomb-thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president."

"The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism. It's because that's who we are. That's what we're protecting," Obama said, his voice growing louder and the crowd rising to its feet to cheer. "Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years."

holy shit, I want to vote for him/suck his dick and I'm not even american/dont believe any candidate will fix foreign policy ever


the problem with the republicans is that often (although not always) smart beats stupid ..and the 'publicans got stupid coming out the wazoo
If they realized you could be patriotic AND smart, we might be in a better position.
reading the comments it's obvious they havent figured that out yet:

republictard said:
I can't believe that Obama has the Audacity to talk about Palin about the constitution. A man who will not wear an American Flag on his lapel. A man who will not hold his hand to his heart during the pledge of alligence or the star spangle banner. A man who had the American Flag removed from his jet and his own logo added.

And when is Obama going to give up his well hidden birth certificate. Probably about the same time Bill Clinton gives up his medical records.

This is the true Obama. Without a hint of conscience and compassion, he stood almost alone in the Illinois Senate one of the few stands he took. Read a bout the throwing of born alive babies into trash cans and turning a deaf ear to their cries and suffering. One of the saddest events in the history of Illinois.

It took hundreds of Illinois Christians to stop that abomination. Read about this Oak Lawn pro-life hero
no, it's only 300 words ..and that's after condensing the original article because of short attention spans at hl2.net
he's gonna be on life support soon anyway, dont bother
Calling it "the foundation of Anglo-American law," he said the principle "says very simply: If the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, 'Why was I grabbed?' And say, 'Maybe you've got the wrong person.'"

The safeguard is essential, Obama continued, "because we don't always have the right person."

"We don't always catch the right person," he said. "We may think it's Mohammed the terrorist, but it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You might think it's Barack the bomb-thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president."

"The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism. It's because that's who we are. That's what we're protecting," Obama said, his voice growing louder and the crowd rising to its feet to cheer. "Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years."

I generally hate politicians, but jeeze, that's quite beautiful. It ah... makes me want to actually vote to maybe help win over this hick state.
Basically, he's saying you aren't defending the Constitution when you trample all over it.

80 of the 500 or so Detainees at Guantanamo have been released because they had the wrong people.

Habeas Corpus isn't only in the US Constitution, it has been a basic human right all over the Western Hemisphere for a thousand years.
Cheers for Obama. I still don't like everything he stands for.

I hate this election so much.

On the one hand we have a Republican who could do a lot of damage before he kicks the bucket. My governor taking the top seat could be a good thing. I don't know her well enough to say.

On the other hand we have a Democrat who could do a lot of damage before someone kicks his bucket. I'm down with some of his policies but not enough to vote for him.

There isn't even really a lesser of two evils here, it's just two people I really do not want to vote for despite having traits I can admire.

McSame is all "Ooh I was POW", Palin is all "Ooh I'm a woman", Nobama is all "Ooh I'm sort of black", and Biden is all "Nobody knows who I am."
Wow, I never thought I'd say this but I just fell in love with Obama.
I can't wait for the debates (both VP and presidential)
I just hope he doesn't turn out to be a libertarian fascist like Hitler lol.
I just hope he doesn't turn out to be a libertarian fascist like Hitler lol.

Did you random throw political words together? Hilter was anti-communism, pro-nationalism dictator. Fascism deals with pro-nationalism combined with race or other uniting factors to generate unity to combat perceived problems with a society. Libertarianism deals with giving individuals additional rights and free will.

You are right you should be worried about a potential president turning into a fascist or developing a Hilter-esque agenda. Though you are wrong for suggesting it to be Obama.
Did you random throw political words together? Hilter was anti-communism, pro-nationalism dictator. Fascism deals with pro-nationalism combined with race or other uniting factors to generate unity to combat perceived problems with a society. Libertarianism deals with giving individuals additional rights and free will.

You are right you should be worried about a potential president turning into a fascist or developing a Hilter-esque agenda. Though you are wrong for suggesting it to be Obama.

