Of all HL2.netters, who would you want to meet?


Apr 24, 2004
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Whether it's for hanging out, meeting new people, or just for the lulz, who do you think you'd get along well with in real life, and who would you like to meet? (Obviously hl2.net members)
As long as it wasn't under conditions of a zombified Halflife2.net convention, I'd like to meet most of you. One thing I enjoy about this place is we're such a tight-knit group; I think we could all chill IRL. I <3 you guys.

If I had to name only one person specifically though, I think Jintor and I would get along famously.
I'd like to meet a majority of the HL2.net regulars. None of the guys I don't really know too well from their forum posts though.

It's hard for me at this time to really pick out any single individuals, and I think Darkside is absolutely right.

Though I don't really seem shy around here, until I got to know you guys in person I'd be damned shy.
Samon, since he seems the most easily pissed off...I'd be like "Hey, hows it goin? Shephard rocks"
What about people from the past?
I'd prolly go with qckbeam
lol, I was about to post the same thing, TheDude..

I'd also want to see what a debate with him IRL would be like... I'm guessing I'd explode. But that's only one theory..
I think it'd be really cool to meet Ennui, Absinthe, Raziaar, Darkside, Stern, or hell, just any of the regular poasters. Most of y'all seem like interesting people.
Same with Darksied and Razmatazz, I'd probably want to meet up with any number of you. Even though I'd be awkward as hell about it for atleast the first little while. :p

If I had to pick, I've always thought Pitzeh would be a fun bastard to chill with IRL. I'd just have to bring some form of... protection. <_< >_>
I'd say Stigmata, CyberPitz, and ComradeBadger. MANY MANY MANY MORE TOO.

I <3 HL2.net community.
I'd say Stigmata, CyberPitz, and ComradeBadger. MANY MANY MANY MORE TOO.

I <3 HL2.net community.

In no particular order, Shamrock, Qonfused, Ennui, Absinthe, Vegeta987, JNightshade, GordonFreeman911, TollBooth Willie, Krynn72, Darkside, and CyberPitz are the ones that come to mind first.
Of everyone, i'd say it would be most awesome if I met myself.

Dekstar would be a close second, because he's just so sexy.
Darkseid. It'd be like meeting God. Except he exists.

I'd also like to meet Numbers. He's not around so much anymore, but he's quite interesting when he's around.
Emporius is ma first choice :p

Willie, Cyberpitz, Stern, Stigmata, Samon, Darkside and Drondeh.

Pretty much all of you guys are awesome!
I think JNightshade and I would get along famously. Along with most of the other regulars. I keep saying that a HL2.net US meetup would be ****ing awesome.
I'd hang out with any of you guys.

But, specifically, Jintor or Qonfused. Or Skaadi.
And Ennui..
Darkseid, of course.
Willie, stiggy, jinny, Pilot and RJMC



Oh and SpectreBlofeld and shasta together because he needs a shasta flame so badly
Ennui, Sulkdodds and Angry Lawyer, for sure.

Though part of me thinks that most .netters are completely different people in RL.

At least, I am.
True danimal, Im not such and asshole or noisy in real life.
I would like to meet Samon to seek revenge on my 2 minute ban from this site! D:
No matter how much we all love each other here, I think it would still be pretty awkward if we were all to meet in real life.
Samon for awesome and Rim-Fire for his nick.
Oddly enough, this is how I am in real life \=

Boy, I don't have any specific list of who I'd meet....but lets put a list together real quick, shall we!? If you're not included, don't hate, it's just because I'm too drunk to get shit straight!

Azner *wait, you're under my bed, screw you!*
Stigmata, Ennui, Slothy-poo, Shamrock, Pesh, Ace, Hazar, Atomicspark, DIGI!, Sinko, Hool, Raziaar, Asus, Acepilot...

OK, head is starting to hurt alot...must drink water and play some Advanced Wars before I fall asleep!
Feath, Shodan, el Chi, Angry Lawyer, Zerimski and Hectic Glenn.
Pitz, did you count me twice?
I feel loved.
Ah, yeah, Azner and Munro.
I need to see what Munro looks like. D:
From just hl2.net (not anywhere else too) it would be Dekky, Pitzy, Kami, Sloth and Digi :D
I'd want to meet Ennui, JNightshade and Shamrock to just smoke a couple blunts with ya'll. :p
If I ever go to Melbourne I'll probably crash Sloth's place tbh.
I'd like to meet a lot of the regulars here. Ennui, Stigmata, Vegeta, Pitzy, Qonfused, Darkside, Jintor, Absinthe, Que-ever, Danimal, Raziaar, Shamrock and MAYBE Willie... If I was wearing metal underpants the day I met him.