Official Bad Company 2 thread - no beta talk here!

Funny, considering the PC version is a port lolol

The official word is that it isn't. And port usually means it's a cloned game which for BC2 is not true. DX10/11 support should tell you as much.
Yeeeeeeeeeees I got it for PC.

Downloading from Steam now.
BF2 wasn't on the Xbox. that was Modern Combat, which was pretty terrible. broken to **** as well.

you can't say you can't see what the big deal about this game is if you haven't played it.

Oh my mistake. Either way, I have played Bad Company one, and the mp wasn't very good. BC2 doesn't interest me except for the fact that everyone here seems to love it. Makes me wonder if its a huge improvement from the original?
Tried to register my Battlefield 1942 on the Veteran thingy and it said my CD-key was already claimed. The fuck? Can't find my BF2 CD-key, bought it on Steam, where is it?

EDIT: Same issue for my Vietnam, 'already claimed'. Site must be borked.
Oh my mistake. Either way, I have played Bad Company one, and the mp wasn't very good. BC2 doesn't interest me except for the fact that everyone here seems to love it. Makes me wonder if its a huge improvement from the original?

It's definitely a huge improvement from what I played of BC1.
Tried to register my Battlefield 1942 on the Veteran thingy and it said my CD-key was already claimed. The fuck? Can't find my BF2 CD-key, bought it on Steam, where is it?

EDIT: Same issue for my Vietnam, 'already claimed'. Site must be borked.

You don't need a CD Key for BF2. You just need to login with your BF2 username and password to link it. As for the other games, the site is bugged. Just keep submitting it. It will eventually accept it. Don't worry, nobody claimed them. I had to spam the site numerous times too.

Anyway. The strangest thing happened a couple of minutes ago. Everybody on the server got disappeared off the server all of a sudden, expect me and some other guy. Never experienced this before. It's like the got kicked all at once.
Tried to register my Battlefield 1942 on the Veteran thingy and it said my CD-key was already claimed. The fuck? Can't find my BF2 CD-key, bought it on Steam, where is it?

EDIT: Same issue for my Vietnam, 'already claimed'. Site must be borked.

most people are having issues with the Veteran system, myself included
This game still doesn't compare to 1942 or Battlefield 2. Hopefully Battlefield 3 will be PC exclusive and the game we've been waiting for.

hey, **** you too. the console community, as always, has no gripes with a console exclusive title coming to the PC and garning so much praise. get off your high horse and feel the same way.

that said, i'd only be really looking forward to a new PC battlefield title so that the project reality could take the engine and enevitably make a better game out of it. battlefield 2 is a godless wreck of a game.

edit: i don't mean the **** you to sound so on the offense :P but still yeah.
What annoys me is EA not giving the bloody server client.

I'm still waiting on EA/Dice to send us the software, I've been bugging them about it pretty much every day up until launch; The last email from them said "end of the week".

It's frustrating for all involved.

EA: Yeah we'll give you the server client. *whispering* suckers *whispering*.

I'd like to play on a server network that I can have some influence on. GameArena and 3FL who currently host Australian servers are terribly average.
The servers are screwed on the 360 version and you can't really play at the moment. Hooray!
Excellent game just now on the server. Played without a hitch basically even though it is on the other side of the Atlantic.
Tried for the first time today and well had to have everything on low which was a bit shit, so I have ordered for my 360 instead, may as well play the game properly.
Tried for the first time today and well had to have everything on low which was a bit shit, so I have ordered for my 360 instead, may as well play the game properly.

>> play the game properly
>> on a console

What do you mean properly? Uber graphics is what makes the game experience proper?
Not, you know, gameplay, or FPSes being native on a mouse + keyboard, or anything..
Excellent game just now on the server. Played without a hitch basically even though it is on the other side of the Atlantic.

THIS, oh god this.
I liked when Gordon gave me the control stick to the roflcopter of death. We picked up so many minigun kills until we eventually got hit by a rocket. :laugh:
It was a bit overpowering trying to fight against you all. The only .netters on our side was shaker, and tyguy i think, and shaker left part way through the last map. Really impressed with ourselves in winning that last round with only one badly damaged mcom left. You guys were pummeling us.
That was such an epic game!

It was hilarious when Glenn shot the pilot out of the heli :laugh:
I have some lag problems considering California to Britland, but it handled it mostly well. It's a kickass game.
I'm bottom left corner of British Columbia to Britland (other side of the world) and I played hitchless. It waas gloriousss.
We need a teamspeak / vent server for this server, because I have a feeling I'll spend most of my playtime there.
That was really good fun, unfortunately we had too many HL2.netters and stacked one team :P On the night snow that was one way traffic.

Surprising how little lag I get from BC2 despite the server distance. Wish I recorded that black hawk take down D:
Somehow my framerate has been consistently improving with no interdiction of my own. Also, that was an epic time on the server... too bad everyone left. I think in the future we should try and keep it balanced between us because apparently HL games have made us epic.
that was a really fun game gentleman, cheers.
That night snow map was glory incarnate. We had ALL access blocked, and they had no chance. That rock is in the BEST spot for frontline camping.
That night snow map was glory incarnate. We had ALL access blocked, and they had no chance. That rock is in the BEST spot for frontline camping.

I felt a kind of peaceful spiritual connection having been revived by Morgan Freeman so often. I mean he's played God in two movies...
That night snow map was glory incarnate. We had ALL access blocked, and they had no chance. That rock is in the BEST spot for frontline camping.

That was for sure a godly spot, except for when I picked up your (?) medic kit when you don't have the paddles or medkit unlocked :laugh:
He does have them, he was healing me a bunch in another game. It was prolly someone else's.
glad I got to play a couple rounds with y'all
good fun, and relatively lag free... server's solid
played some squad death match and we won 5 out of 7 matches, it was a blast! now that i can repair vehicles the game is cake. also i tried my hand at sniping and its not that difficult. much more fun than sniping in COD and it feels more realistic. also that Panama level is my favorite
has anyone noticed the leaderboards are out of whack too??
>> play the game properly
>> on a console

What do you mean properly? Uber graphics is what makes the game experience proper?

I was relating to FPS, even on low its not great on my computer and that's coupled with it looking AWFUL. But I still want to play with you guys so I will just make do with it on the odd occasion that the server is full, but any other time I will be on the 360 :P
Does anyone else sometimes have the game experience a huge lag spike when they hit tab to see the scoreboard?
I can use X-Fire to record the game and it won't make a big file like Fraps and is free with great quality. Just be sure to set in game options for the overlay to DX10 instead of 9 if your running BC2 in DX10.
Punkbuster being stupid? Well first manually update then open your task control manager. Then close Punkbuster A and B and you should be able to play. Also it seems like the servers are full of idiots:

Best spree so far knife wise I've gotten is 6. Third point on Arica Harbour as defence. Hid behind one of the train carriages and let the enemies run past then went stab happy.