...... Did you ever take American or World History?

Hitler was not first viewed as a fascist, he was first viewed as a libertarian. That's the whole idea, no one was like, "Yeah, Hitler, you fascist, I LOVE YOU, PLEASE HELP GERMANY YOU FASCIST NUT", no, he was viewed as a liberator. You are not going to win over a country by convincing them you are a fascist ass.
And the idea of, "Nope, won't be MY LEADER, HE'S A GOOD GUY", is stupid, that's what partially what got Hitler so popular.
I'm voting for Obama, but don't always give your leader the benefit over the doubt. That type of thinking is stupid and what gets people to mindlessly follow someone they believe to be democratic. Do any differently, and you might as well be as ignorant as the people who mindlessly follow Bush.
Not saying he will be, but it's happened before, so always be watchful of your government.
ZT, that's not libertarianism. And fascism has mainly acquired negative connotations since Hitler, not in his own time; back then, it was a hotly-disputed but quickly-rising radical political ideology that already had huge support in many places.

Although he played down his anti-semitism in order to win elections, he never needed to hide his commitment to key fascist goals of nationalism, law and order, unity against a perceived enemy - without and within - etc.
...... Did you ever take American or World History?

Hitler was not first viewed as a fascist, he was first viewed as a libertarian. That's the whole idea, no one was like, "Yeah, Hitler, you fascist, I LOVE YOU, PLEASE HELP GERMANY YOU FASCIST NUT", no, he was viewed as a liberator. You are not going to win over a country by convincing them you are a fascist ass.
And the idea of, "Nope, won't be MY LEADER, HE'S A GOOD GUY", is stupid, that's what partially what got Hitler so popular.
I'm voting for Obama, but don't always give your leader the benefit over the doubt. That type of thinking is stupid and what gets people to mindlessly follow someone they believe to be democratic. Do any differently, and you might as well be as ignorant as the people who mindlessly follow Bush.
Not saying he will be, but it's happened before, so always be watchful of your government.

First off, I've taken US, European, and Chinese history courses in college. I am no history expert, but I definitely know a thing or two about history.

As for Hilter, Populist Leader =/= Libertarian. Hilter always embodied ideas contrary to libertarianism.

In terms of Obama, I wouldn't worry about him being a fascist. I worry about him being a socialist. :O I trolled these boards the last presidential election, so I know my way around a political discussion.
oh I wish, but he might as well have:

holy shit, I want to vote for him/suck his dick and I'm not even american/dont believe any candidate will fix foreign policy ever


the problem with the republicans is that often (although not always) smart beats stupid ..and the 'publicans got stupid coming out the wazoo

I'de totally vote for him to, but America is a country with intellectophobia, where being smart has consistently over its long years been ragged on, and where being the simple god fearing regular Joe (even though its quite normal to be a regular Joe and not be a numb-headed retard) is seen as the first step to enlightenment, where the "wise" words of some farmer Bob about his cattle (and somehow all coming together to some world philosophy) is more important then the wisdom of a learned man.

[/ignorant foreigner rant against America, my first in ages in fact....]

But seriously, allot of voters will read/hear that and all they'll hear is "I, a black guy with lots of bullshit gossip surrounding me that assumes I am Muslim, and that Obama is totally like Osama, support terreristz".

GG America, GG.

You do realize your meant to be voting for McCain BTW, not Pallin's MILF tits, America has one of the worlds, if not biggest, largest porn industries in the world, seriously, can you reserve voting for the rational part of yer brains, and look at McCain.

Oh and as for the feminists and Dykes, Pallin isn't gay and being a conservative, she stands against everything you do.

Edit: Also, it occurs to me, if America wasn't in such a shit hole and only digging itself deeper, perhaps America wouldn't need to count every election as the make or break of your young nation, and you could have boring elections with low voter turn outs like over here in the glorious UK, where the only thing that matters is tisking at patriotic fervour and the Health and Safety executive is the only branch of government anyone seems to care about appeasing.

