Official Bad Company 2 thread - no beta talk here!

Please post your own personal review of the game for those of us stuck at work...

spank you for your cooperation.
I would guess most here bought it on steam, so we wont be hearing any reviews for a little while.
Yeah I pre-purchased from steam, still have to wait another two days.
damn steam for making game purchases easy and convenient!
Just release a minute ago and servers are too full to let me even start downloading haha.
If you are Steam and don't see the option to install, make sure you restart it. I saw Krynn's post saying he has the option in install and went to my Steam and it wasn't there and I :frown:'d, restarted, and its there. But servers are too busy anyway so doesn't really matter.
Damn you americans and you early release dates, I CURSE YOU TO HELL!!!

atleast until i get the game, then we can all play happily together :)
So the game is actually released in NA but no one pre-loaded it because they never released the files till now?

Major failure.
Every other digital distributor had the pre load ready two days ago but no, not Valve.

Even if you manage to get the downloaded started, it's slow as ****.
With all the money that they're making, you'd think that they would upgrade their servers.
Finally! Downloading now but its only doing it at 300KB/s. I hope I can play this by the time I get home.

Well that works.
It's going fast enough for me, all in all it will take about an hour to download it. The only problem is that I can't play it yet..
Pre-loading at 900kb/s over wireless. Over 500mb and only 4% ! Big then !

Edit: 2MB/s over ethernet, much better ! Wireless ftl
I'm not going to be able to play it once it's done anyway, seeing as it's only pre-loading, so doesn't make much difference how fast it downloads !

Edit: preload finished, no play yet though :(
You people shouldn't be allowed to pre-load while those of us that have the game released can't even start the download process :p
So is it actually out? I was considering skipping the gym to go home and check it out, but if it's not going on then I'll just go.
Port Valdez. Section B. Our team managed to destroy the first set of objectives with ease, but the Americans have stepped up their game. They're pounding us with everything they've got to keep us from the second set. My squad and I are hiding in the second floor of a house when a tank rolls up. One of my squadmates took a potshot at it with his rocket and missed it by an inch. The angry mechanical beast throws its cannon in our direction and starts blasting the shit out of the house. I run out of the house toward the MCOMM station by the main road while my squadmates are fighting the tank. I tossed a few C4 charges around the battered building to build some security while I hide out near the MCOMM once I reached it. I hear a blast and one of my squadmates goes down. The other member of my squad wasn't so lucky as he was run down. As I'm preparing to arm the charge an American opens fire on me, though his aim must be absolutely awful because he only managed to hit me a few times and bring me near death. Before he could load a magazine into his XM8 and I could draw my pistol I hear several 'DINGDINGDINGDING' noises as his head is riddled with bullets. The American drops dead. My squadmates had respawned and saved my life. With the charge armed several more enemies ran into the building only to find an armed charge and no hostiles. We booked before anyone saw us. As we sit on the hill overlooking the objective I set off my charges. The building creaks and begins to collapse. I count 3 dead on the indicator plus the objective destroyed. We receive our next objective. With my gun in hand and my squad by my side I continue to the next objective.

This was my first full match after playing at a friend's place. Can't wait to get my copy in a bit.
Haha, the old trick of changing your D/L location won't even work, oh brother! :P Best way to keep downloading is to pause,restart, rinse and repeat. Valve botches up all their games including even the L4D 2 demo. Yes HL2 was released in 2004 and we are in 2010 with almost the exact same issues. :x
I just downloaded it at 2 MB/s in less than an hour.
anyone get the PS3 version?? gunna pick that up tonight but I'm so torn if I still want to get the 360 version
Pre-Load took about 3 hours for me. Now i got to wait 2 freaking days for unlocking, this is such an unjust world we live in.
The Dr. Pepper codes give you this:

The Bad Company 2 offerings are in the form of 4 different "kit upgrades" that give your chosen class a new skin and reskinned weapon.

The Medic gets a camouflaged M60.
Assault gets a camouflaged M16.
Engineer gets a camouflaged UMP (?)
Recon gets a reskinned M95.
Supposidly on the second patch release, there will be BF recorder and the slow-mo moments make me wonder "was that the recorder"? :E

Gametrailers does their review of BC 2 (it's far more fair and better in my biased opinion):
Complaints though about the graphics part I think is based on the limited hardware or RAM on a console.
So I downloaded the game on my work computer so I could just make a backup and bring it home to install straight away. But its also installed on this computer, so im wondering what this authorization stuff is. When I right click it on steam it says I can de-authorize it. Is it locked to this PC right now?

EDIT: Oh, we get 10 auths? So it wont be a problem if I leave it on this pc too?
can you people stop downloading and make room for me.....pleeeeeeaaaase?
can you people stop downloading and make room for me.....pleeeeeeaaaase?
Dude just start and stop the download. I'm using the same server as you and I'm at 66%. Watching Twixx status doesn't help though. ;( *Well he was playing.
Looks like the main server is swamped. A lot of people are getting "Failed to connect to EA Online", including me, when using the server browser. Apparently the stats/unlocks are bugged as well. I just hope that my my pre order promo code didn't go to waste when i redeemed it.
i loved the part in that review when they mentioned that rarely a squad mate would take an enemy down, just as one of the b company members dropped a guy.

i also read (or watched) that apparently your squad mates take a lot of the action forward by advancing in this game, which was also shown at that exact moment by the fact they were in front of the player.
My thoughts exactly, that comment made no sense haha.
What the hell does he mean by "the PC version lags well behind" when talking about the graphic difference between PC and Consoles? Isnt it the opposite? lol

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I have played it on PS3 and on PC, and the latter is definitely superior.
i loved the part in that review when they mentioned that rarely a squad mate would take an enemy down, just as one of the b company members dropped a guy.

i also read (or watched) that apparently your squad mates take a lot of the action forward by advancing in this game, which was also shown at that exact moment by the fact they were in front of the player.
lol, these reviewers are idiots. Hell the AI actually killed enemies quite frequently in the first.
What the hell does he mean by "the PC version lags well behind" when talking about the graphic difference between PC and Consoles? Isnt it the opposite? lol


a) He must have a shitty PC system

b) He took time off sucking off the console systems to do this review.

Take your pick.
i thought it was more to do with the fact there aren't *many* differences between the two versions, at least not a noticable enough jump between two generations of graphics that have been apparent in previous titles that have been made separately for two platforms (PC and console)

i'm not digging at either - graphics are by far the least appealing element to a game for me - and i also haven't the knowledge of technotalk, but the time when the two versions would be notably different to a laymen is gone. even the biggest PC graphics whores could make do with console variations, just looking at 360 or PS3 footage right now is sexy as hell.
Wow this is crazy fun... connected to a super laggy game a couple thousand miles away with massive ping... I was getting four servers and now I can't connect to anything...

Is it ... necessary for companies to launch things woefully unprepared? Seems to happen with everything these days. "Hey guys let's launch this game with a million preorders on these seven servers from 1989" "Well let's make sure we only have a 56k line connecting them first."
not working at all right niw gonna play some Mw2 for a bit
I should have gotten the 360 version, no one has mics on the PS3 and its really dark even after i adjust the contrast and brightness. :/