Obligatory New Years Resolution Thread


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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I'd like to, in addition to getting into better shape, put on some weight and learn some more Capoeria. I'd also like to get more serious on my grades and bite down on getting more graduation requirements out of the way. Wouldn't mind joining a choir or a capella group and apply singing and acting in a bigger way either.

Also, have more sex--preferably lots more.

You guys/girls/robots?
My NYR is :

-To learn German
-Loose some weight ( God I'm such a woman )
-Get that goddamn Demo sword
Lose weight, gain weight, whatever--it's great to just push towards bodily goals in a healthy way. I'd ideally lose a little bit off my belly and get more definition (which would actually weigh more, in my case). I'd like to have ab muscles instead of visible ribs. It's all subjective, essentially the same resolution.

What is this "Demo" sword you speak of?
Get better organized.
buy less food, and eat all of the food I do buy.
drink less alcohol. 3 or fewer per day.
stay on top of my work.
spend more time with movies and games/come here less <3
walk more, lift weights again. walking is ****ing awesome.
-start working out/eating better
-start a band
Been contemplating trying to learn Spanish so might do that. Also need to lose a few pounds. Save money too.
1. Search for a job everyday
2. Improve sleeping/eating routines (they are WAY out of kilter atm)
3. Try to exercise more
4. Stop impulse buying and start saving some cash for things I really want, like the trip to Cardiff I'm hoping to go on in the summer
5. If I have an ongoing writing project that I want to finish, STICK TO IT and try not to get distracted!
I once made a resolution to write in my diary everyday. I realised about three minutes into the new year that I had already broken that one by forgetting to bring my diary away with me! That must be a bit of record.
- Stop procrastinating
- Post more and have quality posts
- Eat better, exercise more
- Make new friends
-start working out/eating better
-start a band

I resolve to:
- be dating a girl by the end of February.
- get a gerd dern jerb
- I don't know, do something interesting for once.
My resolution last year was to buy more books.

My resolution this year is not to buy any more books until I've read all the books I bought last year.
My resolution this year is to not do any resolutions.
Ace last year said:
My real resolution is to keep up these grades, and try to actually hit a level cap in an mmo. And like willie, there's this girl I too need to ask out. And get a present for christmas.

failed the first
failed the second
did the third
did the fourth
-getting rid of ocd
-stop abusing pills
-do something constructive
1) Move Out
2) Get a girfriend and not just a ****buddy
3) See my Abs again

- get a job at Valve

Should be easy enough.
F***! Time to get a new alias, I guess.

You have been killed by Mittenbaby
1) do the hanky panky with a 10 rate sexay babe that no one else has a chance with
2) stop being a dickhead
3) find a good hobby that I won't forget about a week later
4) become independent
eat more healthy foods and perhaps get a bit more into shape. i'm more so aiming to get my health in better condition then i am my physical look, though that'd be a nice bonus on the side maybe.

get more into making music

must try harder. at everything. work, being a better person, relationships... etc.

looking forward to a fresh start.
- Drink less
- Get a girlfriend
- Stop smoking completely
- Better diet
My resolution this year is to not do any resolutions.

-Lose weight
-Learn C++
-Get a job at a restaurant
-Put more effort in homework
-Continue not showing off my PC stats in my signature.

Dang I never knew anyone else here read those. I just posted the calendar-shooting comic in the whine-about-the-decade thread.

Anyways my resolution is to get a heck of a lot of work done. And maybe start exercising some. Those are probably my resolutions every year.
-Be EVEN MORE outgoing
-Stop being a pussy little bitch and ask a girl out
-Stop sucking dick
-Get a job
-Stop snorting coke
-Stop feeding Vegeta and let his miserable life in my basement end
-Become Punch Rockgroin
Why do everyone here want a girlfriend? And a another question, why whould you have it as an new year resolution? How can you promise yourself you will get a girlfriend? If anything it's something that whould happen spontaneously. Not something you force.

Also, stop being codependent.
By "ask a girl out" I meant "Ask out a girl I've been saying I was gonna ask out for the past two months" rather than setting a goal to get a girl. Shoulda been more specific.
Yeah well that's cool I guess. But I don't really get the New year resolution thing and I never make one. Serious that is.
Speaking of girls, I just shaved my general dick area. Worst thing I have ever done. ****ing stupid. And holy shit the ballsack, how are you supposed to get those hairs without cuting off your balls? Jesus crist worst experience ever. I remember doing it one time before when I was like 13 or 14, but I didn't have as much as I do now, or did have...