You could have tons of boring politicians, none of these young vibrant hero's of modern politics who bring hope for a glorious future, because here were already living it, where no-one is allowed to help a sick person with a vital injection, and must simply watch the person die while the Ambulance takes its time so as to not risk a road accident, a country where teachers are impotent in the face of unruly students least they get done for child abuse, where every case of redudancy is met with a lawsuit for unfair dismissal even if the fired worker is the laziest most incompetent buffoon ever because everyone deserves to be cuddled by the nanny state!.

GOD DO NOT BLESS (because we are a strictly secular state) NOT SO GREAT BUT JUST OKAY BRITAIN!.

Bless our police force who you barely see passing in the occasional police car unless there is a fine to chase down, bless our gang culture that isn't so much grown from genuinely hard individuals but mostly composed of punk kids and runty little punks who would shit themselves and cry if they met a real judicial system.

Bless our constant misguided attempts to go green by the most daftest non-solution available, and bless the fact that our national cultural defining feature is that our country is assigned a simplistic national image by American TV show specials set in London.

Thank **** we aint American!. :)
Lol zombie turtle knows nothing about history
I'de totally vote for him to, but America is a country with intellectophobia, where being smart has consistently over its long years been ragged on, and where being the simple god fearing regular Joe (even though its quite normal to be a regular Joe and not be a numb-headed retard) is seen as the first step to enlightenment, where the "wise" words of some farmer Bob about his cattle (and somehow all coming together to some world philosophy) is more important then the wisdom of a learned man.

[/ignorant foreigner rant against America, my first in ages in fact....]

But seriously, allot of voters will read/hear that and all they'll hear is "I, a black guy with lots of bullshit gossip surrounding me that assumes I am Muslim, and that Obama is totally like Osama, support terreristz".

GG America, GG.

You do realize your meant to be voting for McCain BTW, not Pallin's MILF tits, America has one of the worlds, if not biggest, largest porn industries in the world, seriously, can you reserve voting for the rational part of yer brains, and look at McCain.

Oh and as for the feminists and Dykes, Pallin isn't gay and being a conservative, she stands against everything you do.

Edit: Also, it occurs to me, if America wasn't in such a shit hole and only digging itself deeper, perhaps America wouldn't need to count every election as the make or break of your young nation, and you could have boring elections with low voter turn outs like over here in the glorious UK, where the only thing that matters is tisking at patriotic fervour and the Health and Safety executive is the only branch of government anyone seems to care about appeasing.

You could have tons of boring politicians, none of these young vibrant hero's of modern politics who bring hope for a glorious future, because here were already living it, where no-one is allowed to help a sick person with a vital injection, and must simply watch the person die while the Ambulance takes its time so as to not risk a road accident, a country where teachers are impotent in the face of unruly students least they get done for child abuse, where every case of redudancy is met with a lawsuit for unfair dismissal even if the fired worker is the laziest most incompetent buffoon ever because everyone deserves to be cuddled by the nanny state!.

GOD DO NOT BLESS (because we are a strictly secular state) NOT SO GREAT BUT JUST OKAY BRITAIN!.

Bless our police force who you barely see passing in the occasional police car unless there is a fine to chase down, bless our gang culture that isn't so much grown from genuinely hard individuals but mostly composed of punk kids and runty little punks who would shit themselves and cry if they met a real judicial system.

Bless our constant misguided attempts to go green by the most daftest non-solution available, and bless the fact that our national cultural defining feature is that our country is assigned a simplistic national image by American TV show specials set in London.

Thank **** we aint American!. :)

I really like that episode of Friends where they go to london and Joey meets the queen
I was actually expecting a multi-quote reply.
I like how that Emily bint totally dumped Ross' ass when he proved to be an ass.

Nah I kid I would totally do adultery for the chance to tap Jennifer Aniston.