Oblivion: What Race will you play first?

WHat race will you play first?

  • Argonian

    Votes: 4 5.1%
  • Breton

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • Dark Elf

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • High Elf

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Imperial

    Votes: 25 31.6%
  • Khajiit

    Votes: 9 11.4%
  • Nord

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • Orc

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Redguard

    Votes: 10 12.7%
  • Wood Elf

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'll wait for the editor to be released and make Gargoyles, like I did with Morrowind :P

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I'll wait for the editor to be released and make Gargoyles, like I did with Morrowind :P

-Angry Lawyer

I wanna play as a minotaur!

I always use the most awesome name for a minotaur...

Shartug The Devourer

Pronounced Shar-toog

The game that had the most kickass minotaurs ever was Shadowbane.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'll wait for the editor to be released and make Gargoyles, like I did with Morrowind :P

-Angry Lawyer
Well, they've removed the ability to make new animations according to FAQs, so unless you plan on using an in-game animation from another monster, good luck.
Gargantou said:
Well, they've removed the ability to make new animations according to FAQs, so unless you plan on using an in-game animation from another monster, good luck.

I've never let something like that get in my way.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer, can you make a mod like Hawt Coffee for teh Oblivionz0r? It'd be great to fawkz0r khajiit women as an orc.<3
VictimOfScience said:
Khajiit Thief probably first.

Sad that Orcs have gotten such a bad rap in fantasy games. No one voting for them yet! ;(

Likewise. Although if I can make a Breton like the one in the picture... :dozey:
Most likely I will just burst into tears like I did at the start of Morrowind because there are so many races, classes, skills etc. to choose from. ;(
Ill be a wood elf, because I like the idea of living in the forest's :D
clarky003 said:
Ill be a wood elf, because I like the idea of living in the forest's :D
Come to wales - you can have all the ****ing forests you want.
Does anyone know whether or not your race directly affects the classes you can play? For example, could I choose to be an Argonian Warrior/Soldier, or will I be more naturally tuned to magical abilities?

I'd much rather prefer to be like the weirdest race, but be some crazy uber knight.
I'm hoping they keep it like Morrowind. Certain races start off with free points in certain skills, but there's nothing stopping you from mixing and matching as much as you want.

-Angry Lawyer
That's what I asked on the previous page, Malfunction :)

It seems that you can pick any class you want, regardless of race (although some races will be superior in certain areas). According to some previews you can also create your own custom classes from scratch. Oblivion looks to offer us all we want when it comes to character customisation.
Warbie said:
That's what I asked on the previous page, Malfunction :)

It seems that you can pick any class you want, regardless of race (although some races will be superior in certain areas). According to some previews you can also create your own custom classes from scratch. Oblivion looks to offer us all we want when it comes to character customisation.

Ahh, I see, very sexy.
Any one of the 4 human races. I like playing as a human in fantasy games. On my next go around, probably a Dark Elf.
Hmm, i recently installed Morrowind, as i've had it ages but never really got into it, can anyone give me any tips on the combat .. i'm finding it a little difficult to actually hit anything lol :|
Drackard said:
Hmm, i recently installed Morrowind, as i've had it ages but never really got into it, can anyone give me any tips on the combat .. i'm finding it a little difficult to actually hit anything lol :|
Yeah, wait for Oblivion xD

Or I guess you could try this http://www.mwmythicmods.com/telesphoros.htm#24
Download Morrowind Enhanced, then combat enhanced. Don't know what it does but it might help.
Nah, just wondering if anyone had any tips for the basic combat in it, meh, thanks anyway Dek :P
I believe it's possible to play as a Daedra , unless this is no longer true? I remember hearing that a year ago when they came out with the Daedra race "oblivion" mod for Morrowind.

Personally, I always play a customized Redguard paladin/ranger type of character at the start of every new Elder Scrolls... and I've been doing that since Arena was released.
short recoil said:
Argonian....probably, i'll have to see when it comes out though.

Are you serious o_O? I always found the Argonians...like...a waste of disk space.
DeusExMachinia said:
Are you serious o_O? I always found the Argonians...like...a waste of disk space.
I've always hated playing as the most common/popular race.
I don't mind a disadvantage either......it's a challenge.
Ill play an imperial. Not because they are the most like us, or they are popular, but because I like playing sweetalkers. Go speechcraft!
CptStern said:
I'm pretty sure you can play as a vampire

Not only that but they've made it so you can complete the main game as one to. If you stay well fed you can even walk around in the daylight.

Back on topic Argonians for the win. Never have to worry about catching a disease and Lizardmen are just plain cool.
Khajiit Theif.

Dark Elf Assassins are too common, in Morrowind I've created 3 Dark Elf Assassins, I'm sick of em, I probably make like 20 in Oblivion though...

P.S. Didn't short recoil leave? Can't Stay away from HL2.net Forums?!
short recoil said:
I've always hated playing as the most common/popular race.
I don't mind a disadvantage either......it's a challenge.

I'm thinking imperial myself..hey wait a minute didnt you make some big dramatic thread saying you were leaving hl2.net?
short recoil said:
I've always hated playing as the most common/popular race.
I don't mind a disadvantage either......it's a challenge.
They're some of the most agile creatures in the game and can swim damn well. Hardly disadvantaged.
How come i'm the only one who voted Orc?

You're all racists! What's wrong with the greenskins? :P
Raziaar said:
How come i'm the only one who voted Orc?

You're all racists! What's wrong with the greenskins? :P
We want to be able to talk to people without them hating us.
Steve said:
We want to be able to talk to people without them hating us.

Raaaaaaaaacism! :p

All i'm hearing is Raaaaaaaaacism!
In morrowind, the Nord looked pretty cool with the tattoos, and the argonian looked pretty sick, but I tried them all and the Redguard's racial trait "adrenaline" put them in a category by themselves.

It was MUCH more useful than the other traits. You basically become a nasty quick killing machine for 60 seconds if I remember correctly, and after you use it, and annihalate everyone, you can just command your character to sleep to reset the 24 hour timer for that ability, there-by giving you an always on-tap mega ass-kicking session for ill situations.

I had no trouble maxing out all the Redguards stats by training in many things. Very well balanced and well rounded.

The orc was really good for melee as well they didn't miss very much. 9/10 hits at 100 damage per hit is a hell of a lot more damage per second or DPS than 6/10 hits at 95 damage. So ya, the orcs were great, but their racial trait - although it was awesome, it had a penalty that could accidentaly kill yourself with if i remember correctly.