Of all HL2.netters, who would you want to meet?

Everyone, but particulary Stern, Stiggy, Absinthe, DigiQ8, etc. would be great, though since I kinda speak to Digi a lot on MSN, it would be pretty pointless.
I hate you all and wouldn't want to meet any of you!
It would be interesting to see all of you in real life, but I think it'd be a bit awkward.

Besides, as Jintor pointed out, I'm not around that much anymore. :(

**** the Ministry of Education.
Well I've met beerdude IRL and that was awesome, not awkward at all.

I'd also like to meet cyberpitz, samon, special max!! to name but a few
Anyone who is'nt a dick or the people on my friends list. :)
Of everyone, i'd say it would be most awesome if I met myself.

Dekstar would be a close second, because he's just so sexy.
I completely agree.

I'd like to meet Evo (I'm like 10 minutes from him so I wanna visit him anyways!), or Pobzy to see if those boobs are real, or Bricky or Smoke.

Gah too many to list 'em all :(.
Dek, Unfocused, Shaker, Qon, Shippi, Essence and basically anyone who I've had a laugh with or played in a game with, especially in BF2 and the old HL2.net css clan.
Hmmm. If I had to chose one...Jintor I think. We have a lot in common.
Shasta! :naughty: Funniest SOB I've ever met online! Really, I wonder what that guy was like in person. Definitely not EMO like some others here, whom I shall not point fingers too. BTW: If you know what EMO means and you are offended, do not quote negatively, or your guilty.;)
btw, everyone who posted my name is someone I definitely would like to meet; every time I saw it I looked at who posted it and said "YUSSSSS!"

No matter how much we all love each other here, I think it would still be pretty awkward if we were all to meet in real life.
Nah, I don't think so. I wouldn't feel remotely awkward at least... and there's always alcohol to help loosen up.
I'd want to meet Ennui, JNightshade and Shamrock to just smoke a couple blunts with ya'll. :p
One day. I agree with this post so much that I'm going to go roll and smoke a blunt right now in celebration.
Too many to list, really, but a few I have in mind.

Shens (Ames)
Riomhaire the irish monkey deserves another mention. I don't know why I didn't think of him first. :/

I'd like to meet Saturos to argue evolution vs. creationism in person. That'd be fun.
Dek, Unfocused, Shaker, Qon, Shippi, Essence and basically anyone who I've had a laugh with or played in a game with, especially in BF2 and the old HL2.net css clan.
:eek: yus! You, Essy, Roguey, Immy (though I haven't seen him in ages :(). Pembinator, everyone!
To be honest, I am not close to anyone on this site. I am just that bizzar lone person who lingers about on the forums, pissing some people off here and there.

So who would I want to meet? I'd want to meet the people I really hate on this site, the people that are real pompous assholes. Why?
-Just so I could see what complete losers they are in real life. the kids who have no friends, and everyone hates them in real life, so they go online and try to act like little pricks, because that's the only way they can feel better about themselves.

I am not going to list any names.
Most everyone on these forums are awesome people. If you're awesome you know who you are and hence I shall not list any names.
Oh yeah, Absinthe would be awesome to meet.
To be honest, I am not close to anyone on this site. I am just that bizzar lone person who lingers about on the forums, pissing some people off here and there.

So who would I want to meet? I'd want to meet the people I really hate on this site, the people that are real pompous assholes. Why?
-Just so I could see what complete losers they are in real life. the kids who have no friends, and everyone hates them in real life, so they go online and try to act like little pricks, because that's the only way they can feel better about themselves.

I am not going to list any names.

Hey, people just hate me because I'm beautiful. ;(
To be honest, I am not close to anyone on this site. I am just that bizzar lone person who lingers about on the forums, pissing some people off here and there.

So who would I want to meet? I'd want to meet the people I really hate on this site, the people that are real pompous assholes. Why?
-Just so I could see what complete losers they are in real life. the kids who have no friends, and everyone hates them in real life, so they go online and try to act like little pricks, because that's the only way they can feel better about themselves.

I am not going to list any names.

Oh but now you have to!
I completely agree.

I'd like to meet Evo (I'm like 10 minutes from him so I wanna visit him anyways!), or Pobzy to see if those boobs are real, or Bricky or Smoke.

Gah too many to list 'em all :(.

No you dont agree.

You are a she
I meet raziaar every once in awhile at Razmart.


Frickin tab double poast.
Met Munro, Chris_D, Zerimski, Fat Tony and Angry Lawyer.

Certainly would enjoy meeting them all again :)

AND still need to meet el Chiiiii/cyb3rsh33p + h etc :)
Meeting Badger was a life changing experience, if only for the fact that all the photos I have make people think it was some sort of Brokeback Mountain thing.

There's still time, Harry. If you're quick, you can get to london and see me and El Chi when we go for pintage.

Also, there's an open offer on general beerage on most (awesome) people here (especially those who mentioned me <3). If you're ever in the SouthEast and need a swift pint, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

-Angry Lawyer
Meeting Badger was a life changing experience

Aye, I'm lucky to escape alive :O

I'm always up for meeting anyone here as long as there's a pint or two involved ;)
I'd like to meet everyone I've had a stint with; everyone who I talk to on MSN on a daily/weekly basis; the BF2 crew, the INS crew and the TF2 crew (which are all made up of mostly the same people). I'd list names, but then people would feel bad, so **** that drama. You know who you are, and if you're not sure, you too.